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ColdJay64 t1_j5fsj43 wrote

You said “can’t even ride your bike without someone fucking with you.” I responded because that’s not remotely true, as this was an anomaly.

Had you said “this is rare for Center City but our city should be doing better to address general safety issues”, I would fully agree.


babywithahugedick t1_j5fy8qb wrote

Mass shootings are anomalies vs normal shootings, but after a mass shooting people say things like "can't even go to the grocery store/movie theater/etc. without worrying about getting shot" - would you argue semantics with those people, or agree that it's a problem that these things are happening at all, regardless of their frequency or overall likelihood? Our city has a random violent crime crisis and the various individualized ways people are victimized speaks to the larger issue.