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leftclicksq2 t1_j1et4xc wrote

> IIRC, the “Stinky” moniker also describes einhorn’s personal hygiene. He was an old-time hippie who wasn’t into bathing, shaving, etc and went around smelling pretty ripe.

Wow, I knew he was a hippie, although I did not know that was why he was called "Stinky". Thank you for mentioning it! I thought it had to do with stuffing Maddux's body into that trunk. Still, so barbaric and horrifying. Nobody could ever come to terms with anyone close to them dying that way.

Your mouse example is spot on. My co-worker's neighbor died in his hot tub and wasn't discovered until almost a week later. The temperature of the hot tub liquefied the body and the odor from the decomposition made the house unliveable.