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felldestroyed t1_ixj62ey wrote

Strange, the inquirer says he was sentenced to 11.5-22.5 months of confinement plus 2 years of probation. This twitter source has not always been accurate in the past.


NoWarButMyWar t1_ixkbyn6 wrote

Even with earned time for good behavior the very minimum he should’ve been able to get out of jail with is like 6.5 months on an 11.5 to 23 sentence (at least in Chester Co not sure about Philly but doubt it varies THAT much). So how much time did he really do is the question. Source: Was locked up.


felldestroyed t1_ixkdgb2 wrote

Tbh, I don't know; the information available online seems to be pretty dodgy and there's no way anyone will know more with out a FIRA request. My thought is there was an uncooperative witness in the assault and the arson/other 2 charges were thrown out because of the above. The pandemic happened and as with literally every other DA in the country, things were pled down to low sentences to get people through the legal system as quickly as possible. This guy was sentenced and never showed up to go to jail and walked scot free for 2 years before committing more crimes. Now, he'll be in jail for decades, especially since he violated his original sentence and it'll open him up to at least 10 years under sentencing guidelines.