Submitted by NonIdentifiableUser t3_zte8hl in philadelphia
Desjardins99 t1_j1d8uko wrote
I feel like people hiding bodies in a house used to be a bigger deal. This is like the 3rd or 4th case in the last couple months and the stories just come and go.
Paparddeli t1_j1ddsmj wrote
This was the basic story of the Ira Einhorn case which got made into a TV movie, although he used a trunk instead of a freezer (much decomposition ensued before he got caught) and then fled the country.
leftclicksq2 t1_j1dol0z wrote
My dad used to travel for work and would always bring home something different from where he had visited.
On one such occasion, he brought home an issue of either The National Inquirer or another newspaper, I can't recall exactly. The headline was "Sayonara Stinky!", a picture of Einhorn in an orange jumpsuit, and an image of the trunk at bottom right corner of the page. My dad thought the title was funny, although my parents didn't think what happened was a laughing matter. They were both following the case on the news and didn't think he would be caught.
Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j1e0ary wrote
IIRC, the “Stinky” moniker also describes einhorn’s personal hygiene. He was an old-time hippie who wasn’t into bathing, shaving, etc and went around smelling pretty ripe.
That case was so sad… neighbors had been complaining to the City about the smell for quite some time. Of course, by then it was too late, but it could have saved her family some of the anguish of not knowing whether she was dead or alive. I used to attend volunteer group meetings in this very old farmhouse in Pennypack Park, and occasionally a mouse would get caught between the walls and die. It only happened during the Winter, when the mice came in for the warmth. That smell was awful, and it was everywhere. If one tiny mouse can create such a stench, I can’t even imagine how bad a decomposing human body smells, and in the heat of the Summer, too…
leftclicksq2 t1_j1et4xc wrote
> IIRC, the “Stinky” moniker also describes einhorn’s personal hygiene. He was an old-time hippie who wasn’t into bathing, shaving, etc and went around smelling pretty ripe.
Wow, I knew he was a hippie, although I did not know that was why he was called "Stinky". Thank you for mentioning it! I thought it had to do with stuffing Maddux's body into that trunk. Still, so barbaric and horrifying. Nobody could ever come to terms with anyone close to them dying that way.
Your mouse example is spot on. My co-worker's neighbor died in his hot tub and wasn't discovered until almost a week later. The temperature of the hot tub liquefied the body and the odor from the decomposition made the house unliveable.
Garwoodwould t1_j1ge8j8 wrote
Holly Maddux' father called lra Einhorn "Pig Man"
napsdufroid t1_j1erzzk wrote
Einhorn was such a useless piece of shit....
[deleted] t1_j1flg6n wrote
leftclicksq2 t1_j1dncew wrote
Gary Heidnik comes to mind. Look up that case if you wish and on an empty stomach.
Beer_Is_So_Awesome t1_j1e82rm wrote
Holy shit, he was (unsuccessfully) defended by attorney Charles Peruto, who ran as a Republican against Krasner in the last election.
Peruto, for those who might not recall, made the news in 2013 when a 26-year-old paralegal, an employee of his, was found dead in his bathtub. Investigation later ruled the death an accidental drowning likely caused by a seizure, and her blood alcohol was purportedly above .40.
napsdufroid t1_j1es4oy wrote
And people wonder why Krasner got elected again......
Garwoodwould t1_j1geehl wrote
*Peruto Jr. Chuck. He's still at it
Gary Heidnik had a Rolls Royce and a pretty large bank account
outerspace29 t1_j1dxrcx wrote
Wow this guy was a real jerk
BelowAverage_Elitist t1_j1dv9df wrote
A couple years ago there was a story about someone in, i believe it was NE philly that had been chopped to bits and that there was a possibility of a deranged killer being at large. Never found any updates
mikebailey t1_j1dqo0p wrote
Chicken and egg thing, as more stories ran on, it became more common to do and thus less notable
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