Submitted by NonIdentifiableUser t3_zte8hl in philadelphia
[deleted] t1_j1d6dbj wrote
Rahawk02 t1_j1d6i82 wrote
He probably put it there so it didn’t start stinking before he found a place to safely
My neighbors partner at work did the same thing to his brother at Thanksgiving a few years ago. Killed him and kept him in the freezer but got caught a couple months later. The whole time he was at his job like nothing happened .
Lavalampsareokay t1_j1d6xy8 wrote
Holy Shit that's incredibly fucked. I know Snyder and Broad has problems but nothing like this
regcrusher t1_j1d7pij wrote
I heard a bunch of sirens about an hour ago then the Citizen notification popped up on my phone
[deleted] t1_j1d8euu wrote
Desjardins99 t1_j1d8uko wrote
I feel like people hiding bodies in a house used to be a bigger deal. This is like the 3rd or 4th case in the last couple months and the stories just come and go.
[deleted] t1_j1d99h9 wrote
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1d9aef wrote
Love that this is like a fucking block from my house. Very cool and neat. 🫠
snake_w_arms t1_j1d9gia wrote
Same! Walked by this morning and was wondering what was going on.
rossdowdell t1_j1d9zs4 wrote
This appears to be a domestic dispute between a father and son. If this info is right, it could happen anywhere and thus not indictive of how shitty 12th and Snyder is. And it is shitty.
CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j1dalrc wrote
That’s not really a shitty corner at all. Broad & Snyder is the only truly shitty intersection in that neighborhood.
the_hoagie t1_j1db8en wrote
Hey me three! I saw this, went outside and lo and behold there's the cops down the street.
[deleted] t1_j1db989 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dbf8j wrote
the_hoagie t1_j1dblmt wrote
Snyder's busy but those blocks between 13th and 10th are typically fine.
DrJawn t1_j1dbtai wrote
Snyder Avenue is like a skid mark across all of South Philly and Broad and Snyder it the butthole.
13th to 10th is the best part probably.
SaltPepperKetchup215 t1_j1dc216 wrote
This is definitely getting marked “suspicious” until after the New Year
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1dc2d6 wrote
Was going to feed my neighbors cat and saw everyone outside and asked what happened and was not expecting body in the freezer
[deleted] t1_j1dc8b2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dcbv9 wrote
mrpeaceNunity t1_j1dch5w wrote
Our society is breaking down. I'm thinking about moving. Earlier this week someone riding in a septa bus was hit by a stray bullet.
I visited some small towns outside altoona a couple days ago for business. Martinsburg, holidaysburg, roaring springs there is no crime people don't even lock their doors everyone was nice. I have two kids less than 4 years old I think it's time to move to a nicer place in central pa.... Yeah there isn't any diversity and the food is going to suck but at least my kids will stay alive
RufusLaButte t1_j1dd4yg wrote
That's fucking nuts
SgtBoaty t1_j1dd5if wrote
Is this the same house with the foot buried in concrete? Or a different house?
[deleted] t1_j1ddd76 wrote
CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j1ddkpi wrote
Snyder sucks mostly because it is a heavily used arterial road. As far as perception of safety, speaking from East of Broad, it only really sucks at B&S and between 8th and 5th. Otherwise I would define it as okay.
RufusLaButte t1_j1ddmdq wrote
There isn't just "no diversity and bad food", there aren't any jobs either, and there is an opiate problem that blows philly outta the water (people just don't tend to believe that because the population density is so much less and they don't round up users into a big open air market like they do in philly. But please understand your kids are no safer there). I got out of that area 18 years ago and even with all of Philly's problems I would never, ever go back.
Paparddeli t1_j1ddsmj wrote
This was the basic story of the Ira Einhorn case which got made into a TV movie, although he used a trunk instead of a freezer (much decomposition ensued before he got caught) and then fled the country.
swerve408 t1_j1dduur wrote
Yeah crime didn’t exist before 2022, you got it all figured out
Rahawk02 t1_j1de1xy wrote
yeah it was an insane story, my neighbor was a truck driver, and the dude was his helper, so they drove around together for like 8 hours a day for half a year talking about sports and girls and stuff all the while his helper's brother is dead in his freezer. Really makes you think about what kind of secrets your coworkers have.
CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j1de3iq wrote
Look leave or not I don’t care, but you clearly haven’t spent much time in central PA if you think it’s idyllic living. Unless your idea of idyllic living is rural/small town poverty and extreme amounts of bigotry.
DrJawn t1_j1de4rk wrote
It's still a skid mark.
10th to 13th is the best, 4th to Front and 15th to 18th are OK. It's interesting how it just carves up a good spot too, like you can have nice areas on both sides of Snyder but Snyder Ave gonna Snyder.
Oregon is huge and arterial and doesn't have the same issues. I think all the poop is leaking out the asshole on Broad and Snyder. Between the subway and Wedge, plus the homeless colony and the junkie store that buys food stamps and the rows of empty businesses, it's a disaster.
When I was a kid, there was n open air market on that stretch of Broad where they sold bootleg DVDs, cologne, and stolen sneakers and those guys kept it clean as hell and chased away the riff raff. When the city made them leave, it got ugly again.
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1dece4 wrote
Central pa is great for meth and literally 0 jobs. And it's not like this stuff doesn't happen out there... The first two experiences I ever had with bodies chopped up and put in a freezer being found were in a small quaint town in central pa
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1degn1 wrote
12 and Snyder is fine. Calm down
CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j1dene7 wrote
I walk on both frequently and I would honestly say I dislike Oregon much more than Snyder. Not exactly nominating either street for beautiful corridor of the year either though.
K3R3G3 t1_j1dep9b wrote
People die on the sidewalk and street daily, no one blinks an eye
One dead body found in a freezer and everyone loses their minds
K3R3G3 t1_j1det3n wrote
Procrastination is the real crime
[deleted] t1_j1deu8s wrote
DrJawn t1_j1dex79 wrote
lol yeah me either
rossdowdell t1_j1dey4v wrote
I'm totally calm. I gave no indication that I wasn't.
dwntwn_dine_ent_dist t1_j1df78j wrote
I know. I had to go check my freezer to be sure everything was still there.
researching4worklurk t1_j1dfbjg wrote
I wonder what circumstances led to it being discovered? Looks like this happened very early in the morning today, so my guess is that the actual incident of violence had recently occurred and the noise caught someone’s attention. The headline sort of lends itself to the suggestion that a body had been in the freezer for a while, like a serial killer situation, whereas it seems more likely that someone just committed murder and tried to hide it there.
Edit: NBC article has more detail; the family discovered the person after a welfare check. I feel for them, horrible thing to witness.
[deleted] t1_j1dfghy wrote
AOLpassword t1_j1dfuir wrote
RIP Uncle Ebenezer
[deleted] t1_j1dg6ht wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dgcop wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dglfq wrote
Mind_Initial t1_j1dh0gq wrote
Why not just move to a suburb? You don't need to live on a farm 30 miles from another human to avoid crime, just move out of one of the poorest big cities in America.
[deleted] t1_j1dh0tf wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dh47b wrote
meagandarling_ t1_j1dh8je wrote
In all of the articles I’ve read, it says family members went to check on the father and son that periodically live in this home because they hadn’t heard from them. The family members discovered the scene because there was a lot of blood in the home leading to the basement.
PhillyPanda t1_j1dhj1y wrote
> the food is going to suck
Only if you’re a bad cook
[deleted] t1_j1dhyop wrote
[deleted] t1_j1di26i wrote
[deleted] t1_j1di8bz wrote
asforus t1_j1dilx4 wrote
The South Philly Iceman
[deleted] t1_j1dinvf wrote
Rivster79 t1_j1dix6h wrote
Very cool, very illegal
rogue1351 t1_j1dk3zo wrote
Just some meat in a freezer, nothing to see there
[deleted] t1_j1dkhyp wrote
mklinger23 t1_j1dkpg5 wrote
Me too man. I was looking where it was and then I saw 12th and Snyder 🙃
udsdown t1_j1dl02r wrote
Yep, just bought a house two blocks away myself :D
TheFAPnetwork t1_j1dld13 wrote
Damn, abandoning diversity for your kids and exposing them to bigotry sounds like some next level privilege
CreditBuilding205 t1_j1dme18 wrote
Zillow thinks the house where it happened is worth 400k.
mrpeaceNunity t1_j1dmqo0 wrote
Well I'm looking at a corporate position there that's paying $180,000 and has a 30% bonus.
