Submitted by K1ngchip t3_10h0nxr in philadelphia
ModalEclipse t1_j55puib wrote
uno reverse
ProphGhXXst t1_j55q1fv wrote
Hey score one for the good guys.
[deleted] t1_j55s6kt wrote
omgahya t1_j55t8x7 wrote
Suspect uses Knife Rob Misses
Victim uses Counter It’s Super Effective
Suspect faints
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j55tilk wrote
You love to see it.
throwawaitnine t1_j55uwmj wrote
This is fucked up. I know, FAFO, I get that. Dude definitely had it coming. It's fucked up 9:30 at night on Walnut St you have to get into a fight for you life and fucking stab someone to near death. I don't want to get robbed, I don't want to have to stab or shoot someone. I just want to go about my business, why is that too much to ask?
[deleted] t1_j55uxvb wrote
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j55vrro wrote
Boom, flip it.
ColdJay64 t1_j55vxpg wrote
It’s news because it almost never happens. There is never going to be absolutely zero crime, but personally I’d have no reservations about walking down Walnut at that exact time and place tonight. Especially because this fool is now off the street.
Yes though, everyone does deserve to go about their business undisturbed. I hope this person’s recovery is long and painful, there’s nothing lower than preying on innocent people.
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j55w0is wrote
Exactly. Do I want someone to be stabbed? Nope, I don’t want anyone to be, however, when you’re setting out with malicious intent on an unassuming citizen, well, play stupid games, you won your stupid prize.
EnemyOfEloquence t1_j55wcax wrote
Call an ambulance, but not for me!
[deleted] t1_j55xefi wrote
[deleted] t1_j55ya7v wrote
zjheyyy88 t1_j55ykps wrote
yikes. I work super close to 12th and Walnut :/
MEB_PHL t1_j5603oe wrote
Honestly, I hope the guy is okay. Sudden forceful motion like stabbing your attacker multiple times can put some strain on your tendons.
djjsear t1_j5618vt wrote
MacKelvey t1_j561ict wrote
Oh no… 🤷🏼♂️
Edison_Ruggles t1_j565o87 wrote
I feel bad for the EMTs who had to deal with this guy.
PhillyAccount t1_j565s22 wrote
Based on the video footage in the news report this was actually on Sansom outside of the Barstool bar.
whomp1970 t1_j5663fn wrote
Lemme guess ... in some cruel turn of justice, the victim will get charged with some kind of assault with a deadly weapon.
mundotaku t1_j56698f wrote
>The robbery victim was not injured.
PhillyAccount t1_j5669tg wrote
It looks like it actually happened on Sansom street based on the news footage.
Hib3rnian t1_j566isi wrote
Civil suit against original victim defending themselves from attacker by stabbing attacker filed by original attacker/attackers family in 3.. 2.. 1..
Hib3rnian t1_j566ncs wrote
And this stands for?
silver_morales t1_j566y4m wrote
Fuck Around and Find Out
bmanguru t1_j566yw4 wrote
F Around Find Out
Hib3rnian t1_j5671g3 wrote
Got it, appreciate the translation 👍
User_Name13 t1_j567zlz wrote
Well, well, well. How the turntables ...
Ulthanon t1_j5688a5 wrote
Call an ambulance! BUT NOT FOR ME
User_Name13 t1_j5691ik wrote
"The robbery victim was not injured."
Happy ending all around.
I rly needed this feel-good story on a Friday.
throwawaitnine t1_j569jym wrote
In pa we have laws that shield you from both prosecution and civil lawsuits when using force to defend your life.
Raecino t1_j56af50 wrote
The good guys don’t always score unfortunately. I read a story earlier this morning of a guy who shot and killed someone trying to carjack him and he’s being charged with murder (in another state).
JoeMarini t1_j56b3o8 wrote
finally some good news
ats1788 t1_j56bao8 wrote
Well, well, well, how the turntables…
AbsentEmpire t1_j56bzvs wrote
I do like all the good news we've had on Fridays for the last several weeks. Clark and nimby fucks get slapped down by the courts, and now a victim successfully defending themselves against the scum.
scrubadub t1_j56c845 wrote
Slightly more info:
>A 31-year-old man was riding his bike on the 1200 block of Walnut Street in Center City at about 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, when a suspect approached him with a knife, the department said.
