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throwawaitnine t1_ivukpor wrote

If you live in the city and your dog is afraid of car noise you need to start desensitizing your dog to car noise.


JBizznass t1_ivultcg wrote

But you can’t do that overnight. So getting your dog out for exercise and socialization in the mean time is a responsible thing to do.


throwawaitnine t1_ivun76i wrote

A 5 month old puppy you may well be able to do that in an afternoon and certainly in a few days. Puppies at that age are extremely impressionable. Absolutely should not be avoiding something now that he won't be able to avoid for his whole life.

OP should be on his stoop with that dog right now watching cars go by and giving him treats.


JBizznass t1_ivuyntc wrote

Sitting on a stoop isn’t exercise. Those are two different activities. And exercising before training often can help the training exercises. I’m not sure why you seem to be against these folks exercising their dog in a quiet place WHILE they work on training.


mgafvert OP t1_ivwtcd1 wrote

Appreciate you! Yes, of course we are working on desensitizing, just wanted something new to see in the meantime.


JBizznass t1_ivys7rl wrote

I’ve had several shelter pets. You have no idea what happened before they found you or why they are afraid of the things they are. All you can do is love them and work to help them realize they are safe and loved and don’t need to freak out at random everyday things. My one dog was afraid of wine glasses. It took a bit but he got over it.