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Edison_Ruggles t1_j1vodqc wrote

I don't know why you're being downvoted, because that is basically what we need.


Bartleby_TheScrivene t1_j1vx8e0 wrote

Should regulate them the same as guns.

Anyone driving without a license forfeits their ability to get a license in perpetuity, as well as a mandatory 5 year prison sentence and $10,000 in fines.

Accidentally kill someone? Another 5 years. Kill multiple? 5 years each. Do it negligently, aka DUI? Life in prison.


CristianoRealnaldo t1_j1wiv4z wrote

They’re already regulated far more than guns. It’s not a good comparison.


mustang__1 t1_j1xumc3 wrote

Their suggested regulations is not currently part of that "far more regulated" list....