>The victim lunged for the knife and struggled briefly against the suspect before prying it from his hands and stabbing the would-be thief in his neck and back, authorities claimed.
>The suspect made one final effort to ride away on the 31-year-old's bike, but was easily knocked off, police continued. He was rushed to Jefferson University Hospital where he was placed in critical condition and remains in police custody, according to officials.
>The cyclist, meanwhile, was treated for minor injuries, police said.
[deleted] t1_j56de7b wrote
[deleted] t1_j56fly1 wrote
canihavemymoneyback t1_j56fn69 wrote
Try being female. By 9:30 pm we’re almost all behind locked doors. Next time you’re out after dark, look around and count the single females, the ones without a male escort. We’ve never been able to just “go about our business” after dark. Now that’s fucked up.
[deleted] t1_j56fzax wrote
DoctorSteve t1_j56grwv wrote
I've been told before "I don't feel you could fight off an attacker, so I won't go out with you".
Aromat_Junkie t1_j56gty1 wrote
I don't have any reservations about walking down Walnut, however, I always keep my head on a constant swivel. So clearly my brain doesn't think it's a zero risk situation. if I hear a weird noise in my parents bathroom taking a poop, I assume it's the boiler or the cat jumping around, if I hear gunshots, it's probably the neighbor shooting in their backyard. Could it be an intruder? maybe, guess I'll find out after I wipe.
DuvalHeart t1_j56huqg wrote
Duty to flee is such shitty law.
ColdJay64 t1_j56i4o0 wrote
Yes, awareness is always key when you're in a big city. I was more just saying that this doesn't mean it's unsafe to be out and about as there will never be zero risk anywhere. There are robberies all the time around Times Square for example (tourist from Maryland slashed last year, Ariana Grande's brother attacked/robbed in November, etc.), but I would still feel fine going there any time, day or night.
Unrelated, do you often hear gunshots while pooping?
ColdJay64 t1_j56iaat wrote
It's always sad when I see the random posts on IG, Reddit etc. asking women "what would you do if men didn't exist for 24 hours?" and like half of them are saying they'd just walk around their cities at night.
I definitely don't count but I feel like in Center City, U City, and Grad Hospital I see a lot of women out at all times of night, old and young. Especially in Washington Square, there are senior citizens around at all hours lol.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j56ifk8 wrote
Yes but usually it's the sound of raucous shit annihilating the thunderbowl in a blitzkrieg of noise
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j56iwm2 wrote
Same, although it’s the oath you take when you are an emt, nurse, doctor etc.
User_Name13 t1_j56iy1s wrote
Dang, I've been offering my services as a male escort before 9:30 PM.
No wonder I haven't been getting many replies ...
Avenger020331 t1_j56j2te wrote
The police likely scooped the stabbing victim and didn’t wait for medics as is typical in the city. I also didn’t read the article so correct me if I’m wrong.
Source: Philly medic who never makes it to stabbings/shootings because cops want to play medic.
enn_sixty_four t1_j56jgu6 wrote
Your comment is like the opposite of what you're replying to.
puddin__ t1_j56jne5 wrote
Jolly-joe t1_j56jsas wrote
Hoping he doesn't get charged with anything
Character_Macaron133 t1_j56k48s wrote
Somebody Call an ambulance, call an ambulance, but not for me
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j56k5lx wrote
No it’s not, when you’re left with no other option but to fight, it’s what you have to do. Even if you don’t want to. 25 people seem to agree, so maybe you misread it.
enn_sixty_four t1_j56kj6l wrote
Again, that wasn't their point. They were saying it's just fucked that we even have to think about that at all. Reread their comment.
TripleSkeet t1_j56ky8y wrote
Time to hit the gym
HobbyPlodder t1_j56kzga wrote
I've been going to a gym (originally 12th st gym, RIP) close to there for years, and that section of walnut is very sketchy on a non-party night.
