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xaesk t1_ixj5xts wrote

>You’re missing the forest for the trees if all you consider is that this particular person wouldn’t have participated in this particular robbery if he had been given a marginally longer sentence.

I think you're just straight-up missing everything. If he's locked up for 3 years, he physically couldn't do something like this for... 3 years. I'd rather have him commit a crime once every 3 years over once every 3 months.

Though you're right, I do wish they could just give bozos like this life plus cancer. Whatever keeps violent criminals off the street the longest is best.


LurkersWillLurk t1_ixjats9 wrote

Well, you finally said the quiet part out loud, so I’ll give you credit for that.


xaesk t1_ixjjpiv wrote

What's the quiet part? Keeping violent criminals, especially repeat ones, out of society for as long as possible?


LurkersWillLurk t1_ixjlcxq wrote

The quiet part is that you support mass incarceration


xaesk t1_ixkkf1n wrote

I said that I support life for a person who's committed arson, aggravated assault, and broken into college student's homes and robbed them at gunpoint. I also said that we should keep repeat violent criminals out of society for as long as possible. What are you talking about?!%3F