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DisciplineShot2872 t1_j2jclq0 wrote

Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in Happy silent hill new year by miklawbar

They never showed up. Either nobody in the neighborhood called, or they just didn't come. There's brass all over the neighborhood. There were at least 100 shots fired that I could count.

There was a fatal shooting the next block up a few weeks ago. Police were called. In the interim, I ran up to attempt first aid. It was clear the victim was past first aid. The victim's girlfriend was standing in the street screaming holding a gun that she had used to return fire. I talked her out of the gun and safed it before the cops got there, so nobody else got hurt. Probably not my wisest moves ever, but here we are.

When the cops and medics did turn up, they went the wrong way and ended up two blocks away, facing the wrong direction and just milled around confused until someone went down and screamed and pointed them in the correct direction. When they finally got to where they needed to be and secured everything, I talked to them about the gun I'd handled, with neighbors jumping in to corroborate. Due to previous government jobs my prints are in the system and I wanted to let them know why they were on a gun of unknown providence and use. They took my ID and all my information. And never contacted me.

So, I'm seriously unimpressed, and with everything else going on all over they city for last night, random aerial gunfire in the Northeast seems to be a low priority.

Maybe in Mt. Airy, Society Hill, or Rittenhouse Square the result would have been different. I don't know.