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LFKhael t1_j6osz9g wrote

> After the new rent went into effect, Penn Warehousing said the conservancy continued to pay the original $850 a day. By March 2022, the landlord decided to terminate its berthing agreement with the conservancy citing more than $160,000 in back rent that continues to accrue. Penn Warehouse asked the nonprofit to move the vessel, which the conservancy has yet to do.

> The conservancy argues there’s a shortage of available docks due to the COVID-19 pandemic disruptions, further complicating a sudden move.


Dryheavemorning t1_j6oujlj wrote

>> The conservancy argues there’s a shortage of available docks due to the COVID-19 pandemic disruptions, further complicating a sudden move.

They should just move it to the median of South Broad, free and no apparent parking restrictions.


LFKhael t1_j6ovi8h wrote

Look at me, I am the median now.


DeltaNerd t1_j6p6d8u wrote

With PhilaPort expansion plans I can see them one day forcing their hand and removing the ship. But PhilaPort is not even full all the time either. So I think this ship will sit there for another 3-4 years


AbsentEmpire t1_j6pc56e wrote

It will sit there for however long the court case takes to process plus an additional year to figure out how to tow it out and to where.


DeltaNerd t1_j6pdz06 wrote

In other words it's a literal sinking ship