electric_ranger t1_j6idjnj wrote
One hell of a play
electric_ranger t1_j6ifxp2 wrote
SEPTA: “Eh bien, continuons”
WhereDaHinkieFlair t1_j6imaja wrote
If you've ever been on the subway late night then you know hell is other people.
Slobotic t1_j6itop3 wrote
Or maybe they're a fan of Belgian surrealist René Magritte.
ClashMacLaver t1_j6j6bmf wrote
One time I picked up my ex at the airport standing with the limo drivers with a sign that said "Godot"
ParallelPeterParker t1_j6jcbgk wrote
Maybe it's me, but I can smell this picture.
Medi-Saiyan t1_j6jq79n wrote
Huis clos sounds suspiciously like we closed
art-man_2018 t1_j6jqmft wrote
I really don't think much of SEPTA's accessibility designs went further testing than the mouse stage.
Adorable-Discipline t1_j6jrp8z wrote
I can’t stand the 8th & Market stop, the floor’s always wet and the pipes’s always leaking! :/
One-Language-4055 t1_j6k7szl wrote
No sorte
ten-million t1_j6kd5m8 wrote
Lots of Nausea on the BSL
wolfman2scary t1_j6kg5e8 wrote
Hell is other platforms
tempmike t1_j6kpf3z wrote
did you bring a dead tree with you for the full effect?
ClashMacLaver t1_j6ktkit wrote
It was a decision I made on the spot when I realized I was wearing a similar coat to the other drivers and had an old time card and a sharpie in my pocket.
AOLpassword t1_j6l840a wrote
El is other people
BigxMac t1_j6lctyu wrote
My therapists office has a no exit sign in the stairwell which also reminds me of this
Caradoc_ t1_j6lsx7a wrote
I understood that reference 👉
napsdufroid t1_j6olagk wrote
Nice thought, but somehow doubt whoever made this even knows who Sartre is
CathedralEngine t1_j6idgra wrote
L’enfer c’est SEPTA