There's always aggressive homeless dudes outside of the VIP Market and across from Woody's, and going east there's usually not much foot traffic after dinner time. I've seen teens throwing shit at a drunk homeless guy, I've been followed for 4-ish blocks by someone clearly mentally unstable, etc.
I assume it's because of proximity to market east, and it's worse post-covid. But it definitely was shocking to me that a rapidly gentrified gayborhood would be so sketch.
DoctorSteve t1_j56lqnf wrote
Can't hit the gym enough, she has a strange association with height.
If you're not 6'5 or taller, she won't feel safe.
TripleSkeet t1_j56lxjx wrote
Oh shit. That womans looking to climb mountains.
exTOMex t1_j56mdr2 wrote
the classic call an ambulance but not for me
tharussianphil t1_j56nac4 wrote
My finance brain was like... LIFO? FIFO? FAFO?
[deleted] t1_j56odei wrote
Hib3rnian t1_j56oe9j wrote
Seriously, Im in IT so my life is nothing but acronyms and couldn't for the life of me figure it out. It's a Philly thing 😂
[deleted] t1_j56of5a wrote
Hib3rnian t1_j56pflj wrote
Yep, I hear that, but it's never stopped them from trying in the past. This is Philly, city of opportunities.
And there's plenty of scumbag lawyers that'll take the opportunity and twist it up so it's everything but what was reality.
Just saying, there's a fair chance it'll happen.
[deleted] t1_j56pgea wrote
ryanisntreal t1_j56qh80 wrote
Fuck around and find out
PurpleWhiteOut t1_j56qvpm wrote
It's not that they want to "play" medic. The hospitals/universities did a study that showed a higher survival rate because police were more often able to get victims to hospitals faster. It does seem weird, but the data support it
jerryphoto t1_j56r4ik wrote
[deleted] t1_j56rzy5 wrote
Fourlec t1_j56s5de wrote
OGLadyOfTheNight t1_j56s5ob wrote
I would imagine the shock and trauma is probably also terrible. I would need therapy.
Fourlec t1_j56sd03 wrote
Wow. No piece of property is worth violence. I hope the stabber gets some consequences........................./s
SuperScrodum t1_j56thr2 wrote
Injured Person: "Please, take me to the hospital I'm bleeding profusely,"
Police Officer: "I can't, we have to wait for a medic."
mikebailey t1_j56twhk wrote
This is arguably an even bigger case of that because while we all agree the victim is the victim, not only did they have to flee but unless I missed something they became the one with the weapon. Knives are problematic legally because they’re much better at injuring than killing (stopping the threat)
point_breeze69 t1_j56u1gr wrote
Fingers Are For Orifices
Palindromes__ t1_j56uflv wrote
No sympathy for the thief…. but the victim seems to be the one who turned it into a “fight for your life” situation. Guy was trying to steal his bike, victim initiated the struggle and ultimately stabbed him. Must have been a pretty nice bike, because I’m for damn sure not wrestling anyone with a knife over mine.
[deleted] t1_j56umds wrote
TehRoot t1_j56uoik wrote
Yeah, it's fucked that some human beings think they're entitled to threaten, rob, and kill other human beings.
[deleted] t1_j56v0fm wrote
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j56v1wh wrote
Hail yourself!
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j56v8jq wrote
Yep, my cousin just had some guy come up to her while getting off the r5 in broad daylight Wednesday. Sniffing her hair, grabbing her etc. like what the fuck is wrong with ppl
GreenAnder t1_j56w6z2 wrote
The guy was stabbed multiple times and still tried to steal the bike? Dude, give it up. You fucked up.
illy-chan t1_j56x2r6 wrote
That surprised me too. Guy stabs me in the neck and I'm just tapping out.
babywithahugedick t1_j56xj9s wrote
Hell yeah, fuck that guy but also fuck this city, this shit is absurd. Can't even ride your bike without someone fucking with you
EcksIcon t1_j56xut6 wrote
Love to see it!
icedsoychai t1_j56y9ec wrote
I’m also in IT and some of my coworkers use FAFO internally when discussing those who wreck their own shit.
