Submitted by MagnusUnda t3_10q3vax in philadelphia
uptown_gargoyle t1_j6npj3n wrote
Solid. Problematic venue aside, what's the nature of Gym's relationship with the Associated General Contractors of America?
calvinistgrindcore t1_j6npytb wrote
I don't even hate her policy positions, but it's sort of nuts how long she's managed to hide (from most people) what a self-interested clown she is. She's better at social media than any of the other mayoral candidates, but this campaign seems to be outing some of her worst tendencies. This eye-popping quote came from the AACC candidates' forum on 1/15:
> “You’ve got to have somebody, when, as soon as they walk into the room, systems of oppression fall and new systems of opportunity are built,” Gym said. “When I walk into the room, systems of oppression fall and new systems of opportunity come up, and everybody in this room knows it.” source
uptown_gargoyle t1_j6nqd2h wrote
I'd like to see the data on number of rooms Gym has walked into and number of systems of oppression that have fallen over the past few years.
MagnusUnda OP t1_j6nqz5q wrote
That’s a messianic-delusional stuff there
Starpork t1_j6nr1i5 wrote
Holy shit even Jesus didn't do all that
An_emperor_penguin t1_j6nrjhw wrote
this was so easily avoidable and yet totally inevitable for Gym. Incredible clown energy
NoTradeClause19 t1_j6nrki5 wrote
I mean, it's just hyperbole. I'm over candidates who speak in hyperbole. What are you going to do? How are you going to do it?
You can hate Krasner as much as you want, but at least he says what he is going to do and how he is going to do it. Whether he's accomplished those goals or effecting positive change is a different discussion.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nte4e wrote
I’m more curious what the Associated General Contractors Association’s relationship is with the Union League.
Gym’s not my first pick in this race, but I’m not gonna get too mad at anyone just for going into a rented building owned by assholes they’ve criticized. It’s bad optics in that it opens the door for articles like this.
But running for office means going to to campaign events to talk to special interest groups. And more often than not, those events happen in some rich dick who sucks’ building.
Unless her relationship with the Association, or the Association’s relationship with the Union League is the issue (the article doesn’t really detail either) this isn’t like, a devastating takedown that fundamentally alters my impression of her. It’s an expose that she’s … running for office?
Every last one of the candidates, if they stick around long enough, is going to wind up in that building at some point or another, or somewhere just as bad.
Cobey1 t1_j6ntjoi wrote
They’re major developers and partners in the development of our city
[deleted] t1_j6nu126 wrote
Cobey1 t1_j6nubl3 wrote
This is such a lousy attack. She went to meet with global contractors, not the board of the Union league. How else does a Mayoral candidate get to meet 30+ business owners in one night? Sucks that the venue was the Union league but she’s trying to run an entire city here. Meeting 30+ businesses and going office to office isn’t efficient, especially when there’s an even that is hosting all of them in one night
AbsentEmpire t1_j6nv4s1 wrote
Your daily reminder that Helen Gym is a fucking clown, and in no way should be allowed to be mayor of the city.
ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6nv5jd wrote
I like (liked?) Gym as a progressive. But, c'mon. Even she took the L here and admitted that she screwed up. You don't critique one specific part of the old boy network and then show up at one of its events barely a week later. She done messed up.
KFCConspiracy t1_j6nvm60 wrote
She's all about the Helen Gym show.
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6nvrd2 wrote
If you're running for office and denounce an organization one day, then show up to an event at said organization the next, you're one of two things: a hypocrite or a moron. Not a lot of wiggle room there
AbsentEmpire t1_j6nw00a wrote
This sounds as dumb as the shit Trump says, she's a clown of the highest order.
porkchameleon t1_j6nwoed wrote
I vaguely remember there was a controversy associated with her name some time ago, way before she was running for mayor - anyone remembers from the top of their head?
In the meantime - I can't wait for more dirt slinging click baiting headlines; bring it on now.