Corporations are pay more money now for talent than ever
CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j1dmwx7 wrote
Looking at the pictures and it is really nice. Don’t think I could ever live right on Snyder Ave though.
Cloaked42m t1_j1dn6ex wrote
I need a comic of someone opening their freezer and finding Gritty staring back at them. Gritty blinks. The person closes their freezer and walks away.
leftclicksq2 t1_j1dncew wrote
Gary Heidnik comes to mind. Look up that case if you wish and on an empty stomach.
Cloaked42m t1_j1dnfmd wrote
Alternately to homicide. People will occasionally do this to keep collecting checks. Person dies of natural causes and they just conceal the body to keep collecting the check.
[deleted] t1_j1dniau wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dnoka wrote
ageofadzz t1_j1dnpjx wrote
Uhhh I'll be staying up this side of Passyunk today, thanks very much.
Ams12345678 t1_j1docj5 wrote
Which house was this?!
leftclicksq2 t1_j1dol0z wrote
My dad used to travel for work and would always bring home something different from where he had visited.
On one such occasion, he brought home an issue of either The National Inquirer or another newspaper, I can't recall exactly. The headline was "Sayonara Stinky!", a picture of Einhorn in an orange jumpsuit, and an image of the trunk at bottom right corner of the page. My dad thought the title was funny, although my parents didn't think what happened was a laughing matter. They were both following the case on the news and didn't think he would be caught.
Ams12345678 t1_j1dol7k wrote
Looks like it was sold in 2021
Crazycook99 t1_j1doxwx wrote
Let not forget about the body found in concrete in the basement of a S Philly hoarder
SgtBoaty t1_j1dp14w wrote
Ok I had only heard about the foot, apparently they eventually found a whole body. And it’s a different house than the fridge-body house.
[deleted] t1_j1dp7e1 wrote
images_from_objects t1_j1dp7tz wrote
WhatsMyAgeAgain-182 t1_j1dpcdo wrote
Frankie Carbone
[deleted] t1_j1dpui9 wrote
cable1321 t1_j1dqbp0 wrote
I would have never guessed that’s who was in the freezer
Strawb3rry_Slay3r666 t1_j1dqe13 wrote
Wait what?!?
BATRAK84 t1_j1dqemn wrote
mikebailey t1_j1dqo0p wrote
Chicken and egg thing, as more stories ran on, it became more common to do and thus less notable
CommunicationTime265 t1_j1dqosk wrote
CommunicationTime265 t1_j1dqtuz wrote
Yeow Anthony Dahmer what's goannne awn?
sandwichpepe t1_j1drwvd wrote
different house
shapu t1_j1dsf53 wrote
"It me, fucker"
lawgirl3278 t1_j1dsfpn wrote
I see a Phish reference, I upvote it
RufusLaButte t1_j1dskuq wrote
It's not even that, it's after all that, his kids literally won't be any safer. And they'll be running back to civilization the first chance they get.
Philodemus1984 t1_j1dspe9 wrote
“According to police, the body, later identified as a man, was discovered in a freezer in the basement around 6:28 a.m. Friday. Medics pronounced the man dead at 6:50 p.m., officials say.” Is that a typo or does it sometimes happen that 12 hours passes before someone is pronounced dead after being found in a freezer with a bag over his head?
StealYourPhish t1_j1dt2ws wrote
Going to be cold cold cold
dammit_dammit t1_j1dtwvy wrote
6:50 pm, Friday hasn't even happened yet, so that's definitely a typo
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1du1kl wrote
Typo. But regardless, only certain folks can pronounce a person dead so that's why it was a half hr
dammit_dammit t1_j1du6tv wrote
This event is horrifying, but it's not a recent development at all. People have been murdering psychopaths since the beginning of time.
sandwichpepe t1_j1duaiy wrote
mmmmm meth and heroin
_heisenberg__ t1_j1duajv wrote
I’m not even from PA, native New Yorker, been here about 6 years. and even I know that central pa is something you are not prepared for.