[deleted] t1_j56ycop wrote
[deleted] t1_j56z05v wrote
[deleted] t1_j56zdqv wrote
[deleted] t1_j56zpqv wrote
nowtayneicangetinto t1_j56zslw wrote
Stabbed in the neck and back? Holy shit. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing. I would like to see some sort of interview with the guy. Does he have any training in self defense? Either way, I'm glad he's okay 👍
Avenger020331 t1_j5705y5 wrote
If I remember correctly, from people at hospitals and on the job involved in said study, the study ended up being skewed. Let me look for a source.
Just personal anecdote at this point but if you guys saw the way these victims were thrown around the back of a police car going Mach Jesus down these mangled up Philly streets, with no airway care or bleeding control attempted, you might think that maybe waiting for an ambulance was a better option.
I’ve watched cops and doctors pull out what was a perfectly viable person out of the back of a police cruiser floor, not seat. They had been thrown around so violently and landed in a position that offered no airway control or bleeding control and were DOA by the time they hit the hospital. Obviously attempts were made to resus. them, but extended downtime in the back of a cruiser all tangled up did not help their case.
Just my hot take which counts for nothing after all, but an inside view might help.
Avenger020331 t1_j570gxl wrote
Cops wanted court overtime then. Pick your poison lol.
PhillyPanda t1_j5715xy wrote
He’ll be fine.
ColdJay64 t1_j571rzt wrote
Thousands of people do every single day actually
[deleted] t1_j572iyj wrote
[deleted] t1_j572xh1 wrote
f0rf0r t1_j57329y wrote
The senior citizens know they've lived long enough and don't worry about it anymore lol
napsdufroid t1_j573539 wrote
shapu t1_j5736gn wrote
That's good - it speaks to your capacity to reason and assign humanity to everyone.
f0rf0r t1_j57394e wrote
Don't take what's not yours and you won't have any problems
karenmcgrane t1_j5739x1 wrote
> The suspect made one final effort to ride away on the 31-year-old's bike, but was easily knocked off
So this robber has just been stabbed in the neck and he makes one last attempt to steal the bike and actually gets on it and starts trying to ride away — while, again, bleeding profusely from the neck — and the guy shoves him off the bike?
Imagining this whole scene happening is just wild. I'm so glad the guy is okay and I hope he gets whatever counseling he needs. I can't imagine it's easy, physically or mentally, to actually have to stab someone in self defense, it's traumatic.
canihavemymoneyback t1_j573itb wrote
Maybe she’s already been a victim and she is doing everything she can to protect herself going forward. Could be, in her mind, tall = safety.
[deleted] t1_j573t7h wrote
Palindromes__ t1_j5740t6 wrote
No, I hear that - I’m pumped the dude stood up for himself and kept his belongings. I was more responding to the part of the post where the guy says “it’s fucked up you can’t walk down walnut without without having to fight for your life and stab someone.”
canihavemymoneyback t1_j5744tk wrote
I’ve never seen that question posed but my answer would be to be able to walk my little dog after dark. As things stand safety wise, I wouldn’t feel safe if I were walking a lion after dark.
12kdaysinthefire t1_j574emp wrote
Fucked around and found out.
mikebailey t1_j5755dm wrote
My guess is he’ll catch a charge and be fine
themoneybadger t1_j5758fd wrote
I know many ER doctors that think the police program saves lives, so I guess that's your grain of salt. There is no one size fits all. Getting people to medical treatment ASAP is the goal.
themoneybadger t1_j575lls wrote
Your cynicism is pretty messed up. Philly Police are generally dogshit but them diverting resources to get people to the hospital ASAP is probably the best thing they do. The fact that you are shitting all over it because you don't get to play medic first is really sad.
Avenger020331 t1_j57657j wrote
Hardly my guy. It’s not about playing medic, but the lack of patient care they’re receiving and inevitably dying I the back of the cop car due to being thrown in.