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6nwz06 wrote
Plenty of companies/businesses host events there. My current job used to host a big local industry conference there pre Covid, and my former job had our Christmas dinner there once. If you're a member then you can reserve the space for your firm/organization/whatever. Stands to reason at least one person who's a higher up in the contractors association is a member
medicated_in_PHL t1_j6nwzsw wrote
It’s not at all. If you are taking a stand against something/someone you think is immoral or corrupt, you make personal sacrifices.
Your argument is like voting to go on strike, crossing the picket line to go to work and the saying “How else am I supposed to make money?”
That’s part of taking a stand. In fact it’s like, the ONLY part of taking a stand.
Cobey1 t1_j6nx7cw wrote
Totally. I’m not disagreeing with that, Idek how her or her team didn’t see a red flag in going. There’s people from all campaigns and journalists just waiting to knock candidates out of this race. This kind of slip wasn’t helpful
Ng3me t1_j6nx93p wrote
I agree with Gym on plenty of topics and would vote for her for council again and probably state rep. But not mayor. I just don’t think she is any good at managing an actual city. Most of her progressive causes are pretty agreed upon here. Yeah we’re all pro-immigrant but what are you doing about trash pickup?
DeltaNerd t1_j6nxgax wrote
What is she even saying?
Cobey1 t1_j6nxpt4 wrote
I disagree with your picket line example. I don’t see this as crossing the picket line. She met with global contractors that rented the space out for the evening. She didn’t rent the event out for a campaign fundraiser.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nxs0o wrote
Yeah, the Union League as an organization can suck my fat Philly tits. But it’s located in a gorgeous building that is well-located for events like this, which is why it’s constantly being used for events like this.
Declaring that politicians can’t ever go inside the building unless they’ve never criticized the organization basically just prevents politicians from making the criticism, because going into that building to do facetime with groups like this is part of their job.
Given that the article doesn’t clarify a relationship otherwise, I’m not seeing anything here that’s more than a cosmetic problem
medicated_in_PHL t1_j6ny8q8 wrote
After the past decade, I don’t listen to anything politicians say, I watch their actions. She supported the Union League through her actions, so her words denouncing them are meaningless.
ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6nydfp wrote
Honestly, city governance is a mess right now. Being a (recent) member of city council is a strike against you in my book and that of many city residents right now. They are a HUGE part of the problem.
This slip up screams that she is playing the same old games of Philly politics. Glad handing the good ole boys for some cash at that racist shit hole is predictable but disappointing. It is a second strike in my book. I was equally or more upset about Rhynhart promoting crooked John Street's endorsement for similar reasons.
[deleted] t1_j6nz7gi wrote
shark_skin_suit t1_j6nze54 wrote
I'm not mad at that.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nzm8z wrote
That’s where I stand too. My biggest complaint with Krasner is that he and his top level staff are all big-idea people, and aren’t really interested in the boring work of management and bureaucracy. I support his big ideas, but that boring work absolutely has to be done for those big ideas to succeed.
I think that’s especially true for mayor. I’ll happily take someone that’s a more moderate progressive than I am if I think they’re good at and interested in the boring thankless work that’s invisible labor if you do it right but still really, really needs to be done.
sjm320 t1_j6nzmgx wrote
She tried to shut down a minority-owned small business (food truck) because she thought the name was racist. Gym is an idiot and we are doomed if she is elected mayor.
Lubbles t1_j6nzsbu wrote
Its so weird bc i hate her but she did help pass great bills in council
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6nzz2z wrote
>Declaring that politicians can’t ever go inside the building unless they’ve never criticized the organization basically just prevents politicians from making the criticism, because going into that building to do facetime with groups like this is part of their job.
If you're a politician then you're already a cheat and a liar by virtue of your profession. But if you make a stand about something you claim to believe in, then completely ignore it in less than a week, then that just shows you're even more an empty suit then the rest of them. You have to anticipate there will be consequences to taking a stand like that, i.e missing out on events such as this.
