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markskull t1_j5uwbze wrote

"But I don't like the snow!" You know what? Fuck you!

There was a time and point of your life that you liked snow. Hell, you LOVED snow! Snow was awesome! It was the ultimate salvation in your life! It meant a day off from school, a day off from a shitty job, and a chance to enjoy your life as a human being! It meant staying inside and watching TV or going outside and playing.

You don't hate snow, you hate the shit that comes with it. You hate not being able to get out of work or school. You hate having to clean off your car. You hate the idiots who can't drive in the snow. You hate being stuck at home with your kids who have the day off. You hate having your back hurt from shoveling, the idiots who didn't shovel their walk, the streets not being plowed, paying someone to shovel your walk... all the crap that comes with snow that you, as an adult, have to deal with.

Now that you're grown and snow isn't that "convenient" for you, you hate it.

Snow is a critical part of our ecosystem. It means its cold, stuff freezes, and the ecosystem is working the way it should.

Snow is awesome, despite the inconveniences (many of which I'm dealing with), and I really hope we get some ASAP.


Antereon t1_j5v99dt wrote

Snow makes my dog do adorable jumps. Can confirm we need Snow.

I'll kill myself if I can't see those adorable hops again.