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CinematicHeart t1_izj1b1t wrote

There's a guy once a week on the one fishtown page "remember when fishtown was safe"... There has always been random muggings and crime in fishtown. The only thing that has changed is the price of houses and it's slightly less racist than it used to be.


CroatianSensation79 t1_izj9hsm wrote

Oh yeah I read the threads. Some of them are ridiculous. It wasn’t all that great when they were growing up. I grew up and still live in Port Richmond. I remember about 20 years ago, Fishtown was known for all of the pillheads. I went to high school with Fishtowners and alot of them whine how “great Fishtown used to be”. It’s alot nicer now than back then. My one buddy grew up there and says it’s way better now than then. He told me how he got jumped by Kensington kids who were fighting with Fishtown kids. He had nothing to do with the group they fought with and he was sitting on his step when he got jumped. They’re out there.