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2workigo t1_j5zfulk wrote

I love this. Thanks for sharing!


peetahvw t1_j5zgptf wrote

Also the four digit key-code (8-0-0-8) to unlock the lactation pod, hopefully brings a smile to the juvenile sense of humor deep within.


--jawnday-- t1_j5zj705 wrote

Fed is best. Happy baby, happy momma is what counts, no matter which way you get there :)


Frangi-Pani t1_j5zkv0j wrote

This is so sweet and it brought me to tears. Faith in humanity is restored.


point_breeze69 t1_j5zn744 wrote

You should see the notes in the men’s lactation room. Completely different vibe.


HouseNightOwl t1_j5znd1h wrote

Literally encountered this while pumping, thank you for sharing 💜


100891 t1_j5zpdfw wrote

This is very nice :) I just had my baby last weekend so it is extra relevant for me today


Satellight_of_Love t1_j600koe wrote

Thanks for thinking to share this. So many frustrations in the world right now. Seeing support like this is so touching.


diatriose t1_j60aqwg wrote

this fully made me cry. I pumped for 16 months, this is wonderful


Eaglesby100 t1_j60bp2q wrote

When can the men get a room to pump💪🏻


phlwhyamihere t1_j60es3z wrote

damn this is heartwarming. as a dude all I see are dicks on the walls, shit covered seats


fritolazee t1_j60sp1y wrote

I've used so many of these and am very glad they exist! Which terminal is this? I've only been in undecorated ones.


Puwn t1_j60uxs9 wrote

That's fucking beautiful... fuck... it needs to be preserved somehow.


k2j2 t1_j617zjy wrote

Love this. Would cross post on other subs- deserves a wider audience


ftwin t1_j61oyr2 wrote

I expect to see this on NBC10 tomorrow night


Shrewlord t1_j62qqhg wrote

I just assumed guys went in there for alone time.


bakecakes12 t1_j638rwd wrote

Breastfeeding has been one of the biggest joys of my life. I love this.

Also have done multiple IVF injections in the PHL family restroom in terminal A. Looking forward to seeing the other side of things (the lactation room) on my next adventure.


sugar-high t1_j639aa9 wrote

I’m currently pregnant and there are so many aspects of having a baby that are exciting yet daunting. Thank you for sharing this— I’m really comforted knowing that I’ll someday read these notes in person!


nenenene t1_j63fdfc wrote

It’s called a lactation room, not a masturbation room.

Knowing that people masturbate in rooms designed for women to have privacy while letting down their milk makes me sick to my stomach. It’s not like breastfeeding in public is hard enough, no, and actual pumping in public is simply impossible - men just need to violate women’s spaces to crank one out because they can’t wait, or they get off on the trespass. I hate how common this joke and how casual this mindset is, haha, private comfy legally required place for vulnerable lactating women, perfect wank spot.

Not going off on you necessarily, just going off in general.


oldRoyalsleepy t1_j63xklz wrote

Moms breastfeeding definitely need love and support and compassion -- go Moms!! ♥️ It's a great experience, but this world doesn't make it easy at times.