Submitted by sugr_magnolia t3_123nsqd
Submitted by snooloosey t3_123h9tr
New study finds that Philadelphia is the most sleep-deprived place in PA with 45% of the population receiving fewer than 7 hours of sleep per night
Submitted by JonesinJames t3_11zmlt3
Just found a tiny piece of history in an old family dresser.. Philadelphia Transit Company bus token.
Submitted by hashtag_n0 t3_121xccx
Submitted by APettyJ t3_11z45t3
Submitted by [deleted] t3_12330sr
Submitted by SouthPhilly_215 t3_1231c4i
Submitted by BenUrsa t3_11z76r6
Submitted by Style-Conscious t3_1211zv1
Submitted by radioactivecat t3_121k9ft
Submitted by MRichards18 t3_122xgjs
Submitted by andrewbt t3_11zj6se
Seen my fair share of street and window cats. Even have my own stoop cat. Never seen a hybrid like this before.
Submitted by gnartato t3_120saen
Submitted by Easy-Reading t3_11zh4gs
Submitted by Meandtheworld t3_1211rh6
Submitted by researching4worklurk t3_11wlq70