go_berds t1_ixiazzf wrote
Reply to comment by Franklinia_Alatamaha in Police: Man, 25, charged in connection with string of robberies at off-campus Temple residences by Franklinia_Alatamaha
How tf do you get probation for arson??
BasileusLeoIII t1_ixifory wrote
or for aggravated assault (which is assault with a deadly weapon)??
why the fuck are violent criminals so frequently not prosecuted or underprosecuted?
This is exactly what Krasner promised he wouldn't do when he pitched his progressive prosecution experiment, but we have how many dozens of easy examples of the Krasner Kids committing heinous crimes after he released them for their prior violent crimes?
dreexel_dragoon t1_ixjc29s wrote
It's because his office is too incompetent to prosecute even the layup violent crimes since Krasner fired all the senior ADAs
T-rex_with_a_gun t1_ixki8iz wrote
...but but the police! its the polices fault
gyp_casino t1_ixk7hou wrote
Krasner seems particular bad about this, but it's always been this way to some degree. Even 10-15 years ago when you read a news article about a homicide, you could scroll down to the final paragraph and read that the suspect had 15 arrests on his record.
rovinchick t1_ixm12ik wrote
Agree it's been that way for a long time. At least under Lynne Abraham, I think there was some deterrent effect to commiting crimes under the "deadliest DA." Then Kenney went on to beat her in the Mayoral primaries and look where we are.
Sleepy_Like_Me t1_ixifgmw wrote
You can thank Let em out Larry
That_kek_John t1_ixipjyv wrote
I genuinely don’t understand Krasner’s policies. I understand believing in rehabilitative justice, but in order to do that don’t you have to rehabilitate the criminals? I don’t get what just letting someone out does
Sleepy_Like_Me t1_ixirioj wrote
Honestly I couldn’t tell you but I have had a deep hatred of him ever since that temple kid got killed last year. Fucking idiot let a violent, uncontrollable 17 year old back onto the streets for no reason.
Well, the reason was “lack of evidence” at his trial, but with someone like that you could basically lock them up for walking down the street with how much dirt he did in the streets. Especially teenagers, they don’t give a single fuck and sometimes need to be locked up for the safety of everyone else.
BasileusLeoIII t1_ixityv6 wrote
> but I have had a deep hatred of him ever since that temple kid got killed last year. Fucking idiot let a violent, uncontrollable 17 year old back onto the streets for no reason.
I'm sorry, which are you talking about? Off the top of my head I know two violent criminals that Krasner let walk, who immediately murdered a Temple kid.
Are you talking about the Krasner Kid who murdered Milan Loncar, or the Krasner Kid who murdered Sam Collington?
boobemaloo t1_ixiuyj1 wrote
After reading about the Milan Loncar story I started carrying cash or an old wallet every time I leave the house to walk the dog so i have something to give if I’m mugged. Truly insane that this is what we’ve come to
RustedRelics t1_ixj9fp7 wrote
That statement says just how bad things are. Sad, but smart.
chrisrobin92 t1_ixje7e2 wrote
Dude Ive been doing that for years. I used to stash my real cash in my shoes and keep a few bucks on my hip. I get that things are messy in the city atm but folks on here are acting like everybody got along prior to Krasner. If you think its meaner now than it has been historically then I have to question your memory.
My cousin got hospitalized by a mugger because he had nothing to give and that was 20 years ago.
boobemaloo t1_ixjfu7g wrote
I’ve lived here my entire life. Yes there’s always bad neighborhoods and bad things that can happen if you’re not paying attention. That’s part of living in a big city.
The threats were always there but now they occur much more frequently and that is an indisputable fact backed up by numbers. Here’s one for you; how many carjackings do you think there were in Philadelphia in 2019? The answer: 198 How many carjackings have there been in 2022? 1,210 and we’re not finished yet.
So to answer your question, yes it is considerably meaner now. My memory is just fine
Lightspeed1973 t1_ixjyfg2 wrote
I've lived in one Philly neighboorhood or another for over 40 years and it hasn't been as bad as it's been post-pandemic since the 80s. This is the first time I've changed my behavor. Until DST, I did all my errands during daylight hours unless absolutely necessary.
I'm not blaming Krasner or Kenney specifically. Violent crime is up everywhere, even in rural counties and places with conservative leadership.
[deleted] t1_ixivyes wrote
K3R3G3 t1_ixky71j wrote
Yeah it's like "hey prison doesn't rehabilitate, so what should we do?" "Just let them out since it's not working." "But then won't they be wreaking havoc on the city?" "Meh."
I'd like to fully understand wtf is going on. The letting them out so quickly is unacceptable though and it's insanely unfair to the citizens and businesses. People get robbed because of this, carjacked, PTSD, beaten, killed, lose loved ones. Because violent POSs are let out. Lots of people don't want to accept it and want to love their city/home, saying it's not that bad and it's the fault of so and so, but dude. Look around. They are failing every citizen of the city.
For whatever reason, progressive policies, incompetence, zero care, all 3, is this letting everyone out so quickly why the police are on soft strike? Is it the ACAB stuff, the riots that occurred, and the fact that it's so possible that an officer will be thrown under the bus for doing their job if the court of public opinion and media machine deem it an unnecessary shoot? Does the city government not have the PPD's back?
Idk, man. But it's obvious things aren't working. Gotta understand what is actually going on before you can solve the problems.
[deleted] t1_ixmzxeh wrote
and it seems they have failed absolutely miserably, smacked him in the face, and has been obvious to everybody. yet this is his way. he victimizes criminals
scatterbrainedpast t1_ixir9a0 wrote
You have Larry as DA. Thats how
ipissexcellence21 t1_ixmdur6 wrote
It’s very simple, move to a city where the people are so stupid they will elect a “progressive DA” aka a career defense attorney. Then when he shows everyone exactly what he’s up to for four years, releasing violent criminals the whole time, said dummies will go re-elect him. And his worshippers will be all over Reddit blaming everyone except him for the disaster.
[deleted] t1_ixn4829 wrote
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