There will for sure plenty of other opportunities to gladhand the old boy/Philly establishment network, and I highly doubt Gym was the only candidate there last night. She was just the only one dumb enough to forcefully denounce the Union League then show up the next week.
DeltaNerd t1_j6o01y5 wrote
I'm liberal AF but that whole statement literally means nothing.
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6o0iy1 wrote
Savior complex mentality. And during her tenure on City Council (2016-22) I don't think anyone would disagree that the city got worse. Not to say that was her fault (99% was perpetually drunk Jim Kenney), but idk what the hell she could claim to have done that would have stopped that
Little_Noodles t1_j6o0t92 wrote
So if she showed up say, three weeks later, it’d be ok?
And yeah, it’s a dumb move in that it opened the door for someone even dopier to dunk on her. But if nobody actually seriously expects her to never walk through those doors again, it’s an issue of timing and optics. But that amounts to a PR error, which is a dumb thing to get too worked up about
MinimumGuarantee t1_j6o0u0j wrote
helen gym loves her some helen gym.
courageous_liquid t1_j6o1cup wrote
yeah but we seem to love the circus
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6o1dng wrote
>Philly will always stand against the racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and the bigotry that The Union League decided to honor today. Hate has no home here. #ByeDeSantis
Saying always really precludes her from doing that
grittyfanboi t1_j6o1pa9 wrote
Thanks I hate it
Little_Noodles t1_j6o1pep wrote
And never setting foot in any building owned by assholes that she’s rightly criticized precludes her from running for office in Philadelphia.
Gym’s not my first choice, and probably not even my second. But I do want to vote for someone that isn’t a fan of the Union League, and I’m not going to get mad at them for doing the kind of bare minimum public appearances every politician has to do if they’re going to successfully run for office. It’s not an ideological purity contest.
napsdufroid t1_j6o1w57 wrote
She's always been full of shit and an attention whore
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6o2wzl wrote
If she's going to take a stand like that, then she should probably know as a politician how to work around issues like that so as to prevent that in the future, instead of being such an absolutist.
I could care less about the politics of the Union League/DeSantis, but considering the past honorees of that award he got include George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, I'm shocked DeSantis is somehow the straw that broke the camels back here re the Union League's right-leaning political views being out of sync with Philadelphia at large
Little_Noodles t1_j6o3fsz wrote
Again, that’s optics. A thing most politicians at a high enough level hire staff to take care of. It’s just not a big deal to me.
And it would require her to keep silent when the Union League does something shitty, which they do on the regular. And to me, that’s a bigger failing than a PR whoopsie.
It’s not any kind of straw. Announcing that the Union League organization sucks and can kick rocks is something that happens all the time here. I’d be shocked if she hasn’t made similar public statements in the past.
ParallelPeterParker t1_j6o3q21 wrote
>My biggest complaint with Krasner is that he and his top level staff are all big-idea people, and aren’t really interested in the boring work of management and bureaucracy. And that boring work absolutely has to be done for those big ideas to succeed.
Which candidate for mayor has offered anything approximating this? I haven't really seen one. They just bloviate.
As a counter: How does a candidate do this? It's hard to message "boring work" to voters.
redeyeblink t1_j6o3vfm wrote
>Two sources familiar with the Union League event, who requested anonymity to discuss a private meeting, said other declared candidates for mayor were invited but only Gym showed up.
>Gym resigned from City Council in November to run for mayor.
>Just hours before her Union League visit, Gym was endorsed by the Working Families Party, a liberal third party group that lines up with her progressive politics. Accepting the endorsement, Gym decried “career politicians” who she said marginalize city residents in favor of “the wealthy and privileged in Philadelphia.”
PorkSandy t1_j6o425u wrote
ParallelPeterParker t1_j6o428i wrote
In a world where the mere appearance of impropriety matters, appearing at the union league a week after denouncing them seems like a bit of a self-own.
