Submitted by Chaz_Beer t3_zxcx3x in philadelphia
[deleted] t1_j1zkwng wrote
GooFoYouPal t1_j1zl5aq wrote
Leave him be ffs.
[deleted] t1_j1zmb4m wrote
ratmoustache t1_j1zns9s wrote
it seems like people are leaving him be. if you don’t like having your picture taken in 2023 you can’t leave your house, there are cameras everywhere.
Chaz_Beer OP t1_j1zqkvt wrote
Relax, I didn't bother him.
Crackorjackzors t1_j1zqmz7 wrote
Good eye, yes
Chestopher83 t1_j1zs088 wrote
Yea, I love it when strangers take my pic in public.
Chaz_Beer OP t1_j1zsfj0 wrote
He's a "Celebrity" so it's to be expected.
calebnf t1_j1zsxit wrote
Start slapping the table and yipping.
Chaz_Beer OP t1_j1zt3d7 wrote
Hahaha I do look like Kramer some days
unrealjoe28 t1_j1zvf7n wrote
Jim Gardner? No, that’s James Goldman
hoosiers2616 t1_j1zx2d3 wrote
What we got here is a feral Jim gardener…not native to these lands.
thewatusi00 t1_j1zye31 wrote
Looks like a Norman Rockwell illustration
AbaloneDifferent4168 t1_j201qd2 wrote
Looks like a well stocked bar. Where?
mathbrot t1_j2031jf wrote
He dunkin his doughnut?
Wuz314159 t1_j203jh5 wrote
Day drinking in his days off now? Lucky!
PhillyHatesNewYork t1_j204d5e wrote
let that man eat lol
BrowniesAndMilk1 t1_j206kzf wrote
Looks like he’s aged 10 years in 7 days
MaximumGold469 t1_j206ufy wrote
Minella's Diner
Brunt-FCA-285 t1_j207fgp wrote
Minella’s Diner in Wayne has had a well-stocked bar at least since I started occasionally eating there during college breaks in the late 2000s. I do wish it was still 24 hours, but that’s probably nostalgia talking.
eph5032 t1_j208148 wrote
Damn great spot…
[deleted] t1_j208d6k wrote
Probability-Bot t1_j208o4w wrote
He'll be moving out the area soon, so weird Reddit Dudes wont photograph him...
BigfootAteMyBooty t1_j20amq1 wrote
No, it's not. He's also retired.
Hib3rnian t1_j20avl1 wrote
Hope you picked up his tab for taking his pic at least
2muchplaid t1_j20b5bd wrote
Ohh, he ordered a bowl so handsomely.
[deleted] t1_j20b7op wrote
[deleted] t1_j20c9fu wrote
[deleted] t1_j20czzs wrote
CodeMonkey789 t1_j20d7xc wrote
That’s cool. There’s a Bruce/Petty tribute show at 118 North just 2 min from that diner tonight at 7
PurpleWhiteOut t1_j20dq67 wrote
He'd probably rather you said hi than take a picture of him without him knowing for the internet, at least I would
angry_old_dude t1_j20e735 wrote
This is like the first time you see one of your school teachers in supermarket.
ImPetarded t1_j20f0f1 wrote
Awesome diner 🍽️
Odd-Neighborhood5119 t1_j20fzxf wrote
He has been known as a party animal.
tomdawg0022 t1_j20g1h7 wrote
Jim post-makeup for TV cameras era in full effect...
tomdawg0022 t1_j20g6n6 wrote
Great diner too!
[deleted] t1_j20hw81 wrote
CB_700_SC t1_j20i7po wrote
I was pretty upset when I learned this story a few weeks ago.
[deleted] t1_j20iazi wrote
tastycakebiker t1_j20l7sx wrote
What a horrible take
[deleted] t1_j20ldb5 wrote
theAmericanStranger t1_j20m8r6 wrote
I was there yesterday! The best old school diner. Efficient and professional service, great vibe, great value in food and drinks. I still think OP shouldn't have taken a picture furtively. Happy new year everybody!
Edit: autocomplete
bmanguru t1_j20mizq wrote
The Action News theme started playing in my head.
porkchameleon t1_j20ps5b wrote
He is a dunker.
oodja t1_j20twr4 wrote
Moove closer to the world, my friend- take a little bit of tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime...
JT07 t1_j20u2is wrote
I saw Jim at Minella's a few years ago! I've heard he's there quite a bit.
Dicksapoppin69 t1_j20uu6x wrote
Don't try to tell us that some weirdo taking a creepshot is the same as CCTV in Walmart. Totally not the same thing dude.
[deleted] t1_j20ya6n wrote
dammit_dammit t1_j20zevz wrote
Yeah, you just took a creep shot.
