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throwawaitnine t1_j2p4oh4 wrote

I was thinking about it the other day. How many people are gonna slip and fall in the Acme and they need a lawyer and they got no idea who to call and the only person they can think of is Jawn Morgan?

Probably a lot of people.


ntr89 t1_j2pe34l wrote

So us raging about it is just amplifying this effect


cizzop t1_j2pjspv wrote

This. His billboards are incredibly effective. Whoever came up with them is a damn genius.


Hoyarugby t1_j2q7tp5 wrote

Ambulance chaser law is a cutthroat business, there's a reason these guys spend on advertising and the high dollar firms don't. Annoying as they are, Morgan and Morgan's ad campaign has very likely given them a much higher name recognition than the other competing ambulance chasers, and did it for little extra cost - a billboard costs what a billboard costs, but a more effective ad is invaluable

As somebody who works tangentially in the ad business, the greatest (probably apocryphal) quote about advertisement comes from Philadelphia's own John Wanamaker. "Half of what I spend on advertisement is wasted. Problem is, I don't know which half"


NonMagicBrian t1_j2rcasx wrote

> As somebody who works tangentially in the ad business, the greatest (probably apocryphal) quote about advertisement comes from Philadelphia's own John Wanamaker. "Half of what I spend on advertisement is wasted. Problem is, I don't know which half"

I think you mean Jawn Wanamaker.


nsjersey t1_j2q6jor wrote

Hopefully not the same jerk as the Kars4 Kids song.


throwitofftheboat t1_j2pxjm9 wrote

You’re using that word too liberally. They’re not a fucking genius it’s been staring us all in the face for years. It was only a matter of time before this shit went completely main stream. I know people across the county that use jawn all the time.


cizzop t1_j2q80f9 wrote

Ok, easy. I don't think the person who created this marketing campaign deserves the Nobel prize or anything.


throwitofftheboat t1_j2qsdma wrote

Apologies. Wasn’t trying to be rude it’s just these dudes are kinda preying on people.


AgentDaxis t1_j2pmp2n wrote


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j2pmqjy wrote

Streisand effect

>The Streisand effect is the way attempts to hide, remove, or censor information can lead to the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information. It is named after American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project's photograph of her cliff-top residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew greater attention to the photograph in 2003.

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QuietDelight1 t1_j2q6ea5 wrote

For me it is Pond Lehockey. I know nothing about them other than liking pond hockey.


UniverseCity t1_j2pkpmt wrote

I grew up with a guy who’s dad was an injury lawyer who advertised in the subway. Here’s the thing: it works.


FistfulOPubes t1_j2pm0k3 wrote

Yep. I immediately thought of Justin M Bieber, even though I haven’t taken SEPTA more than a dozen times since 2019.