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Past_Celebration7084 t1_j2af5r0 wrote

If you liked Warm Daddy’s cornbread and you don’t mind a drive up top, you can go to Relish. It’s a Soul food restaurant in West Oak lane.


Genkiotoko OP t1_j2ajypb wrote

Thanks for the tip. The cast iron skillet corn bread at Warm Daddy's was so good. One of the few closed restaurants I actually miss.


aintjoan t1_j2auzv7 wrote

I already commented with a recommendation for South, but in case you didn't know - the owners of South are the same people from Warmdaddy's. It's probably the same cornbread.


Genkiotoko OP t1_j2azni9 wrote

Oh, snap. Now I'm actually excited. Really, thanks!


aintjoan t1_j2b24ah wrote

Happy to help. We must be there for one another in the time of restaurant cravings