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jphilipre t1_iznibe0 wrote

They just built the two they have.


Hib3rnian t1_iznopwa wrote

*quietly whispers

"Let's talk about building a new city council"


THftRM1231 t1_iznotb6 wrote

Who TF is talking about a new stadium?


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iznpkxe wrote

I remember when you could take a bus round trip to Atlantic.City for 12 bucks and they gave you a 20 dollar roll of quarters.

Then you could take those quarters to the bar and drink top shelf scotch for free as long you occasionally put a quarter into the video poker machine. Every once in a while you would get comped a buffet just for sitting there so long. Then. stumble back to the bus with a belly full of cheap food and expensive booze and sleep til you got back to Philly.


Bikrdude t1_izntjll wrote

There is no need to be wasting money building new stadia. The one in Nimes has also been in constant use for at least a thousand years. The Wells Fargo Center should last at least a few hundred years.


SpauldingSmails18 t1_iznw9la wrote

I am sure if a private company wants to build a new bus terminal the city will gladly sign off on it


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iznxjl9 wrote

Oh wow it’s even the same price too 13 bucks with a 20 dollar casino voucher . I just got back from AC and spent 40 bucks just in gas and was dragging from not getting much sleep.I would have took it if I’d known.


ObligatoryGrowlithe t1_izo2ube wrote

patrick voice we should take Philadelphia and push it somewhere else!

Push! Push! Push!


APettyJ t1_izo5djo wrote

Seeing as how the talks for the new arena are still preliminary, maybe they'll worry about that once it is more set in stone that the arena is for sure going to necessitate the need for a new bus terminal.

I wonder where they'll put it if needed. Best location, on JFK Blvd just west of 30th Street Station has a new office bldg going up. Need a centralized location.


JohnDerek57 t1_izo7svz wrote

The Sixers are building their own stadium, it’s a private company. I’m all for it if I don’t have to look at the slew of graffiti’d buy gold here stores on market east anymore.


DeltaNerd t1_izo7yz8 wrote

We definitely need a new and larger bus terminal


Rheum42 t1_izo8q4c wrote

Roads, bridges, bus station that doesn't look like it's out of a post-apocalyptic movie, consistent access to public transport etc...


kaisertralfaz t1_izoberx wrote

The are supposed to be adding something like that for Bolt, Mega, etc as part of the Schuylkill Yards/30th St Station redevelopment


Suitable-Cattle-9348 t1_izodiqv wrote

I'm glad someone is talking about this, it's sad how market street is somewhat more tidy than that old Greyhound terminal at 10th and Filbert but yet everyone in Philly is more worried about a sports stadium than that and the homelessness problem


Disarray215 t1_izojd84 wrote

If ever truer words were spoken.


fudgebacker t1_izomj3a wrote

Bus terminals do not generate enough corporate welfare.


EddieLobster t1_izop3ts wrote

I heard part of the deal from the Sixers building it is making the city clean up Septa.

They are building it downtown to make sure it sells out every night and the best way to do that, even with a bad team, is public transportation.


AbsentEmpire t1_izoqxub wrote

There were plans to integrate intercity bus services into 30th Station turning it into a massive transit hub.


DeltaNerd t1_izouw7e wrote

Regardless I think it makes sense to build a new bus terminal at 30th Street station to make it a truly intermodal station. In addition I would love more bike lanes and bike racks at 30th street. I understand that we have to balance with car traffic which is insane in that area.


HoagiesDad t1_izow8f5 wrote

I think the greyhound terminal should be moved to Frankford. Demo all the shitty commercial buildings across from the Terminal and put it there. Frankford Terminal has the MFL and connection to many city bus routes. There is plenty of land to build a bus terminal. Why should it be in Center City?


LePetitRenardRoux t1_izowf67 wrote

My partner works at marshals in center city. They are closing next month because the city sold the entire block to a developer to build a new 76’s arena. Is that what you’re talking about? I’m pissed and I want to protest. Tearing down historical buildings to build a stadium we don’t fucking need.


605pmSaturday t1_izowppb wrote

Wasn't the bus station under 30th street? If so, couldn't they put it back?


Challengeaccepted3 t1_izoxrar wrote

We should reopen the walkway between 30th St. station and 30th street stop


SouthPhilly_215 t1_izpftjn wrote

Yeah or expand the subway system. Build more routes. I don’t care how major and undertaking.


this_shit t1_izpmys4 wrote

IMHO we gotta take zoning away from city council. They have too much individual influence so it's all they think about. So not only does development get all fucky, but they stop trying to solve other problems because they're busy playing with development in their district.


AbsentEmpire t1_izpncav wrote

I believe that's the plan. The city wants to get rid of the curb side pick up spots because they're not very safe and fuck up street traffic.

Now this was all prepandemic so not sure what's happening now, but at one point that was the plan.


EddieLobster t1_izputk8 wrote

Sorry, I’m the idiot……. These guys that manage billion dollars franchise base all their decisions on the last 5 years. I never once said they didn’t sell out, but in the event the team isn’t good in the next 30 years I’m sure they still want to pack the stands.

Where the fuck you been?


selfpromoting t1_izq9vkp wrote

How about more subways

Or actually fixing potholes


Cobey1 t1_izqfdyg wrote

I want a roosevelt boulevard!


droux_ t1_izqkfzg wrote

Save Chinatown!


deyaintready t1_izr0vyy wrote

God the road under the bridge on butler street near aramingo walmart is a war zone of a street. And just around the corner on Frankford everytime it rains there’s a foot of water in the road.


GodLikesToParty t1_izrk6ap wrote

It was flixbus which I think is kinda affiliated with greyhound. I was planning on taking a megabus but megabus cancelled my bus because of a shortage of drivers and didn’t refund me the full amount 🤷🏼‍♂️


manu08 t1_izrtwcz wrote

lol, last month was my first experience voting in Philly after moving here. I realize city council isn't congress, but I was still surprised most of the folks running for city council listed facebook as their campaign page and clearly spent zero time making it...respectable.


nolandeluca t1_izs9vba wrote

Megabus finds a new bus location weekly it seems like, maybe after they find a good spot they'll do it 😂


2_dam_hi t1_izsnxe5 wrote

Hahaha. How does that benefit the rich? Silly pleb.


courageous_liquid t1_izt3yb2 wrote

Yeah, we'll certainly see. As far as I remember the best performing synchro models indicated removing the 76 onramps there (I forget which alternative was chosen though) so it may lose some connectivity.


mburn14 OP t1_iztvdw6 wrote

It’s just wild to me that there’s no coffee and sandwhich stops in there - it’s so dirty I lose my appetite in there but if they made it with higher ceilings or big windows it would drive business like crazy - I know Amtrak has more money pumped into it but you’d think greyhound and Peter Pan could make something happen


DanHassler0 t1_izvmou8 wrote

The tunnel reopening project was supposed to be a priority and one of the first things completed as part of Amtrak station renovations. I haven't heard an update in a while and SEPTA work continues. Last I heard was the ongoing SEPTA project "prepared" the tunnel for reopening, or at least on SEPTAs side.


DanHassler0 t1_izvn2hd wrote

What do we have now? I know the talk in some new Center City building was about one of the first indoor "public" spaces in a private building. This was just a couple weeks ago. Maybe they just add public space for a bonus?

It is also worth noting that Drexel Square is a new "public" privately owned space adjacent to 30th st station.


PointB1ank t1_izw1dps wrote

I always find it amusing and a bit sad how much nicer the 5th Street subway station is than any other one in the city. Touristy part of town so it gets all the funding it needs while the others fall apart.