Little_Noodles t1_j6o4j9j wrote
It is hard to demonstrate to the public. But one way of doing that is by actually having chosen to do it and showing up with a track record of experience in a relevant field. Like, say, Rhynhart, who is currently high on my list.
City Controller is traditionally not a high profile job, and is exactly the kind of bullshit I’d like a mayor to be good at. Same for Budget Director, and she did good work there under Nutter.
The fact that she and Kenney seem to hate each other is just a bonus.
FordMaverickFan t1_j6o4tk7 wrote
I'm so happy she's finally getting the media attention she deserves. Turns out eventually all the chickens do come home to roost.
Anyone who's ever operated in Philly political circles know that she does the bare minimum on Council, provides 0 services to anyone who calls her office and is a fucking hypocrite.
The best thing she ever did was found a fairly successful Charter School but she's embarrassed by it.
FordMaverickFan t1_j6o4z93 wrote
She suffers from savior syndrome but doesn't put in the effort to save anyone.
[deleted] t1_j6o52vb wrote
apathetic_panda t1_j6o5l8a wrote
900 AM , 11:00-14:00 every Wednesday. Listen every once in awhile
Every. single. one. is. a. doorknob.
TreeMac12 t1_j6o5mcj wrote
>She went to meet with global contractors
She should have Tweeted that instead of bowing and apologizing to Ernest Owens.
lordredsnake t1_j6o65xy wrote
Her council tenure is illustrative. She hasn't seemed particularly interested in legislating as a councilperson. She used her position occasionally as a bully pulpit, with regular retreats into the background. We're ending an 8 year experiment with a Mayor who's been uninterested in governing. We need someone who is going to get the city back on track and focus on the nuts and bolts, and bring people into the administration with the same mindset.
apathetic_panda t1_j6o6b1j wrote
List of one.
I know why we're having a debate. But, it's like watching a class of kindergarteners try to pull off an Amistad.
Cobey1 t1_j6o6zkn wrote
Facts. Personally, I would have owned this. Take it to the chin, be very transparent about going to meet contractors who rented the space out, not the Union league board members. Talk about how I’m trying to connect with the trades to ‘build’ a better Philadelphia, etc. I wouldn’t have apologized for meeting some of the largest contractor groups in the city/east coast. Elected officials need to coordinate and work with these groups of people. 110% Every candidate running for office in Philly would’ve been there if it was any other venue in the city. She’s ballsy if you ask me lol
Little_Noodles t1_j6o745f wrote
You asked for “one”, not a list. And yeah, it’s a mess right now, I’ll agree to that.
I’ll be glad when the pettier bullshit like this dies down and we can see who is left standing to actually make a decision about. At the moment, unless it’s revealing an actual problem (like say, the Jeff Brown article posted earlier), I’m not bothering with any of this high school bullshit in my evaluation.
lordredsnake t1_j6o78nv wrote
That's a story that's been overshadowed by the venue gaffe. Gym has taken a very anti-development stance publicly, and yet she's courting an association of the largest builders in the city. I'm pro-development, and a realist, so I don't see a fundamental problem with attending their event. But if you're styling yourself as an anti-development social justice warrior and are running for office on that basis, attending the GBCA annual reception at club that honors divisive far right-wing demagogues really calls into question your sincerity.
TreeMac12 t1_j6o7ghz wrote
Maybe say, "I agreed to this meeting before the DeSantis announcement, and I stopped in only briefly to fulfil my obligation. The contractor's association is not directly involved with the inner workings of the club."
uptown_gargoyle t1_j6o7yq6 wrote
I doubt she perceives it as suffering
Ok_Act5122 t1_j6o7zuv wrote
The older I get, the more I agree with this. I fall pretty far to the left on the spectrum, but the more I see things shake out, the more I feel that high-level government (Federal, the President) need to be the ones going big on stuff like civil rights, healthcare, social Justice, and the mayors need to be technocratic moderates who can actually take care of the little things that are in front of them.