Chaz_Beer OP t1_j20zj92 wrote
Look, I'm just reporting the news, man.
dammit_dammit t1_j20zmgs wrote
"retired man goes to diner" is not news, LMAO
hockeystuff77 t1_j210y3a wrote
Used to see him when I worked at apple in Ardmore many moons ago. It was wild to hear that voice IRL. Had the same experience when I met Lou Nolan a few years ago.
seemypinky t1_j2122sj wrote
Doesn’t look too wild to me
Rustash t1_j212bin wrote
I live right up the street from it. Easily my favorite spot. I have yet to be disappointed in an order from there.
[deleted] t1_j212v2k wrote
woah_whats_thatb t1_j213w43 wrote
Is that the Oregon diner? I know all diners look similar but that one is very familiar
Rickrickrickrickrick t1_j215mon wrote
Tell Sylvia I said hi
Chaz_Beer OP t1_j215rgo wrote
Who is this?!?!
comments_suck t1_j217dte wrote
It's the Big Story!
ReginaldStarfire t1_j21866f wrote
YES!!! This is what I was looking for 😆
Girl-UnSure t1_j2197tj wrote
“Human who posts photo of retired man at diner on reddit, is slammed” seems like a standard Yahoo news article anymore
adequetlylarge t1_j21ch88 wrote
*in the wild
[deleted] t1_j21dbam wrote
Dirt_Diggin t1_j21env9 wrote
I think it might be Rick.
darwinpolice t1_j21lfd0 wrote
HoagieMaster1 t1_j21ny01 wrote
This is how I know it’s not him. Jim Gardner could not be a dunker.
napsdufroid t1_j21oq2j wrote
ratmoustache t1_j21qzmk wrote
i don’t love it, but it’s the truth
[deleted] t1_j21v7c5 wrote
Sliderisk t1_j21xksr wrote
Minellas is actually his natural habitat
respondstostupidity t1_j21y5ev wrote
You're thinking of Ben Simmons
napsdufroid t1_j220wpw wrote
Now everyone will go there looking for Jim....
napsdufroid t1_j22143j wrote
Not the same thing
SirLaxer t1_j2230c7 wrote
Minella’s in Wayne
SirLaxer t1_j2230sn wrote
Minella’s in Wayne
matane t1_j2245qw wrote
Man takes me back to college
willc9393 t1_j224xyp wrote
You probably believe it is fine the government spies on me because I have nothing to hide also, right?
[deleted] t1_j227pqf wrote
Grundle__Puncher t1_j228aao wrote
…But the big story on subreddit r/Philadelphia today is…
[deleted] t1_j228v35 wrote
CoeusDarksoul t1_j22fcag wrote
ITT: People who never leave their house flipping their lid over someone snapping a quick candid (in public) of a recently retired local newscasting legend.
popfilms t1_j22jx4m wrote
Because they made him change his name on account of him being Jewish?
MeanwhileOnReddit t1_j22pva2 wrote
He is a local celebrity. Being retired doesn't make you no longer a local celebrity.
Sweetarrow t1_j22rx1f wrote
Ye, I remember the first time seeing one of my nuns riding a bike without a habit on.
[deleted] t1_j22u79q wrote
TheTonyExpress t1_j22yy67 wrote
Huge part of my childhood and life. If I ever ran into him I’d shake his hand.
[deleted] t1_j23914r wrote
mx_reddit t1_j23h2gl wrote
Dicksapoppin69 t1_j23jd90 wrote
Nope. Fuck them too. But cool attempt at a straw-man.
Sc1m17ar t1_j23jmbq wrote
Best diner ever
zR0B3ry2VAiH t1_j23rqmp wrote
You can get a side of chipped beef there, and it's literally an entire bowl filled with it. It's fucking awesome, being lactose intolerant on the other hand, is not.
Melcheroni t1_j23xjam wrote
Because of this thread and specifically this comment, we got at least 1 point at quizzo last night. Thank you
unrealjoe28 t1_j241y82 wrote
I’m here to serve
knarfolled t1_j244kf2 wrote
As was her habit
e2j0m4o2 t1_j24aiqk wrote
Is this minellas? Man this takes me back!
PirelliSuperHard t1_j24pamp wrote
It is extremely common in this industry to change your stage name for a multitude of reasons.
Garwoodwould t1_j25941n wrote
Gary Papa used to eat there, too
popfilms t1_j25a2b7 wrote
Sure, but they made him do it because he was Jewish. That's pretty upsetting. As someone with an extremely Jewish name I have a hard time comprehending that.
monkeymaxx t1_j2ey0v6 wrote
I saw him there last month too! He loves to sit at the counter and enjoy his breakfast in peace.
tankguy33 t1_j1zktgd wrote