Submitted by AutoModerator t3_1026bi3 in philadelphia
electric_ranger t1_j2s56sq wrote
If any of you still read magazines, and also happen to read Field & Stream, there was a really good article about mentored bow-hunting in the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge in the most recent edition. Was neat to learn about.
SweetJibbaJams t1_j2s6hvm wrote
I couldn't find the F&S article, but found a similar WHYY piece
I'm not anti-meat consumption by any metric, but I would like to go hunting at some point to at least have a better understanding about where my food comes from and what it would mean to get my own meat.
courageous_liquid t1_j2sbznx wrote
Any conservationist also knows that large populations of things like deer are horrible for them (from a population standpoint) in the long run due to things like disease. We removed the predators and are now responsible for thinning the herd ourselves.
SweetJibbaJams t1_j2ses38 wrote
For sure. This American Life (i think) did an interesting piece on the guy who was lambasted for doing a rhino hunt a few years ago. The details that were omitted from the general media was that when rhinos get too old, they try to kill younger more virile rhinos and auctioning off the hunt was a way for the local African government to raise conservation funds and take care of this rhino that was a threat to the rest of the endangered population.
Not saying all big game hunting is ethical, but hunting and conservation is an issue that it would benefit more people to be knowledgeable about, in my opinion.
electric_ranger t1_j2s7fjg wrote
That's definitely the same hunt, some of those people are even mentioned in the article.
JBizznass t1_j2syj0m wrote
I inexplicably had a subscription to Field & Stream for like 5 years without paying. It even followed me to 3 different addresses. I have no idea how that happened.
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