Submitted by Halloweentwin2 t3_yy8ogb in philadelphia
Anyone just hear a really loud noise in Point Breeze area? Sounded like a low level plane or something… very hard to describe
Submitted by Halloweentwin2 t3_yy8ogb in philadelphia
Anyone just hear a really loud noise in Point Breeze area? Sounded like a low level plane or something… very hard to describe
Yup it was super weird and prolonged.
And there was nothing on Flight Tracker….
It was a plane of sorts. Really low and really loud.
Yup. Down here in east Passyunk and it was scary loud wtf was that
Yes, it sounded like low-flying jets, but it passed by slowly, almost like a group of helicopters.
Yeah that was the loudest plane I've ever heard not at an airport
I heard it in Brewerytown. It spooked us and I came here to see if anyone else heard it!!
And relatively slow
That's what I was thinking. Sounded like a fly over for the eagles game but just kept getting louder
Right? Almost like it was hovering for a minute.
My ears are like in pain from it! So creepy
Shit even at the airport.
I heard it there too. I looked at the temperature and thought, “Isn’t it a little cold for those assholes to be ATVing down Broad Street?”
I heard it in Fitler Square, it was so loud that I expected see a plane flying by at street level when I looked out the window - flightradar24 didn’t show anything.
So UFOs are considering landing in Philly?
holy shit that thing is huge, no wonder it was so loud for so long
Curious how you know this? Not doubting you, just curious if you got a source.
It was heading south towards the airport
It didn't look that big, but I only got a quick look at it as it flew overhead.
Creepy AF… any news reporting?
Sorry i farted
No, it was aliens.
Omg me too I'm in EP and I was like this is the end
I don’t think so. This plane was not on adsbexchange (i checked immediately as it was so loud) while that kc10 was north of the city en route to McGuire. This plane was heading due south.
Doubt. Macguire is far away enough that it wouldn’t have been that low.
Reporting from Fairmount - same
it did show up north of the city, I think it's pretty normal for military aircraft to not be 100% accurate on ADS, they have their own system (for example they shut it off entirely once they got out of the city, and the gps froze in one spot)
I could be wrong
Only plausible explanation. Also, you should really see a doctor and soon.
The sound is coming back!?
I do wut i want
They took one look and decided against it.
Yes okay me too my exact thoughts, I woke up my partner and everything
That’s how if felt! As soon as my husband and I commented on it, it seemed to stop right away.
flightradar showed 3500ft I didn't see it IRL
Slow and low, east to west. Sounded like missed approach, but nothing that adds up on flight trackers. Definitely airplane and loud AF, Pennsport.
It was a nuke
Looks like there is a bunch flying around. Seems like the only reasonable explanation, but who knows
Don’t think so. That plane was away from the city around the same time. Something else flew over us.
Cant imagine it was a military plane. That shit would’ve been gone in like a few seconds. That shit was fucking loud and was over the city for at least 15 seconds. And the whole city heard it
It was definitely flying south towards the airport.
I am so grateful for this thread lol, that was one of the most insane things I’ve ever heard
It was this. There’s no callsign and I just happened to catch it on the radar right before it disappeared.
It showed up on . It didn't have its registration number and said it was military. I looked because I heard it here (Logan Square). It was at something like 2000 feet. (I forget the exact number) It had come down the Schuylkill, gone though Center City, and basically headed straight down Broad Street.
Is this military or civilian?
This checks out with what I saw. It looked like it was flying right down broad street.
Most of the aircraft at McGuire AFB are cargo and logistical support aircraft: loud as hell, and not even remotely as fast as the jet fighters people typically associate with “military aircraft.”
Heard it in Delaware County too
Don’t think so. It went right over my house in Havertown. It was probably heading ESE
They were gonna stop at Wawa, but they were closed.
This is what made me question if it was a plane.. the sound just stopped. Usually it tails out.
Last time I heard a roar like that it was a b2 bomber taking off from Dayton.
And then the noise just stopped.
I’m in Havertown too. Heard it so loud and clear. Makes me think it was going ESE based on other comments here.
they saw what happened to the travelling robot
What was it? A tanker?
Air Force base in south Jersey. Probably something coming in..
It was a EA-18G Growler (electronic warfare version of the F-18
Callsign "IRONCLAW 1".
IRONCLAW 2 landed earlier at Baltimore's BWI
It was a EA-18G Growler (electronic warfare version of the F-18
Callsign "IRONCLAW 1".
IRONCLAW 2 landed earlier at Baltimore's BWI
How do you know?
Watched it fly like 200ft over my head..
Radio comms are on LiveAtc as well
Heard in fairmount too. Gf was on high alert lol
Heatmiser kicks ass, man
Thats quite the approach to PHL!!
In town to perform a flyover at the Villanova game on Saturday
Heard it in center city too
Came here just to post this and I was glad I was not the only one wondering about this. I was watching Seinfeld which was a bit loud, but the noise kept becoming ever louder and louder. By the time I would have felt I need to pause and go check what is happening, it stopped. Very spooky. Does anyone have a high quality recording of the sound? Maybe someone will have a video of it by tomorrow? Feeling very uncomfortable not knowing what just happened here.