DonQOnIce t1_j576bu6 wrote
I mean, if someone is close enough to try to grab your bike while holding a deadly weapon, you might immediately defend yourself. That’s not an unreasonable decision at all.
DonQOnIce t1_j576nuc wrote
I ride 4-5 days a week with no problems 🤔
wiredpersona t1_j576tuv wrote
This city's motto
Palindromes__ t1_j5774pf wrote
I don’t disagree. Again, I was speaking more to the chosen wording of the original comment I was responding to.
themoneybadger t1_j577wyo wrote
Right. As opposed to the patient care they get bleeding out on the sidewalk while the cops wait for the ambulance, unsure when it will get there. Nobody is saying that a cop is a better transport than an ambulance. The choice is do nothing and wait, or take action and get to them to the hospital yourself.
butterfly105 t1_j578v5p wrote
something about fucking and something about finding out something something
collectallfive t1_j57aevh wrote
Yeah I should be able to kill anyone that tries to take something from me. My car? Blast em. My phone? Blast em. My blood? Blast em. My number? Blast em.
[deleted] t1_j57aiqb wrote
DoctorSteve t1_j57aq7t wrote
Certainly something related to trauma.
[deleted] t1_j57b7p8 wrote
DuvalHeart t1_j57bbkn wrote
If somebody is using violence against you, why should you have to try to run away before defending yourself?
collectallfive t1_j57bfki wrote
Yeah that's what I said. You should be able to kill anyone getting violent against you.
Avenger020331 t1_j57bflu wrote
I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m asking for better medical care for patients from all parties involved. The police are woefully undertrained in any sort of basic first aid. Including the use of tourniquets, many of which they carry on them but never use. And they have extras, not just ones for themselves should they need it.
scooter_se t1_j57bwj8 wrote
I mean at that point I can understand being like “okay there’s no WAY I’m letting you take the fucking bike at this point”
ColdJay64 t1_j57c0sv wrote
That seems pretty extreme but I don’t know what you’ve experienced.
[deleted] t1_j57c4rq wrote
ThisHatRightHere t1_j57c8u8 wrote
This guy really fucked around and found out. One would hope this is a cautionary tale for people who attempt armed robbery, but the type of person who commits a crime like that isn’t one to learn from their mistakes.
MoreShenanigans t1_j57ceop wrote
thinking the same thing, that's crazy
ThisHatRightHere t1_j57cfl1 wrote
Yeah but you can say it in a better way than that, man lol
collectallfive t1_j57cqw6 wrote
Haha yeah I should have couched my desire to kill people over property behind something more innocuous like "i hate duty to flee laws"
BleuBrink t1_j57cu30 wrote
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
KenzoWap t1_j57czyw wrote
emet18 t1_j57d8ko wrote
I would need counseling because my erection did not subside within 4-6 hours after I Samurai Jack’d the asshole who tried to steal my bike
karenmcgrane t1_j57e2bs wrote
I'm imagining the scene like, buddy you're not going anywhere, blood is spurting from your carotid artery, but the robber is wobbling away on this bike — he can barely keep himself upright — so our hero guy walks over and pushes him off the bike and he falls in shambles into the street with the bike on top of him.
I'm not trying to make light of this but if you saw this scene in a movie it would be hilarious.
karenmcgrane t1_j57eq95 wrote
See now I'm imagining that the hero guy develops a heretofore unknown thirst for blood now that he's had this experience. He could have gone his whole life not knowing how great it feels to stab a guy, but now nothing else will compare.
If the hero guy is reading this, sorry, I really don't want to be disrespectful of what you went through, it's just that this story is wild.
Raecino t1_j57f9la wrote
Or maybe the fact when someone is robbing you it’s very likely they could kill you. You don’t have enough time in that type of situation (a violent robbery) to try to assess whether or not they’re going to kill you or not when you can defend yourself instead.
collectallfive t1_j57fj9x wrote
Idk why people think I'm disagreeing with anyone here. I fully agree. You should be able to kill anyone trying to take something from you.
I also agree with you. You should be able to kill people based on vibes.
