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beeps-n-boops t1_iwlama1 wrote

I love the one on the right with the round leaves and long stems... we have one of those on the window sill above our kitchen sink, and I love seeing it everytime I'm in there.

Keep forgetting to ask SO what it is... I'd like to get a few more, or take some cuttings from the one we have (if its the kind of plant where that works).


liquidbluenight t1_iwle707 wrote

Pilea or coin plant. I’ve had some success propagating from stem cuttings, but not individual leaves (like a succulent). Once mine got big enough, volunteer plants came up in the same pot, then I lopped off the top (plant got too tall and fell over), sprouted roots in water and then potted.


piper4hire t1_iwlfvj5 wrote

how do you get your nanouk to be so bushy? mine grow like weeds but are frustratingly leggy.


_jeremybearimy_ t1_iwlnwls wrote

So they will create sooooo many babies that just pop out of the soil and then you can cut them and put them in water until they grow roots. Just be patient and you will have millions of babies.

Or, stop by Fairmount and I’ll give you some babies in soil, I have so many they’re literally coming out of my ears. I currently have 8 babies recently put in soil, 3 babies in water, and 3 big pileas that have 5 babies each in their pots with them.

Please take some. The people I know don’t want any more of my babies


Extreme_Succotash784 t1_iwlz2hg wrote

Look at all those happy plant babies. Where did you get your square planter trio? I have one exactly like it by Bennington pottery works but it’s old and the terra cotta is crumbling. Would love to replace it.


trashtrucktoot OP t1_iwm6lzu wrote

That planter is a crazy story. My neighbors put it in a free box on the sidewalk !!! Thank you Larchwood AV! It's stamped "Bennington Pottery VT", I got really lucky. Square terracotta - I love square pots. These may come up on Ebay, but you will be bidding up against me ; )


amccrea14 t1_iwpmutx wrote

Love your plant collection!!