AbsentEmpire t1_j6o81hx wrote
Low information voters certainly seem to like her and other dipshits elected to the government that's for sure.
ParallelPeterParker t1_j6o8asw wrote
I appreciate your response, but I'm struggling to see how what Rhynhart did as Controller is all that different from say, Gym. In fact, I often feel like Rhynhart was wielding the office to run for mayor specifically.
Ultimately though, neither shows the public why they're better than another candidate (experience!) or why "their plan" is better than anyone else's.
Sorry to be all nihilistic, but no candidate seems to even come close to something I appreciate which is a Liz Warren style "I've got a plan for than".
ETA: I don't even like Warren all that much.
Starpork t1_j6o8hl2 wrote
The issue is that if it were that fucking easy it would have happened by now
FMG1978 t1_j6o97es wrote
Fat Philly tits?👀
Little_Noodles t1_j6o9ehk wrote
I’d agree that she was using the last office strategically and in the last stretch, higher office was part of it. But the Budget Director office? That’d be a reach.
And even if she was, I’d still rather someone whose political aspirations started in smaller, lesser known offices where they spent years acquiring substantial understanding of how the city’s bureaucracy works (or doesn’t) and using their skills and experience to produce paper trails of documentation re: mismanagement in the system and areas that need attention and reform.
I haven’t seen anyone else running produce research and reports (which are, effectively, her way of announcing what her “plan is for that’, especially if you believe she was using that office as a springboard).
And yeah, a lot of them have been targeted at the PPD, because that’s where a lot of the big waste and mismanagement is at. But she’s done the same for much smaller - ACCT comes to mind. Not even the council person assigned to ACCT gives a shit about ACCT.
Edit: And you don’t have to be in love with any of the candidates. But one of them is going to be the next mayor.
There’s no option C where if you’re salty enough about your choices, the universe has to deliver a new candidate that’s also your new best friend.
You can pick your least worst choice or sit it out and let other people pick one for you. Those are your two options, short of running yourself.
Linkstas t1_j6oaddt wrote
ERPoppop t1_j6oaygg wrote
hey, go easy on her. she's still riding high from that one time 6-7 years ago that she defeated oppression by complaining about a food truck on twitter and allegedly threatening the asian owners with intense negative publicity and increased inspection scrutiny
[deleted] t1_j6ob4m3 wrote
Little_Noodles t1_j6ob8z9 wrote
I mean, I’d like to have a mayor that’d be a little more than moderate if there’s something practical they can do in response to bad legislation, especially in this state.
So talking the talk does matter a little to me. But otherwise, yeah. Most of the mayor’s power is not in tackling state and nationwide issues. The most they can realistically do there is help rally for state and federal politicians.
Their actual job, if they’re doing it, is making sure boring shit gets handled correctly and keeping a bunch of different special interests with competing agendas not too unhappy, which mostly comes down to being good at financials.
bukkakedebeppo t1_j6ocwmv wrote
Love it! She's such a toolshed.
[deleted] t1_j6od1dw wrote
bukkakedebeppo t1_j6od8ou wrote
She was dead silent on Washington Ave. I called and left messages for her, asked her over Twitter to make a statement, heard absolutely nothing back. She didn't legislate and she didn't use her at-large status to take a stand against councilmanic prerogative. And now she's proving that she's a complete hypocrite.
MRC1986 t1_j6odtu6 wrote
Yup, she's long been a clown, dating back to the infamous food truck incident. No wonder she sought and received the Working Families Party endorsement, as they are equally clowns.
SanjiSasuke t1_j6odujv wrote
I was gonna say that's basically 'better than Lincoln, better than Washington' but prog-washed, lmao.
MRC1986 t1_j6odz6f wrote
I, for one, am totally enjoying her downfall.
lordredsnake t1_j6oe0yi wrote
She also made a meaningless statement in support of the "Save the Meadows" campaign at FDR Park, but took no actions to actually push PPR to modify their plan. She did the bare minimum to get people to publicly thank her and profess their support for her.
