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dherrmann t1_iy0877r wrote

Isn’t it automatic in most cars these days? I swear that some do it on purpose.


beeps-n-boops t1_iy0e929 wrote

You still have to turn the dial to auto.

Also: so many fucking idiots who think their DRLs are the same as their headlights.


ElectricalMud2850 t1_iy0g50u wrote

My car isn't very new (2014), but they don't turn on in the rain during daytime. Super annoying.


dherrmann t1_iy0gvog wrote

You turn them on manually, right?


ElectricalMud2850 t1_iy0ijzx wrote

I turn the automatic headlights off when it's raining just so that there isn't even a sliver of a chance that my headlights come on. I don't want anyone to see me coming when I use the left turn lane to pass everyone.