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Unfamiliar_Word t1_j0mhu1u wrote

The possibility of somebody being elected Mayor of Philadelphia ultimately by winning a fraction of the primary vote makes me uneasy. That just doesn't seem like democracy in a substantive way.

I don't believe that the next Mayor will win with as outrageously small of a vote share of 11 % or whatever the necessary minimum turns out to be, but it could still conceivably be quite small. Philadelphia isn't going to become Peru, but the shiftless failure that Jim Kenney turned out to be and a primary election that seems poised to give somebody executive office with a dubious mandate should be a clear sign that the system is bad.

Tangentially, Helen Gym should fire her graphic designer. Her logo looks like it belongs on the side of those coolers at gas stations that you buy bags of ice out of.


ColdJay64 t1_j0mmid2 wrote

Haha I like that logo actually. It reminds me of the "dude, give up your seat" signs on SEPTA for someone reason.