[deleted] t1_j1dudoj wrote
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1duksh wrote
Houses around the corner are smaller and going for 350. I believe it
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1dup8h wrote
Welcome neighbor. Sorry about that body in a fridge thing. I promise we're generally cool
BelowAverage_Elitist t1_j1dv9df wrote
A couple years ago there was a story about someone in, i believe it was NE philly that had been chopped to bits and that there was a possibility of a deranged killer being at large. Never found any updates
Sleepy_Like_Me t1_j1dvi28 wrote
Is that don chucho on the other corner?
Chestopher83 t1_j1dwy8i wrote
Ira Einhorn all over again.
[deleted] t1_j1dx5pr wrote
Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j1dxhnk wrote
In this case, the opposite- the murderer jumped the gun. If he’d been able to hold out for like 12 more hours, he could’ve dragged the body outside and let nature’s freezer do the job.
outerspace29 t1_j1dxrcx wrote
Wow this guy was a real jerk
seatangle t1_j1dz9f7 wrote
“…discovered in a freezer in the basement around 6:28 a.m. Friday.
Medics pronounced the man dead at 6:50 p.m., officials say.”
Took a while?
jokersflame t1_j1dzb9a wrote
Police were alerted to the missing person when his family reported he was giving them the cold shoulder.
FrankGrimesApartment t1_j1dzf9z wrote
I used a creamer in the office fridge once that wasnt mine.
Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j1e0ary wrote
IIRC, the “Stinky” moniker also describes einhorn’s personal hygiene. He was an old-time hippie who wasn’t into bathing, shaving, etc and went around smelling pretty ripe.
That case was so sad… neighbors had been complaining to the City about the smell for quite some time. Of course, by then it was too late, but it could have saved her family some of the anguish of not knowing whether she was dead or alive. I used to attend volunteer group meetings in this very old farmhouse in Pennypack Park, and occasionally a mouse would get caught between the walls and die. It only happened during the Winter, when the mice came in for the warmth. That smell was awful, and it was everywhere. If one tiny mouse can create such a stench, I can’t even imagine how bad a decomposing human body smells, and in the heat of the Summer, too…
CoastalSailing t1_j1e210o wrote
Oh calm down.
You never heard of the ol body in a freezer?
CoastalSailing t1_j1e257s wrote
CoastalSailing t1_j1e286c wrote
Well there goes Christmas dinner
mrpeaceNunity t1_j1e33j4 wrote
Has anyone here lived in Blair county? Or any of the towns outside of Altoona..?
[deleted] t1_j1e3ey4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1e3joa wrote
revcon t1_j1e44by wrote
Yeah Oregon is like 10x more frightening to walk on with the insane lanes and dangerous intersections. At least Snyder has trees
PirelliSuperHard t1_j1e4zin wrote
So is this or is this not the cause of the chorus of sirens in the afternoon yesterday?
fzammetti t1_j1e72th wrote
Where were the hell else am I supposed to keep all my dead bo- err, that is, uhh, steaks? And frozen peas? Yeah, yeah, steaks and frozen peas, that's it!
hairlikemerida t1_j1e7v4j wrote
I know it sounds ridiculous to say this, but putting someone’s body in a freezer after you murder them seems more sinister than just leaving them on the ground.
There is more thought and calculation put into it. Plus, people don’t tend to nicely fit in freezers most of the time. Imagining someone coldly manipulating a corpse and trying to get them to fit inside of the freezer, pushing, rearranging, slamming the door closed, etc. It’s just creepy.
Beer_Is_So_Awesome t1_j1e82rm wrote
Holy shit, he was (unsuccessfully) defended by attorney Charles Peruto, who ran as a Republican against Krasner in the last election.
