Submitted by XiDa1125 t3_100vi9t in philadelphia
Philodemus1984 t1_j2k6w0h wrote
&pizzas got those cupped pepperonis though
Lazerpop t1_j2k6xk1 wrote
They both good but i agree blaze is superior
alittlemouth t1_j2k72pu wrote
It’s a weird salad, too. Ham, pepperoni, chicken, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, jalapeños?! And then…pesto? Like bro, none of this food even matches.
XiDa1125 OP t1_j2k7rcy wrote
So it’s healthy then? Starting my new year resolution right!
XiDa1125 OP t1_j2k7yex wrote
Also with spicy red sauce, pesto sauce, bacon. Added red pepper flakes and Parmesan after the pic
Chaz_Beer t1_j2k9ofp wrote
Looks like someone that didn't know anything about pizza ordered a pizza.
a_pale_horse t1_j2k9q3n wrote
There's good pizza in this city, please treat yourself better
sailbag36 t1_j2kb0bf wrote
This thing looks sopping wet. I’d be so mad if this was served to me. Kinda like when my hoagie busts out the bottom of the hoagie roll. So infuriating.
SeymourButzMD t1_j2kbayw wrote
This some high ppl shit
manwithavandotcom t1_j2kbmfk wrote
Looks like if you pick up a slice it will droop and everything will fall off. Still, I want one.
No_Wolf3071 t1_j2kca9p wrote
Doesn’t look good at all.
katecrime t1_j2kchg5 wrote
That pizza is covered with toppings within an inch of it’s life.
[deleted] t1_j2kcqm2 wrote
afdc92 t1_j2kcu0z wrote
Blaze is fine when you want something quick and there aren’t any by the slice places nearby but overall so many better pizza places in the city
17657Fuck t1_j2kcuiz wrote
Bone apple teeth bro , good luck
[deleted] t1_j2kcy0z wrote
goobdaddi t1_j2kd022 wrote
Odd-Emergency5839 t1_j2kd213 wrote
Life’s too short to eat at chain restaurants
randompittuser t1_j2kd3p9 wrote
What is that? A pita?
[deleted] t1_j2ke85l wrote
Skeeter-Pee t1_j2kfsft wrote
That’s a fantastic looking pizza b/c the toppings come to the edge. I hate artisan pizzas where there’s a good 2 1/2 inches around of crust and then everything in the middle.
Heliotypist t1_j2kfug3 wrote
As a programmer, this title is confusing.
[deleted] t1_j2kg244 wrote
Tetsuo-Kaneda t1_j2khm4h wrote
There’s too much fucking shit on me
[deleted] t1_j2ki8ba wrote
OldDickTrickle t1_j2kigcb wrote
I’m gonna rip the fucking head off!
velocity__raptor t1_j2kinif wrote
Do NOT rip the head off
YoungHeartOldSoul t1_j2kinxv wrote
Try Pete's, probably my favorite since Ive moved here
Chaz_Beer t1_j2kji01 wrote
I don't wanna be around anymore.
JIMMYJAWN t1_j2kjsb3 wrote
This reminds me of when I used to wash dishes and would have to periodically scoop vegetable debris out if the basket strainer while I was going through the salad bar pans.
cracker707 t1_j2kklgh wrote
&pizza is absolute garbage so that’s not saying much
velocity__raptor t1_j2kl0lg wrote
The prank is there's a real pizza under there. That's the prank.
NewUser579169 t1_j2kl5cw wrote
As a California transplant, this is totally a SF Bay Area type of pizza. I went through an adjustment period when I came out here and most pizzas were one or two toppings max. I love piling on 4 or 5 things when I make pizza at home, and I would totally eat this in a heartbeat.
washismycopilot t1_j2klb3d wrote
Yo this pizza looks amazing don’t listen to the haters ✊
respondstostupidity t1_j2klki3 wrote
This. We have so many good pizza places and you wanna waste your time on this garbage.
Deckard_Macready t1_j2km1xo wrote
The best thing about this pizza is it started a Karl Havoc joke.
[deleted] t1_j2kmiu5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2kmzwo wrote
lardbiscuits t1_j2kn47j wrote
It’s really not Philly’s strength. For a great food city our pizza is meh.
[deleted] t1_j2kn6dr wrote
RealValuez t1_j2kn8ix wrote
I swear that & those sausages they got make the pizza so fuckin good
YerBlues69 t1_j2knhjb wrote
Blaze pizza you say? Were you high upon ordering?
YerBlues69 t1_j2know9 wrote
Haha I could see that.
a_pale_horse t1_j2ko67y wrote
Sure, but there are good pizza places - though many of them are also from nyc. But there is some good local stuff too - pizzata, dough head, pizza plus, pizzeria bedia, etc. You're not gonna get a pizza for $12 but at that point I'd probably just get Domino's.
defmain t1_j2koh8n wrote
Blaze Pizza is the only pizza place that consistently serves cold pizza.
lardbiscuits t1_j2koqjp wrote
Eh those places are really just alright. Once you travel or live in other cities you realize Philly is pretty behind on pizza. There is just no culture for it here.
