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PCPenhale t1_j1ksrdz wrote

My guess would be that it’s weather that has effected multiple states simultaneously, served by this PJM, thereby taxing its infrastructure.


minesweeperer222 t1_j1kuw23 wrote

Probably also the holiday season. We don't usually go this low, with winds this bad, in so many places simultaneously while powering everyone's outdoor holiday light display.


PCPenhale t1_j1kvf70 wrote

Also plausible. Granted, LED displays don’t use nearly the resources that incandescent use, but they still use a percentage of power. It all adds up.


minesweeperer222 t1_j1kw7ij wrote

Agree on all points. My unscientific observation is that there a lot more domestic "light shows" this year than in those past. I've seen at least 3 houses in my normal travels with full light displays synced to a radio station. This is up from my usual sighting of 0. That's more along the lines of what I was thinking.


Booplympics t1_j1l0w7b wrote

But lights in general are a fraction of the amount of power that heat uses.

Complaining about Christmas lights makes as much sense about complaining about cooking a Christmas roast in an electric oven.

The fact of the matter is that our electrical grid needs to be modernized. Everything else is just utter bullshit.