Peruto, for those who might not recall, made the news in 2013 when a 26-year-old paralegal, an employee of his, was found dead in his bathtub. Investigation later ruled the death an accidental drowning likely caused by a seizure, and her blood alcohol was purportedly above .40.
kjm16216 t1_j1ebmdc wrote
Need to wait for the hockey off season.
Stigs84 t1_j1eer78 wrote
Damn, my friends live right there, I’m there all the time 😳
feedthecorpse t1_j1eilp5 wrote
The NBC article is ridiculous…
“Philadelphia police were called to a Snyder Avenue home around 6:30 a.m. Friday after police found blood in the home, Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said.”
Police were called after police found blood???
[deleted] t1_j1eiuu2 wrote
Gabagoo44 t1_j1ejlrv wrote
It’s Snyder, I’m not surprised. This might be the least shitty part but go two blocks down there’s practically a homeless encampment. Go down toward 7th street there’s addicts and hookers chilling all day it’s a wonderful place to be.
cerialthriller t1_j1el145 wrote
That was up near Torresdale with the concrete foot
CMontgomeryBlerns t1_j1elj8g wrote
Oh, you know the holiday rush. A lot of stuff falls to the wayside: the old friend you’ve been meaning to call, frivolous paperwork collecting dust on your desk, that dude you forgot you killed. Y’know how it is.
[deleted] t1_j1ells7 wrote
uptown_gargoyle t1_j1elr0f wrote
[deleted] t1_j1emf66 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1enx60 wrote
bayoubilly88 t1_j1eo4qs wrote
“Conspiracy Theorist!”
bayoubilly88 t1_j1eo9ma wrote
She eben on my neezer til I scrooge
uptown_gargoyle t1_j1eoeda wrote
stop shouting
uptown_gargoyle t1_j1eox6x wrote
People never die outside the greater Philadelphia area
The3rdRepublic t1_j1eoxjt wrote
I was wondering what the news crew was for
lordredsnake t1_j1epgox wrote
I feel for them because
- A. it's horrible
- B. it's the holidays
- C. everyone's making jokes about it all over social media
feedthecorpse t1_j1er54e wrote
Word of the grisly discovery caused a stir in the neighborhood Friday.
"This is a shock to the community, for people to wake up and see this," said Yusuf Mitchell, who lives nearby. "It's a Friday, Christmas coming up, and it's a bad way to start off the holidays."
"It's a nice neighborhood, I ain't never seen nothing like this happen in this area."
napsdufroid t1_j1erkn7 wrote
napsdufroid t1_j1erzzk wrote
Einhorn was such a useless piece of shit....
napsdufroid t1_j1es4oy wrote
And people wonder why Krasner got elected again......
napsdufroid t1_j1esey0 wrote
Took 'em 3 days to thaw him out, I heard
libananahammock t1_j1et2eg wrote
I mean this shit doesn’t just happen in bad neighborhoods. Google body found in freezer and you will unfortunately find many articles from all over the US in bad neighborhoods, middle class, working class, upper class, etc neighborhoods. Crazy people putting bodies in freezers all over lol
leftclicksq2 t1_j1et4xc wrote
> IIRC, the “Stinky” moniker also describes einhorn’s personal hygiene. He was an old-time hippie who wasn’t into bathing, shaving, etc and went around smelling pretty ripe.
Wow, I knew he was a hippie, although I did not know that was why he was called "Stinky". Thank you for mentioning it! I thought it had to do with stuffing Maddux's body into that trunk. Still, so barbaric and horrifying. Nobody could ever come to terms with anyone close to them dying that way.
Your mouse example is spot on. My co-worker's neighbor died in his hot tub and wasn't discovered until almost a week later. The temperature of the hot tub liquefied the body and the odor from the decomposition made the house unliveable.
napsdufroid t1_j1et6dt wrote
Used to spend some time there. Sucks.
napsdufroid t1_j1et90l wrote
Crack editing there
fudgebacker t1_j1eush7 wrote
South Philly represent!
fudgebacker t1_j1ev1pg wrote
Me too. It was that hazelnut shit. Had to dump the coffee out anyway.
ringringmytacobell t1_j1evi7n wrote
Hi neighbor! So many of us in this thread. We should do a meet up at the party sev. Eat taquitos and play PA skill games
throwawaitnine t1_j1ew26d wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ex8l7 wrote
mattbau90 t1_j1f7hid wrote
[deleted] t1_j1f7qgr wrote
SouthPhilly_215 t1_j1f8c3j wrote
You’re a skid mark
DrJawn t1_j1f91ku wrote
In this day and age, prejudice against Italians, can you believe that?