Section_80 t1_j2kowmo wrote
I go to my local joint Giovanni's Grill, $6 for 2 slices of cheese.
I don't need much else.
alittlemouth t1_j2koxre wrote
Recently tried DoughHead and was really pleasantly surprised. They make a solid pie.
Pittman247 t1_j2kpzi0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2kqpvn wrote
[deleted] t1_j2kqv1v wrote
DanHassler0 t1_j2kqwlh wrote
What? You can literally watch it come out of the oven.
[deleted] t1_j2kr53r wrote
methodin t1_j2krtne wrote
When a yes man orders a pizza
courageous_liquid t1_j2krwzd wrote
I feel like this is the OP account in general.
Can't tell if it's a weird finance zoomer with way too expensive watch tastes or one of the bots that always messages me "wat is best pork pls."
Also that shirt is really complicated.
MoreShenanigans t1_j2kse3y wrote
Never even had Blaze pizza, but just from the picture, it looks better than Dominoes. Too many toppings for me, but the crust looks solid.
[deleted] t1_j2kskw2 wrote
defmain t1_j2kt9dy wrote
I've ordered from the Drexel location 4 times. The last two times I watched the guy put the pizza in the pickup area and it was barely lukewarm by the time I ate it (5 minutes later).
I actually didn't mind it at first but got tired of paying for pizza I had to reheat when I got home.
AbleAmazing t1_j2kt9g5 wrote
Too many toppings for me. Looks like a good pie though.
PointB1ank t1_j2ktsfo wrote
There are a few good specialty pies at certain places, but I've yet to find a good plain cheese pie that actually impressed me.
chillout87 t1_j2kurnd wrote
Seriously! If this is the one at Temple, there’s 3 solid pizza places that are leagues better than Blaze: Philly Style, Maxi’s, and Diamond Pizza.
All local places that blow Blaze outta the water
Eta: forgot to add Down North Pizza (detroit style)
whitekat29 t1_j2kut1h wrote
I hate broccoli on pizza. This looks disgusting and like it would all fall right off.
[deleted] t1_j2kv7ii wrote
XiDa1125 OP t1_j2kvgzt wrote
Show me bobs and vagene
[deleted] t1_j2kw1wr wrote
whitekat29 t1_j2kw9d1 wrote
As a pothead who loves good munchie food, I would lose my munchies looking at this.
whitekat29 t1_j2kwftg wrote
The one in CC on 15 & Chestnut? There are several but that place is my jam
Thndrcougarfalcnbird t1_j2kwpcm wrote
TBH i'd smash it though
JoeMarini t1_j2kwpg5 wrote
looks disgusting and a crime against pizza
Disarray215 t1_j2kwvto wrote
Too much stuff for me. More simple.
KenzoWap t1_j2kx5s5 wrote
Looks wet as shit.
[deleted] t1_j2kxu7k wrote
courageous_liquid t1_j2ky792 wrote
At least you buy in
ouralarmclock t1_j2kygjk wrote
He’s just passing pizza by reference!
Section_80 t1_j2kz2ak wrote
Yeah, low key good place for an eagles game, they're open until 2am and even though the kitchen is closed, pizza is always available.
I live half a block away, when we had a snow storm last winter I just walked over for a few beers and pizza.
Pretty cheap place, great food overall.
TrueKing t1_j2kzj3q wrote
That does look very cooked...
whitekat29 t1_j2kznip wrote
My best friend used to live on that block and we were regulars for years. It’s like a hidden gem!! Love the chicken bacon ranch pizza but even the plain cheese is always on point. And they have hookah! And tacos!! Now I wanna go! Lol
TheThingy t1_j2l1wt7 wrote
Bizarre amount of downvotes lol
PhillyPete12 t1_j2l3um6 wrote
Send it back - looks like a vegetarian puked all over your pizza
[deleted] t1_j2l434e wrote
[deleted] t1_j2l5nm8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2l5v40 wrote
Junior_Jackfruit t1_j2l60ne wrote
We get it, youre unique
CommunicationTime265 t1_j2l6agm wrote
Pizza plus is dogshit. I dunno why they are popular.
thescarwar t1_j2l6ej7 wrote
The only one that actually did it for me was OG Pizza up in fishtown. Still far as hell from us down south though so it feels like a unicorn
[deleted] t1_j2l6izy wrote
[deleted] t1_j2l6vsu wrote
[deleted] t1_j2l826j wrote
blodreina_kumWonkru t1_j2l86l4 wrote
I feel like this should be true, but I've lived in philly for over 10 years and I can't find a good one that delivers to fishtown. I don't order pizza like ever, but always disappointed when I do.
respondstostupidity t1_j2l8m0q wrote
What style are you looking for?
