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brk1 t1_j3y97f9 wrote

Not your fault. I don’t move out of the way for cyclists on the sidewalk either. Except for children and old people—they get a pass.


justanawkwardguy t1_j3yaeo7 wrote

Eh, even some old people don’t. They know what they’re doing and if they’re not courteous at least then they get no pass


mortgagepants t1_j41bkll wrote

that's what i find so frustrating. i feel like there is a big overlap between people who drive like assholes, don't want bike lanes, and on a nice day ride their bike on the sidewalk.

even the FOP has a policy that promotes police officers riding out of the street on the sidewalk.


justanawkwardguy t1_j41bvkm wrote

Can you link that FOP policy? That’s very much against the law, so interesting that they’re encouraging officers to do it


mortgagepants t1_j41c4dm wrote

lol- it's in their official handbook posted online between "beat up minorities and shoot first ask questions later"


babywithahugedick t1_j3ynt0d wrote

If someone is slowly biking down the sidewalk because there's a traffic jam on a road without a bike lane, you're a dick for not taking the half-step to the side and letting them by


AbsentEmpire t1_j3zahrm wrote

If your biking on the sidewalk regardless of road conditions, you're automatically the asshole in the situation.


babywithahugedick t1_j4bgkoe wrote

Yeah no. Who's inconvenienced more - the guy who has to take a half step to the side when I ride by him at 5mph, or the guy who has to walk his bike to work in a traffic jam because you entitled assholes don't care about or have the brain capacity to consider variable circumstances?


ramvan t1_j3z1q3c wrote

If you’re biking on the sidewalk, you’re a dick. It’s not enforced because no traffic rules are but you can get ticketed for riding on the sidewalk.