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GreyAardvark t1_iy1nh59 wrote

What is a mook?


ratmoustache t1_iy1ntpq wrote

A mook is someone who can’t google a word for themselves so they have to ask about it on reddit.

Edit: a mook is someone who is lazy, and possibly stupid, a waste of space, just a generic term for somebody I don’t like. It has no racial undertones or connotation


ChipmunkFood t1_iy1ol2r wrote

You speak (write) deep wisdom!!!


ratmoustache t1_iy1p8vz wrote

Ahah no now I feel bad, it is kinda an obscure term.


ChipmunkFood t1_iy1qlte wrote

Don't feel bad. I liked the sarcasm.
(But I did look up the word!).
I remember someone once posted on a tech help site something like:
"How do I find more information on the XYZ computer language?"
Someone else replied, "Well there's this thing called google...".
I loved that answer! Genius smartass.


ratmoustache t1_iy1s1ko wrote

Yah man, always step 1: at least try to google it. I know these mfckrs have internet access

I keep mook, chud, and schlub on rotation. They’re super applicable and don’t have any gross impact (like from HR department)