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PhillyPanda t1_j51axnd wrote

Suraya (W-F), Middle Child Clubhouse, Front Street


Little_Noodles t1_j51dvwl wrote

That’s funny, because while I have some issues with Front Street (mostly about their cocktails), I’ve found Cedar Point to be pretty unreliable re: quality.

I like them both, FWIW.

What kind of “talking shit from NJ” are they? Like, sheltered South Jersey suburbs, rather go to Applebee’s, scared of the city? Or NYC area, being dicks about “the city” talking shit? That’s going to affect my call.


Cplcoffeebean t1_j51ektn wrote

Cedar point isn’t anything to write home about but it’s reasonably priced and their sandwiches are usually very good. In my experience, Front Street is not reasonably priced and their food is usually meh and under-seasoned or lacking flavor. Also yeah you’re right their cocktails stink.


Tetsuo-Kaneda t1_j51et39 wrote

Just out of curiosity why are you limiting to just fishtown?


Little_Noodles t1_j51fhrf wrote

Fair. I like Front St because they do a good job of accommodating my house’s dietary restrictions, and the worst food we ever had there was still pretty ok. I just don’t order cocktails there.

I like Cedar Point for the reasons you mentioned, but when they do fail on me, they’ve failed big. I wouldn’t risk it if I was trying to impress someone.


Cplcoffeebean t1_j51fv0x wrote

Oh yeah absolutely. Their commitment to dietary variety is great. I’ve got a bunch of lactose intolerant or vegan and gluten free folk in my life so I’ve been there a bunch. The last few times I’ve been there I’ve avoided anything other than appetizers, just been disappointed so many times.

Cedar Point hasn’t failed me but I did miss in the original post the bit about impressing someone. Cedar Point is a great place for a happy hour beer or two and a burger on a rainy weekday.


Little_Noodles t1_j51hl52 wrote

Yeah, I like the Riverwards a lot, but most of the nicer spots that you’d take someone that you wanted to impress don’t open til 4 or 5 and only do lunch on weekends.

There’s definitely SOME options, especially if they expand to the Riverwards in general, but I’d need to know more about what kind of Jersey they are. Suraya is probably the safest all around bet, so long as you can go W-F, unless they’re scared of food that they don’t eat at home.


FMG1978 t1_j51l6pf wrote

This entire thread is written in a language I don't understand. Who the hell are you people?


MisterED1963 t1_j51mt1b wrote

Luna Cafe in Olde Kensington because Fishtown is Overrated!


Little_Noodles t1_j51oy33 wrote

Yeah, I think Suraya would work for the latter, and maybe/probably the former, so long as they’re not the type to be scared of food they haven’t had before, or be pissy about the city being complicated and expensive.

There’s a certain type of South Jersey that would go to Suraya, bitch that nothing is “a regular sandwich” and they don’t want something because it has a word they don’t know in it or whatever, complain about “how much food” you can buy for that price back at their local strip mall, and have Opinions about the way Suraya does seating.

If that’s their brand of difficult, I’d go to Murph’s


Frontstunderel t1_j51pa6g wrote

Applebee’s on Aramingo Avenue. Impress to close the deal.


Character_Macaron133 t1_j51rwad wrote

The suggestions have all been valid, but you may need to check the times on half them and see if they even serve lunch


MikeDPhilly t1_j51wm0y wrote

Front Street Cafe, then Mulherin's (spelling?).


Little_Noodles t1_j51zpip wrote

Mulherins would be great, but they don’t do lunch on weekdays. Needing a weekday lunch spot definitely rules out a lot of the neighborhood favorites; even the ones that do weekday lunches are often only like, 3 days a week.


Little_Noodles t1_j522xs7 wrote

I’ve got family in both camps. When they’re together, I give up and go where I want because there’s no impressing both groups in my neighborhood during the weekday lunch hour, especially one that can also accommodate my household’s dietary restrictions. The closest we get to that is Martha, which is open for lunch on Friday and everyone is, at minimum, ok with.

But when they come separately, I pick very different spots. There’s a few places they all seem to genuinely like, but none are open for lunch during the weekday.


calebnf t1_j5231s0 wrote

“they keep talking shit about Philly”

Are they aware that they live in New Jersey?


Little_Noodles t1_j525obx wrote

Yeah, I’m a big fan of taking a day off work every now and then and treating myself to a solo lunch date with drinks, somewhere within walking or biking distance.

It’s a lot harder in the Riverwards than it used to be. A few places are an option if I pick the right day, but for the most part, my options are limited, especially now that Memphis Tap is leaving.


