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t1_j6kzfj6 wrote

Not blaming the victim, just trying to educate others that you can protect yourself by wearing a helmet and having a light on your bike.


t1_j6kzti2 wrote

All good man. Hope your wheels are always on the right side of road. Stay safe.


t1_j6l36gs wrote

That is a good question. It may seem like they are being cold however, that is how research is done to see every aspect of this sad reality. How many were following traffic laws. I see a lot of bikes roll through red lights and stop signs. I rarely see any signaling. I understand it is a bike and it is not a motor vehicle. However, I’ve witnessed cars having to avoid cyclists not following basic traffic laws. And some with children on the bike. I never want to see anyone get hurt and we can all be better.


t1_j6lfmnx wrote

This isn't a question that's easily answered. Most intersections and traffic laws were not made with cyclists' safety in mind, nor were they made with any recognition of how bicycles operate. Sometimes these situations lead cyclists to cautiously break the law, and sometimes the law is simply ridiculous. For example, if there's debris in the bike lane and you exit the bike lane to avoid running over debris that can puncture your tires, any drivers behind you who hit you because they weren't paying attention to the bike lane or were speeding won't be held responsible. This sometimes leads cyclists to completely avoid bike lanes known to be full of trash.

That being said, most minorities are judged by the few, and cyclists are no exception. A group of engineers in Denmark studied traffic cameras in multiple cities around the world. They observed 106,000 cyclists, and only 5% broke the law. They actually found a higher percentage of drivers who broke the law. Of that 5%, only 1% recklessly broke the law. The other 4% were incidents like I described above.


t1_j6lh6ly wrote

Wait, did you just compare cyclists to minorities that have been oppressed for centuries in this country?


t1_j6lix7w wrote

Minorities refers to anyone in the minority in this instance. Most people in the US drive cars. Therefore, motorists are the majority. Only about 1% of Americans commute by bike. Therefore, bicyclists are the minority. Anytime you have a clear minority, it's easier for people in the majority category to judge the minority category by a few people. I'm not saying this is right. Of course ethnic minorities faced atrocities that a white cyclist never had to face. They're not comparable, and I wasn't comparing them. I was using minority in the strict sense of the word.


t1_j6lm74v wrote

Yeah, thats a lot of words that simmer down to “my foot is now officially in my mouth.”


t1_j6lnhnw wrote

The word minority is not synonymous with people of color. It literally means not the majority. Most Americans do not ride bikes, so cyclists are the minority.


t1_j6mqmg2 wrote

> I see a lot of bikes roll through red lights and stop signs. I rarely see any signaling.

Sad how you're getting downvoted for an absolute fact