You might have to pay a premium but Slice will allow you to order from places slightly further.
[deleted] t1_j2l931i wrote
Zujaz t1_j2l9n9n wrote
Do you not like Shackamaxon?
Zujaz t1_j2l9omg wrote
Do you not like Shackamaxon?
actlikeiknowstuff t1_j2l9s7o wrote
Center city is a pizza desert. I will gladly die on this hill.
Fancy pizza doesn’t count btw.
[deleted] t1_j2l9ze0 wrote
d4b3ss t1_j2las9i wrote
both suck, what are we doing here?
PrissySobotka t1_j2lbmaz wrote
Unfortunately, blaze is actually good though.
PrissySobotka t1_j2lbt6t wrote
The spicy tomato sauce is tasty, and the ingredients are visibly of pretty high quality.
[deleted] t1_j2ld21l wrote
PointB1ank t1_j2lg7k3 wrote
I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in that area
[deleted] t1_j2lo84n wrote
Robert_Goulet t1_j2lqb45 wrote
This is an insult to people that get high.
MacKelvey t1_j2lspj7 wrote
There’s way too much going on on that pizza.
corpjuk t1_j2ly1k4 wrote
Go vegan
Jaystime101 t1_j2matjg wrote
Too many veggies
[deleted] t1_j2mazv1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2mn56n wrote
jfVigor t1_j2mnot9 wrote
Lol ppl must really hate this pizza
mrmemo t1_j2mpovq wrote
.... How can you tell??
Pick any 5 of the 15 ingredients and that's plenty.
H8TheDrake t1_j2mpwt2 wrote
That’s not pizza
[deleted] t1_j2msis7 wrote
catfish-jawn t1_j2mxbwq wrote
Giovanni's at 15th and Chestnut or Zio's at 13th and Sansom, both excellent options in CC
DFWPunk t1_j2n0if7 wrote
I'll have to check Giovanni's out. They're really close.
starstar420 t1_j2n25v9 wrote
also much less than local
xlittleitaly t1_j2n3xnb wrote
Awesome pizza but they don’t deliver
xlittleitaly t1_j2n42mx wrote
Thin and crispy, og pizza
Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j2n48gb wrote
It’s been a few years since my son lived in that area, but we liked Pizza Brain. It was close enough to his place that we could walk, and the Pizza Museum that’s housed within the shop is an interesting way to pass the time while you wait for your pizza (but they do deliver, since that’s what you asked). Then we’d head next door for some Little Baby’s Ice Cream.
Like I said, it’s been a while since I’ve been there, so I can’t say if they’re still good, but it might be worth checking it out.
RIP Little Baby’s Ice Cream.
Baltoz1019 t1_j2n4eab wrote
Jamie taco keeps saying my lines before i can say em
[deleted] t1_j2n7h4f wrote
kyleguck t1_j2nbyyw wrote
Came here to say Zio’s. They’re next to my office and great.
BigTBanshee t1_j2ngh43 wrote
Pizzeria Beddia
MUT_is_Butt t1_j2nme62 wrote
Why not just buy a damn salad?
thatboul1000 t1_j2nmhyb wrote
I live around the corner is it worth?
actlikeiknowstuff t1_j2nog6b wrote
I’ll check out zios. Giovanni’s was a bit of a letdown.
d4b3ss t1_j2nuir8 wrote
Every pizza on the same block as the Blaze Pizza in this city is better than Blaze Pizza, and probably cheaper too. I'm truly not sure what you're even going for here.
[deleted] t1_j2o2lwr wrote
Rhepsi t1_j2o5gfx wrote
That looks like a heart burn
catfish-jawn t1_j2oek3p wrote
I mean they're both just regular pizza joints that make a pretty good pie I wouldn't go in with crazy expectations or anything it's not gonna blow your mind
SomeOtherOrder t1_j2ow7ac wrote
what does this pizza do for the greater good
SomeOtherOrder t1_j2owbnd wrote
looks like shit bro. I don’t think I’d even eat this stoned.
filladellfea t1_j2p6h05 wrote
that honestly looks fucking terrible
pookypocky t1_j2rsdl0 wrote
Joe's on 16th near Sansom is good. I mean nothing special but solid everyday pizza. Also is Dolce Carini still around? They were always good but I don't get into center city as much as I used to anymore, so I don't know if they still are.
Xjjediace t1_j2ta2zx wrote
They burn the shit outta their pies. Wood Street is probably my favorite "normal" pizza place in Philly.
Zujaz t1_j2tf715 wrote
I like it crisp. To each their own.
[deleted] t1_j5n3605 wrote
Thndrcougarfalcnbird t1_j2k60id wrote
This is a salad with a crust