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sirauron14 t1_iy8ikt9 wrote

I don't think we'll ever see much snow on Philadelphia. Not like 1996 snow storm. That was legendary lol


RJ5R t1_iy8rpwm wrote

You already forgot 2016 that was a bear of a storm too


sirauron14 t1_iy8s1o0 wrote

Thats was big but not 96' big. I would hope it would be something Canada or even Connecticut gets


RJ5R t1_iy8ualx wrote

I consider any snow storm where the snow total is at my hip level, a big storm. 2016 was 3 ft, 1996 was 4 ft. Both really bad blizzards. 2016 was especially a bitch bc of the weight of the snow. My big beast craftsman was struggling


Do_it_with_care t1_iy8wv5r wrote

January 78 over 4 feet snow fell in south Philly. We were off school for almost a week.


RJ5R t1_iy8xmf5 wrote

That's the shit! Haha


phoenix762 t1_iy93top wrote

I recall that, that was a mess. I recall TRYING to shovel our front sidewalk. It was pretty much impossible 😂


Do_it_with_care t1_iy9gjjy wrote

I know right, us kids made mad loot digging ppl out. Septa paid us to help clear trolly tracks on the big streets. 4th to 2nd & Oregon was a huge lot and hundreds of us built forts, snow didn’t melt for over a month, opportune to hit someone you couldn’t beat with snowballs an hide.


phoenix762 t1_iyctaeq wrote

Oh, my goodness, I do recall my little foster brother and his friends making a snow fort…😂


flaaaacid t1_iy8sn3o wrote

My neighbor was telling me they were prying up the manhole covers and dumping snow down them because there was nowhere else to put it.


saintofhate t1_iy95pu8 wrote

I still remember being in grade school when it hit and struggle to get home and having to hold on to my neighbor because the wind was so strong and I couldn't make the last four houses to mine and after the street was clear, the pile being level with my Gran's head and walking on it. It was magical.


respondstostupidity t1_iyao6ii wrote

We piled it up to the top of the telephone poles on Girard Ave, huge monuments built to our Penn God. Aliens observed this behavior and said "fuck it they got cheesesteaks" and hung out for a bit longer.