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rossdowdell t1_j5govnm wrote

Too many in this sub believe the PPA, PPD and other city agencies are omniscient.

Mayor Kenney, President Harris, QAnon, Tucker Carlson, WEF and NATO will discuss the parking problems on 4th and Jackson at their next beer hoist this Tuesday.


Fattom23 t1_j5h1d7o wrote

We're aware that they're not omniscient. But when we call and tell them where to look for the cars blocking the intersection, they can't even drive over and write a ticket.

In a world where we got the law enforcement we pay for, a PPD unit rolling down the street that saw this would stop of their own volition and just write the ticket. Instead, they just roll by, or park on the sidewalk next to it to catch up on some paperwork/sleep.


Argentum1078682 t1_j5h1vg2 wrote

It isn't about getting what you pay for in this situation. Parking is a weird jurisdiction here and more funding don't fix that


Fattom23 t1_j5h2rxi wrote

It's not exactly a jurisdictional problem. PPD absolutely can ticket for a blocked crosswalk anywhere they want (the don't have to stay off PPA's "turf". They just don't, because they can justify it by saying "the PPA covers that". But that leaves only business hour enforcement of some crosswalks and none at all on others.

For 900 or so million dollars a year the city absolutely has the right to expect more, but you're right: more finding won't fix that because those paid to give a fuck actually don't give a fuck.


rossdowdell t1_j5h75hb wrote

It's ambitious of you to think Philadelphia civil servants of any stripe should diligently do their job. They rarely have in my lifetime, but maybe r/philadelphia can compel them through incessant shaming.

Your post isn't wrong. But until the power base of this city faces a true challenge to their 80-year stranglehold, then nothing changes.

IOW: Park where you want.