What a waste
heard it too (center city), my guess is probably some plane, probably military since it didn't show up on any maps
One of the upsides of our chaos is aliens will pass us over. We will be the last outpost of humanity on a colonized world
I was over visiting someone in the Delran area and heard it. Maguire isn't too far away so military aircraft sounds about right
That is where they are based, yeah.
I was also watching Seinfeld, the Elaine mannequin one. High-five. ✋
Me three. The subway one where Elaine goes to a lesbian wedding
It was nick fury’s floating fortress
I heard one just like this in Newark, DE yesterday. It was so loud it stopped me in my tracks.
Any idea how that works? How the college gets them to do it? Do they have to pay or do various events put in a request for a flyover? I know private colleges make assloads of money, but are they spending it to get fighter jets to fly over sports games?
Usually not at 2000 AGL, though. I’ve seen KC10s fly over Philly frequently, but they’re usually triple that altitude or more. I always assumed they were flying out of McGuire or Dover, but judging that I usually see them running East/West I assumed McGuire since that flight path makes more sense. The never show up on FlightTracker but show up on abs exchange. It’s an unusual flight pattern for one of these, but could be it had to make a landing at PHL since people reported it going south down Broad.
We're usually around 3,000. This particular guy was an F/A-18, heard him on the radio
It wasn't the KC-10, I was on it and we aren't that loud. It was an F/A-18 that landed at PHL.
Interesting wonder what the deal was. Running south down Broad almost sets him up for approach at PHL
He landed at PHL, I heard him on ATC as we were coming in. It's weird that he went to Philly, he either broke and had to emergency down, or the Navy is up to their tricks
Greetings Aliens… Does that spacecraft have a catalytic converter? Lol
Right. Get then noise cameras pointed upward.
Philly got an Iron Man suit?
Is this true? Verifiable?
Yep that’s a really unusual visitor for Philly, we hardly see any military jets. No indication from ATC chatter why he was landing?
I was spacing out looking at stars and stuff, I didn't hear anything weird. It could be the Navy showing off the jet to politicians or people in the area, I don't know. Sometimes we just land places for fun
EDIT: Another comment found out. It was an EA-18 in town to do a flyover for the Villanova game.
A cool beans, thanks for the info.
You have to make a request to the Navy, AirForce, Army etc.
It's a public outreach thing that helps with recruiting. The flying also counts toward pilot training hours, as I understand.
You can read more here: well as the official request form:
rip hitchbot
Ahh, the recruiting bit makes sense. I figured there had to be some benefit. I've known for while that they're not just moving planes and making a trip there for that. They make it part of the training and schedule things so it's a swing-by in the process of something necessary, like getting the craft where it needs to be. It's not cheap to fly them. Thanks - I'll check out the links.
also in EP. it was not fun consoling my vietnamese refugee grandparents due to the planes being severely triggering 🙃
You hear/see them down at ACY all the time tho.
I feel like I forgot the exact episode I was on. But it was probably the first episode of Season 7, as I was on the fourth episode one hour later when I stopped and started wondering about what that noise was, before coming here to check. We should do a Seinfeld Philly watching party somewhere!
Oh yea bigtime. Them and A-10s all day. One of my favorite parts of sitting on the AC beaches
Seeing a fighter take off as you pass the airport on the expressway is always a treat. Those fuckers are loud as hell.
YES. It just stopped. We live near 10th & Snyder and it sounded like it suddenly stopped right over our house like the pilot shut the engine off or something.
So, any resolution on what it was? Seems like this is the type of thing that could become an urban legend, if not resolved.
I heard it in Pennsport.
After it was so loud for so long, I popped my head out and looked. It was an aircraft flying due south right over us, maybe a little west of us.
It was too far away to determine if it was a plane or helicopter.
Sounds like some Top Gun shit
I live close to Bidens DE residence and at the beginning of the summer they scrambled a fighter jet because a small plane flew too close or something. It was so loud even from far away that I ran outside to see what was flew right over my house and even though I was watching it and knew exactly what it was it was so unbelievably loud that it still startled me as it flew over. It was incredible.
Could it have been the big Antonov that keeps picking up military deliveries at PHL?
I’m so sorry. I hope they’re feeling better this morning ❤️
Well, damn. That was the loudest plane I've ever heard. It must have been flying as slow as it could, too.
F/A-18s are no where near the loudest jets out there, F-16s are louder, and a B-1 has 4 F-16 engines on it
Then they saw a Sheetz
next time do u mind shutting off the afterburners before descent , it was pretty damn loud
Adsbexchange and FlightRadar24 show this kinda stuff.
And a Falcon Heavy is probably louder than all of those, but I've never had one pass over me at 2000 feet, either. When a B-1 buzzes my roof, I'll amend my comment.
I wish we had afterburners. I'm in the 10, not the 18. I doubt they had afterburners on, fighters are just that loud
Heard in queens village on 5th too!
Fighters passing by is the sound of merica protecting you, it never gets old
Navy flys the f18 growler
Heard as well in Htown!
I honestly thought it was a plane about to crash.
The noise people are describing sounds more fighter jet than KC10.
Heard in pennsport about as loud as an eagles game flyover, but prolonged. Headed south best I could tell.
My dad loved seeing C-130s flying over the beach. He always said that if he had served in the military he would have wanted to fly Hercs.
Same here.
kittylover3210 t1_iwsvylr wrote
heard this in east passyunk!!! thought a plane was either about to crash on my house or Russia was finally bombing us