Past_Cartographer230 t1_j52b3h6 wrote

If they’re talking shit about philly you should take them to center city.


JesusOfBeer t1_j52f7d5 wrote

Keep that shit where they belong… Jersey


Little_Noodles t1_j52i3tj wrote

OP is going to have similar challenges in Northern Liberties, to be honest, though it would maybe add a few options. The weekday lunch scene in the Riverwards is pretty limited if you’re not just doing a grab and go kind of thing.

Front St might work. Depends what the nature of what the NJ folks’ issue with the city is.


MikeDPhilly t1_j52nmpi wrote

Yeah, I know. I used to live in Libs and used to get lunch at a number of coffee places, The Abbaye, Bourbon & Branch, Pizza Rustica and the Tap. Not sure how many are still doing lunch these days. And Jersey will always dump on Philly; it's just jealousy.


Little_Noodles t1_j52obpi wrote

Rustica and B&B do. The other two (which I prefer), don’t open til at least 4 on weekdays. Though for some reason, I think Rustica is take out/delivery only now. I don’t know why I think that though.


PhillyPanda t1_j52oe7r wrote

Pizza shackamaxon is an odd suggestion for a business lunch. There’s limited seating, it’s all outdoors which can be awkward for a longer lunch in winter, there’s no bar so you’d have to byob. Wouldn’t be my pick even though I like their pizza.


Toidal t1_j52oto3 wrote

The quote marks made me think of that one restaurant scene in Godfather


s-ponny t1_j52p2yu wrote

Martha. Very mellow lunch vibes compared to some of the other places listed and super deserving of your business!


Little_Noodles t1_j52prnl wrote

Depending on what variety of shit talking they do and kind of NJ they are, a casual lunch at La Colombe might work. They do have a small beer and cocktail menu, and the food is fine.

I don’t know that I’d consider it “impressive” like Suraya, but it is the kind of place that I’d appreciate if I was working nearby, so it’d be a good “show you around spot” for a more casual visit.


JesusOfBeer t1_j52w9gs wrote

It’s the 21st century, engaging in a “traditional business lunch” is not what these “futurist start-up bros” want … unless they’re liars. Pick up some Za, grab some 4 packs from Other-Half or a real local brewery, roll some joints and hang out by the delaware. That’s the most Fishtown thing that exists…


jesssongbird t1_j53bhq1 wrote

Loco Pez, Front Street Cafe, Martha, and Cedar Point would be my picks.


bullshtr t1_j53j0tg wrote

Goldies is casual but super good. Kalaya just opened and is beautiful.


kflan138 t1_j53jc18 wrote

Front Street Cafe AND Cedar Point both are generally underwhelming, IMHO. I’d honestly have opted for Soup Kitchen any day over them, even with how brutal the service was there. (RIP Soup Kitchen)

Middle Child is your answer if you’re in this area and need a solid place. Sucks that virtually nobody bothers opening for lunch, definitely a tough job finding a perfect restaurant before 4pm.

Keep in mind, if he’s from Collingswood, they do have a couple SOLID restaurants-Hearthside, Sagami, and Zeppoli to name a few, plus a ton of others that are pretty decent.


ActualAfternoon2535 t1_j53lcu6 wrote

Lunch scene is very bleak post Covid! And don’t get me started on coffee shops closing at 3…. (La colombe but it turns into Mommy & Me in PM).

Aside from what was already suggested, Johnny Brenda’s or Milk Crate give a hit of a hipster experience with good food too.

Nolibs: Anejo has a great lunch and good margs and while it’s an active construction zone, def gives a nod to all going on in the city. Cafe La Maude is also always a hit.

Could lean all in to the burbs fear and take him to cantina la Martina (no but honestly they’re amazing and everyone should go or order from there!!! And they have the best damn margs I’ve had in the city yet!)


memphisbelle t1_j564ehc wrote

Front Street is really not very good IMO. It felt like the food was from a 'gastropub' from the mid 2000's when it didn't matter how good it was, because the idea of it mattered more.

Cedar Point is fine, but I don't find it particularly good/interesting.

I generally default to Lloyd for that level of food, plus good cocktails.

Middle Child CLubhouse is where it's at, that place is the shit.


Cplcoffeebean t1_j568lny wrote

I’m a big fan of Lloyds. They have some fantastic cocktails and food at a reasonable price.

Front Street’s food doesn’t need to be great to get asses in seats. The location, inclusion of dietary alternatives, and the interior and exterior seating areas will do that by itself. I get why the food isn’t as good as it should be, but man is it way overpriced for what it is.