SouthPhilly_215 t1_j1f967b wrote
Strawb3rry_Slay3r666 t1_j1faciu wrote
Yusef is the same name from the 22 minute live that was posted to the citizen app
[deleted] t1_j1fatmo wrote
Angsty_Potatos t1_j1fg0mk wrote
Family did a welfare check as they were unable to get a hold of their relatives and they found the blood and called the cops
[deleted] t1_j1flg6n wrote
Ams12345678 t1_j1fnl6n wrote
Thank you for the link!
sirfuzzitoes t1_j1fqcv5 wrote
I had to check the sub bc I thought I was in one of the gore ones. Nah, just Philly.
I'm interested in how this all pans out. On account of the holiday rush...
jersey_girl660 t1_j1ftett wrote
What? It was 6:50 like 40 minutes ago and they commented 8 hrs ago….. so it has to be a typo if that time had not yet occurred when they commented
jersey_girl660 t1_j1ftm0y wrote
LateYam9070 t1_j1g15nn wrote
It’s south Philly…he was prolly gonna use the dead dude to save his parking space.
vermilionshadow t1_j1g5fe0 wrote
Love that I was just walking around here two weeks ago…
CommunicationTime265 t1_j1g6m0s wrote
Waste of space. Coulda just stored him outside in this weather.
Girls4super t1_j1g769y wrote
Why is this a bi annual thing? I feel like every few years I see an article about a body or a head in a freezer in Philly
mrmemo t1_j1g7mi3 wrote
I've taken the last Spicy Nut Mix from the snack basket, a lot of times.
dwsam t1_j1g8jrr wrote
Dude, you’re fucked up…I like that in a person!
Garwoodwould t1_j1ge8j8 wrote
Holly Maddux' father called lra Einhorn "Pig Man"
Garwoodwould t1_j1geehl wrote
*Peruto Jr. Chuck. He's still at it
Gary Heidnik had a Rolls Royce and a pretty large bank account
K3R3G3 t1_j1gf2bw wrote
"Hide the body THEN wrap the gifts. This is why I write lists."
K3R3G3 t1_j1gfp94 wrote
Nah, I get it. I mean the city has had over 500 of these dead bodies this year. Ultimately, they're all just as dead and those lives are done. That's the primary aspect. But yeah there is a difference between firing some shots then running and stabbing/storing someone. I think this one was found out immediately but I was going to add for those who do this and live with the body in their home for months/years. It definitely makes for a more attention-grabbing story. And the video of the body is now online.
[deleted] t1_j1gilgg wrote
sandwichpepe t1_j1go7k6 wrote
try r/pennsylvania
MyMartianRomance t1_j1guux0 wrote
Wait, it's not off-season yet?
DootDootWootWoot t1_j1h2hk8 wrote
Lavalampsareokay t1_j1i1o8d wrote
True, but it’s still in my own neighborhood and broke my expectations for the area. If it was in a better or worse neighborhood and I was living in it, I’d still be shocked at something so gruesome
FishtownYo t1_j1jlnhp wrote
You don’t speak for me. My reaction was “whatever”.
blowjob215 t1_j1jwud0 wrote
Dead bodies don’t bleed out nearly as much as dying bodies with a heart still beating
blowjob215 t1_j1jx8wq wrote
“You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now, is it?”
[deleted] t1_j1kkt1x wrote
[deleted] t1_j1l3yvh wrote
[deleted] t1_j1l41ac wrote
[deleted] t1_j1whjf7 wrote
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_j1d5bpn wrote
I think I speak for everyone when I say WHAT THE FUCK