With so many former councilpeople running, the Inquirer should have a field day with comparing statements to actions while in office, but I don't have a lot of faith this is going to actually happen. Washington Ave. is a prime example. How many candidates are going to proclaim their support for Vision Zero and improved road safety, despite having done nothing to push back on other councilpeople who were watering down safety measures?
bukkakedebeppo t1_j6oe8li wrote
I don't even support "Save the Meadows" and still think she's a jerk!
lordredsnake t1_j6oejd4 wrote
You don't have to--it's just another data point on the chart of performative politics.
phillycheeez t1_j6oeqpi wrote
Patiod t1_j6of5vy wrote
No horse in this race and not positive or negative opinion of Gym, but there's a huge difference between being the member of a conservative organization, and going to a fund-raiser using their ballroom as a venue
User_Name13 t1_j6ofkak wrote
I respect Helen Gym for standing up the city's blatant racism against Asian-Americans.
The city was looking the other way and letting Asian-American students get assaulted left and right. They weren't punishing the assailants either.
Here's another article about it:
"At South Philadelphia High, known as Southern, they entered a school community where Asian immigrants were harassed, bullied, and assaulted — behavior that school staff tolerated and sometimes abetted. On Dec. 3, 2009, more than two dozen Asian students were brutally attacked inside and outside the school building. Several were treated at hospitals for their injuries. After the attacks, Asian students organized an eight-day student boycott, forcing Philadelphia to confront the anti-Asian bias that permeated the city and its public school system."
This was actual racism.
The city was letting a racial minority group get assaulted regularly by a much larger group, and effectively swept it under the rug.
I will always respect for Helen Gym for standing up against the actual racism of the city of Philadelphia. Every other politician in the city was content to just sit back and let those Asian kids get the shit beat out of them and let the racists get away with it.
Of course the racists did get away with it in the end. None of them were ever rly punished. At least the people in charge of the city were forced to at least acknowledge the city's racism and that wouldn't have happened without Helen Gym.
apathetic_panda t1_j6og44c wrote
Um, I think you're responding to somebody else- I'm not even registered for the primary-
[deleted] t1_j6ogoie wrote
Little_Noodles t1_j6oguzl wrote
Ah, the person I was responding to in the post you responded to asked for “one”. So I should have said “they”.
And if you’re not registered for the primary, it frankly doesn’t matter what your opinion on any of the candidates is.
PhillyPanda t1_j6oho5l wrote
That seems unlikely given how long ago the DeSantis award was planned. The award was originally planned to be given to him in early October and people were denouncing it back in September.
Phl_worldwide t1_j6oi7u9 wrote
The machine will do anything to protect her and the status quo
[deleted] t1_j6oitad wrote
KFCConspiracy t1_j6okbes wrote
Noone outside of her little circle of admirers (And they're fervent) likes her.
KFCConspiracy t1_j6okoi8 wrote
> She also made a meaningless statement in support of the "Save the Meadows" campaign at FDR Park,
The thing is, environmentally, "Save the meadows" is NOT a good thing, that land is not naturally a meadow. So even in her performative action, she was wrong.
KFCConspiracy t1_j6ol2l7 wrote
The job of controller is specifically to audit and expose government waste. Unfortunately, she found a lot of it because Butkovitz, her predecessor, did not do that job for a decade. The controller, by the nature of the position, cannot implement anything, only audit and report.
Are you suggesting that Kenney was NOT wasting city resources and inept?
SomeOtherOrder t1_j6ol6oo wrote
seriously, it’s a little bit more put-together than the dumb shit that came out of Trump’s mouth but it still sounds reaaally stupid.
KFCConspiracy t1_j6olenx wrote
I just suspect she didn't think anyone would notice and she'd be able to keep up her act of just talking big.
woah_whats_thatb t1_j6olfy4 wrote
Progressives i know are jumping ship after this.
ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6ommqe wrote
I wouldn't believe a word ANY of them say about vision zero. Kenney has cloaked himself in that banner and done jack shit about it. It's an easy sound bite and then you just Blake city council when push comes to shove. They'll all claim to be for it. It's easy money for them.
ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6omw4w wrote
Nothing like cozying up to corrupt former mayors to inspire trust!
apathetic_panda t1_j6on6lk wrote
I'm aware of that. But, if you're going to mute me because I don't want your stupid clubs' fundraising mailers coming to my house- you're not going to like the outcome regardless since the people left would do something asinine like elect Domb.
Seriously people, why go from a slumlord president then say hey, that was awful... let's have all of those bad ideas executed closer to home.
[deleted] t1_j6oniiz wrote
Original60sGirl t1_j6ony95 wrote
She's done. Can't even make a good political decision in her own best interest.
Little_Noodles t1_j6op8pn wrote
Who said anything about muting you?
I just said that your opinion here, which is that you can be chased out of the electorate by the threat of recieving mail, means that your opinion on the primary isn’t worth taking seriously
mexheavymetal t1_j6opwvu wrote
Which ones?
mexheavymetal t1_j6oq7qp wrote
Ok so we’re in agreement that it should probably be between Rhynhart or Brown but not Gym, right?
apathetic_panda t1_j6oqyw9 wrote
I didn't say I wasn't voting. I just won't register to a party whose politics I don't respect. The ballot questions actually matter more.
The closed primary format is muting me- it was just presumptuous of me to assume that you support it.
An assumption that is sound. So again, you can dismiss my opinion- as it's no more valid than anyone else's - it'll just be funny when people wonder why nothing improves here and all the same people in charge are doing exactly what their predecessors were 40-50 years ago
[deleted] t1_j6orn9b wrote
TreeMac12 t1_j6osw0f wrote
>That seems unlikely given how long ago the DeSantis award was planned.
This is an annual event. The contractors have been planning this for a year.
Little_Noodles t1_j6ot14h wrote
Unless you’re very new here, you know as well as I do that in Philadelphia, the primary is the mayoral election. By that point, when it comes to your vote for this office, you’re either absent or a rubber stamp.
Whether or not you like the primary system is irrelevant. You’re not teaching anyone a lesson by refusing to participate in it.
Refusing to participate and then bitching that everyone who did did a bad job isn’t the principled or unique stand you think it is. Most of Philly doesn’t vote, and most of the ones that do don’t vote in the primary. THAT’S why it’s the same assholes getting in over and over again. Because they’re being elected by the same sliver of the population that’s willing to do shit like, say, throw out mailers sometimes
[deleted] t1_j6oua94 wrote
Proper-Code7794 t1_j6oudou wrote
What stroads sounds like to engineers. Made up words to pander.
[deleted] t1_j6oujzo wrote
apathetic_panda t1_j6ov3pt wrote
I'm not new here. Unless you're going to point out a local primary that turned on fewer than 300 votes instead of a greasy palm, your point is just as impotent.
If I cared that my nonparticpation were unique it actually wouldn't matter, but since that population outnumbers the primary electorate you make my argument for me
For the record, I do throw out the mailers. If you were going suggest something actually effectual it would've been to run myself or volunteer- but as it turns out you like circlejerking as much as I do
Little_Noodles t1_j6ovj0k wrote
And again, if you’re not going to shit but bitch about the people that are pulling their weight, and how it doesn’t matter that you’re not doing shit because too many other people also don’t do shit, then your opinion holds about as much weight with me as the vote you’re not casting weighs in the outcome of the election.
The people you’re complaining about are going to pick your next mayor, just like they always have, and they’re going to do it because you and people like you are too salty to just make an effort. You think they give a shit that you’re sitting this out? They do not.
I frequently don’t like my choices come the general. But sometimes I do. Sometimes they’re even the person I helped collect signatures for, or donated to, or voted for in the primary.