Raecino t1_j57hl10 wrote
It’s probably cuz tone is hard to measure online
xMeepxx t1_j57ho2a wrote
Fuck around and find out bois
Capkirk0923 t1_j57jqg1 wrote
Was a gas stove involved?
Capkirk0923 t1_j57jxh9 wrote
Sounds like it was a few scores in the neck and back.
acesilver1 t1_j57k250 wrote
That robber is lucky he didn’t die. Critical condition for a stupid bike.
Badkevin t1_j57k4pe wrote
My gosh, I’m so glad the 31 YO young man made it out with “minor injuries “. Dude can’t even bike in center city without fearing for cars and armed thieves!?!?
Capkirk0923 t1_j57k5og wrote
That part
[deleted] t1_j57kcod wrote
collectallfive t1_j57kkc2 wrote
I'm mostly just restating and clarifying what's already being said by y'all. Idk why I'm getting downvotes
NotUnstoned t1_j57lhmj wrote
NotUnstoned t1_j57mn98 wrote
Idk man that argument only seems to work for cops
NotUnstoned t1_j57nk1l wrote
I think he’ll be good. He got the knife from the attacker, stabbed him in the neck and back, then the attacker got up and tried to ride off on dudes bike. Dude pushed him off the bike and that was the end. If he had stabbed him again when he tried to ride away, he might be in trouble, but I think that last bit will save him legally.
libananahammock t1_j57rx8v wrote
Stealing is now a death penalty?
[deleted] t1_j57tvpr wrote
ThisHatRightHere t1_j57ud8n wrote
You’re fucking unhinged my man
[deleted] t1_j57uete wrote
collectallfive t1_j57uhyq wrote
Why? It's fundamentally no different from what anyone else here has said.
DuvalHeart t1_j57ulhd wrote
Nope, but there's no way to know if theft is the ultimate goal. If somebody is attacking you, you don't know how far they're willing to go. And even shoving somebody to the ground can kill them (not that this is a reasonable thing for a healthy adult to worry about). But the theft isn't the problem, the assault is.
DuvalHeart t1_j57vmdr wrote
No, you should be able to defend yourself against someone using violence against you.
It isn't about property or killing them. It's about protecting yourself from serious harm or death. If a 90 lb. school kid shoves you, you don't get to kill them, because a reasonable person wouldn't consider that to be a serious/deadly attack.
Bisexual_Republican t1_j57w1ip wrote
>ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow
>level 3KenzoWap · 2 hr. ago
I'm willing to bet he has no more training than pure civil rage, pent up from years of watching the police do next to nothing to stop the increase in violence because they hate Krasner, and the idea that if he didn't act here, he may die and never see his family, his wife, or his kids again.
A civilian took not just justice into his own hands here, but his own survival.
hikesnpipes t1_j57z86n wrote
Truth, got attacked by 2 guys and police refused to file a report…
livimae t1_j5802z0 wrote
Very Philly. I love it. Slay.
ThisHatRightHere t1_j583tj9 wrote
It very much is different. Everyone in here is saying yes, you should have the right to defend yourself in a life or death situation and not suffer negative consequences because of it. Everything you’ve said tells me you’re the type of person who looks for trouble so they can have the opportunity to seem like a hero. That’s some psycho shit my dude.
[deleted] t1_j58596d wrote
l_rufus_californicus t1_j5870rn wrote
What do you do for an encore - I mean, when you get out of the hospital and prison - when finding out your life has gone so wrong that you can't even violent crime?
[deleted] t1_j58890z wrote
BleuBrink t1_j589r19 wrote
Stabbed in the neck and back...and tried to ride away. Good way to bleed out more.
Peemster99 t1_j58l8xk wrote
The whole area between 12th and Broad has always had a level of pure sketchiness. There was pretty open male prostitution up until around 2010 and locker breakins have always been pretty common in the gyms in the area.
filladellfea t1_j58lh55 wrote
my neck
my back
take my knife and do a stab attack
JSpell t1_j58rp3z wrote
Good, scumbag.
