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_crapitalism t1_j4ae12s wrote

I don't mind the addicts as much as I do the teens. I feel bad for people with drug addiction. it's a medical problem that needs medical intervention, but our city has chosen to not give them that bc the safe injection site got nimbyed away. the teens however, are evil and terrifying. was on the trolley the other day and they were yelling the entire time, mostly insulting the appearance of other riders, and eventually throwing pennies and loose change at one old lady. you can't even really intervene bc the kids are so fucking insane they may just beat the shit out of you. there's no recognition of consequences for their actions. we so badly need to create activities for kids after school, bc the absence of those is creating a massively toxic culture.


afdc92 t1_j4bh1k9 wrote

Oh, the teens fucking terrify me. At the very least they’re a nuisance but there’s been more and more instances of them being extremely violent, like the group of kids who were like 14 and younger who beat an elderly man to death with a traffic cone and were filming it. It’s a dangerous combo of no impulse control, brains not fully developed, and parents who aren’t controlling their kids.