PhillyPanda t1_j6ovqou wrote
Yeah but it’s a question of when she registered. Their events only go a few months out on the website
[deleted] t1_j6ow2yi wrote
apathetic_panda t1_j6oxu25 wrote
You really like to repeat yourself don't you.
Wow, is that a salad 🥗.
The people pulling weight in the primary aren't the electorate, genius.
But yes, look at a 12% turnout and say yeah, the people rejecting the process due to the persistent corruption of the nominating bodies and the long-standing policy in place specifically to supress voting generally- they're the problem
Do you really think I'm trying to change your mind?
A stranger on the internet 🤣😂🤢🤮
GooFoYouPal t1_j6ozfx0 wrote
And she’ll abandon that cause instantly because the truth of it conflicts with the current narrative she’s embracing. I don’t know how anyone can still have an ounce of respect for her at all.
[deleted] t1_j6p43t6 wrote
AbsentEmpire t1_j6p4514 wrote
If you want to find a group of people who are confidently wrong, and don't have a fucking clue how things work locally, at the state, and federal levels, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone more uninformed than the Working Families Party.
Full_Artichoke_8583 t1_j6p4nhp wrote
If by “machine” you mean Bob Brady and the ward leaders, she is NOT the machine’s choice.
Ams12345678 t1_j6p4u4q wrote
To be fair, not every member of The Union League is a Republican. My friend’s parents belong and they’re far left leaning. It’s a country club that people use for business purposes and connections.
Phl_worldwide t1_j6p54ja wrote
Lol. Bob Brady is meaningless. A figurehead. A dinosaur. Something the communist left brings up to distract people from reality
The machine as in the city hall machine. The corrupt underbelly of Philly that prevents the trash from being picked up, that prevents the schools from having increased property tax funding, and in recent years has made public safety the last priority
Little_Noodles t1_j6p5ebt wrote
Eehhhhh, you’re not wrong. But at this point, in my opinion, being a member of the Union League for the business and connections is kind of like maintaining your membership at a whites only country club for the same reasons or just for the golf, even though you personally aren’t that fired up about miscegenation.
Your friends parents might vote a certain way, but it sounds like their primary political affiliation is “rich”, which is an inherently apolitical stance.
Ams12345678 t1_j6p5rrm wrote
I hope you’re right.
AbsentEmpire t1_j6p6r3v wrote
Unfortunately she has a cult following of uniformed morons who blindly support her despite her shit track record because she says all the magic words on Twitter. She is very much still a viable threat to the future of the city.
freddyoff t1_j6paetu wrote
Basically where she eats, where she lives and the lifestyle she leads is all funded by a multinational pharmaceutical company out to screw over the average citizen, which she is not!
YoCuzBo t1_j6pby84 wrote
She's a fraud.
ewyorksockexchange t1_j6pf760 wrote
This wasn’t the AGC, it was the GBCA, which is the local trade organization for union-labor contractors in the Philadelphia area. Philly is one of, if not the, strongest union labor cities in the country. Having a decent relationship with building trades and their employers is a big component of leading the city of Philadelphia imo.
ewyorksockexchange t1_j6pfbkr wrote
Right, this is the GBCA, not the AGC. GBCA is the Philly-specific union contractors association.
[deleted] t1_j6ph6ar wrote
HobbyPlodder t1_j6pi168 wrote
I have to give her credit for that, because it's insane to overlook racist behavior like that, but her behavior is a mixed bag wrt Asian-Americans living in Philly:
She supported the ridiculous bill to ban bulletproof glass in stores, despite objections by Councilman Oh about how that would disproportionately impact the safety of (predominantly Asian-American) small business owners.
She also threatened an Asian-American food truck owner with, among other things, abuse of her authority to engage a retaliatory L&I investigation because she didn't like the name of the business.
taskermorrisrider222 t1_j6pj7hz wrote
Rebecca Rhynhart
trashpandarevolution t1_j6nn8lw wrote
progressives yet again fall for a wolf in pharmaceutical clothing.