[deleted] t1_j58wm9o wrote
[deleted] t1_j5965j7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j596p0a wrote
[deleted] t1_j59c459 wrote
[deleted] t1_j59c67o wrote
[deleted] t1_j59cevr wrote
[deleted] t1_j59ckrz wrote
[deleted] t1_j59cnpa wrote
internet_cousin t1_j59qk5d wrote
If i could give awards to all your comments I would.
collectallfive t1_j59qm4b wrote
Geez I'm glad someone gets my very modest proposal
[deleted] t1_j59s4h1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j59ti17 wrote
Bartleby_TheScrivene t1_j5a08gd wrote
If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.
Noyes654 t1_j5a0uqp wrote
MedievalFightClub t1_j5a28o4 wrote
Bad things happen in Philly?
The_Prince1513 t1_j5a7zig wrote
No but assault with a deadly weapon can be.
Would be much different story if the robber just tried to use intimidation/his fists and got stabbed.
If you use deadly force against someone to commit a crime you deserve whatever you get.
GodfatherOfGanja t1_j5aqb26 wrote
Aw, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. God. Oh, I'm hurt. Oh, my neck, my back, my neck and my back. Oh, I want $150,000, but we can settle out of court right now for your bike
ShineAmazing3401 t1_j5bk4wm wrote
Good! I’m glad the victim is okay.
PuggyPaddie t1_j5bk9ok wrote
I bet it was a kid or a very young adult..they are WAYYY too confident in this city at times. Like I get it kid you’re hard…but you’re not a grown man…
[deleted] t1_j5c7euk wrote
babywithahugedick t1_j5f56d9 wrote
So do I. What's your point? This shit is fine until it happens to you?
babywithahugedick t1_j5f5l85 wrote
Yeah and I'm one of them. Doesn't make this even remotely acceptable. Our city needs to do better and it starts with people not brushing this shit aside by saying "well actually thousands of people do this everyday so it isn't a problem". Thousands of people ride the BSL and MFL everyday without incident but it doesn't make the state of our subways any less abhorrent.
ColdJay64 t1_j5fsj43 wrote
You said “can’t even ride your bike without someone fucking with you.” I responded because that’s not remotely true, as this was an anomaly.
Had you said “this is rare for Center City but our city should be doing better to address general safety issues”, I would fully agree.
babywithahugedick t1_j5fy8qb wrote
Mass shootings are anomalies vs normal shootings, but after a mass shooting people say things like "can't even go to the grocery store/movie theater/etc. without worrying about getting shot" - would you argue semantics with those people, or agree that it's a problem that these things are happening at all, regardless of their frequency or overall likelihood? Our city has a random violent crime crisis and the various individualized ways people are victimized speaks to the larger issue.
[deleted] t1_j5gkx5n wrote
muscles don't really do much for fighting ability
[deleted] t1_j5i202d wrote
[deleted] t1_j5n4592 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5n5b7l wrote
TripleSkeet t1_j6jggsc wrote
Um, they definitely can help you overpower an opponent. Theres a reason theres weight classes in fighting.
[deleted] t1_j6jwku6 wrote
weight classes exist in fighting to ensure fair bouts for trained fighters -- those calculated kicks, punches, throws, and grapples are different at various weights.
if someone wants to 'overpower an opponent' they should be getting trained (in whatever discipline they choose -- boxing, muay thai, bjj, whatever) in self-defense so that they know how to do those kicks, punches, throws, and grapples -- having bigger biceps or a stronger bench-press does fuck-all for fighting
i've seen plenty of big dudes have their asses kicked by smaller, weaker seeming guys -- the extra weight does nothing for you unless you know how to use it
TripleSkeet t1_j6lwyw8 wrote
It doesnt guarantee anything, but it can help. Yea Ive seen bigger dudes get beat up by smaller guys too. Ive also seen bigger dudes who maybe werent as good a fight as a smaller dude pick them up off their feet and slam them into the ground like a sack of potatoes. Ending the fight in one quick motion.
Most people arent trained fighters. And if 2 untrained fighters are going against each other, the bigger one usually wins.
Dryheavemorning t1_j55p9zq wrote