Recent comments in /f/philadelphia
atwork925 t1_jeg4ogs wrote
Reply to comment by TheFAPnetwork in Who has the best mashed potatoes? by LoveHorizon
Drop the recipe
[deleted] t1_jeg4cfe wrote
Reply to comment by DayJob93 in Analysis | Are Philadelphia and Boston really the most neighborly cities in America? by PhillyAccount
zippyzip12 t1_jeg48z8 wrote
Reply to comment by dotcom-jillionaire in Good thing ACME restocked just in time... by misterfox20
Wut lol
syndicatecomplex t1_jeg43gy wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Despite the King of Prussia Rail Line Jumping the Tracks, Schuylkill River Train Project Chugs On by RoughRhinos
Hopefully SEPTA can get better funding from the PA government some day. Dems getting control of the state House helps.
Trafficsigntruther t1_jeg42us wrote
Reply to comment by donttouchthirdrail in SEPTA Inks Contract to Make 3 Stations Fully Accessible – NBC10 Philadelphia by RoughRhinos
I meant not only transit agencies got the unfunded mandate. Everyone did.
omfglauren t1_jeg40c1 wrote
Reply to comment by jden816 in Analysis | Are Philadelphia and Boston really the most neighborly cities in America? by PhillyAccount
And have it change names twice for good measure
[deleted] t1_jeg3yvp wrote
[deleted] t1_jeg3xjq wrote
syndicatecomplex t1_jeg3u0d wrote
Reply to comment by Nanis149 in Despite the King of Prussia Rail Line Jumping the Tracks, Schuylkill River Train Project Chugs On by RoughRhinos
Yeah either Manayunk, Wissahickon, and/or North Broad would be a good connection point w/ North/NW Philly.
[deleted] t1_jeg3sxl wrote
donttouchthirdrail t1_jeg3ozp wrote
Reply to comment by Trafficsigntruther in SEPTA Inks Contract to Make 3 Stations Fully Accessible – NBC10 Philadelphia by RoughRhinos
It's important, but like it or not it stuck major agencies with billions in upgrades with no funding mechanism.
Badkevin t1_jeg3mql wrote
Reply to Idk what’s gotten into the PPA recently, but they’re kind of crushing it by RoverTheMonster
Don’t forget everyone, that you can text 911 give the information of the car that’s parked on a sidewalk and the cops will ticket.
duhduhman t1_jeg3b38 wrote
Reply to Police: Thieves stealing ATVS, dirt bikes, more from SE Pa. homes after items listed for sale on social media by AbsentEmpire
do the police do sting operations anymore??
PhillyAccount t1_jeg39wv wrote
Reply to Police: Thieves stealing ATVS, dirt bikes, more from SE Pa. homes after items listed for sale on social media by AbsentEmpire
The marauding packs are coming for you!!!!
avo_cado OP t1_jeg2vev wrote
Reply to comment by JBizznass in Hot take: bus rapid transit on the boulevard would be better than a subway by avo_cado
As long as you let the buses issue $500 tickets for blocking them
FGoose OP t1_jeg2tsm wrote
Reply to comment by PlankyTown777 in Red shoulder hawk portrait taken in NE Philly near airport by FGoose
'blue hour' is the period of time just after the sunset, around dusk when the sky takes on inky, indigo hues and before it becomes totally black.
Trafficsigntruther t1_jeg2flq wrote
Reply to comment by donttouchthirdrail in SEPTA Inks Contract to Make 3 Stations Fully Accessible – NBC10 Philadelphia by RoughRhinos
It wasn’t just foisted upon transit agencies though.
Capkirk0923 t1_jeg2d73 wrote
Reply to comment by peteypete420 in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
But I have Personal Choice! Do you have any idea how much rent I pay to live on top of this CVS!?
Trafficsigntruther t1_jeg2ays wrote
Reply to comment by Georgiaonmymind2017 in SEPTA Inks Contract to Make 3 Stations Fully Accessible – NBC10 Philadelphia by RoughRhinos
Because private companies were given the option to comply with the ADA.
JBizznass t1_jeg29as wrote
Absolutely. Make a dedicate protected lane and run buses every 10 minutes. Spend the extra money building better pedestrian infrastructure to get to the busses. Maybe pedestrian bridges over the road at the busiest intersections.
PointB1ank t1_jeg26e5 wrote
Reply to comment by mbash013 in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
I was arguing with someone online this week that was saying we would be safer if 100% of society carried guns. I tried to explain how a lot of the altercations that happen daily- arguments, fights, road rage- would be escalated into gun violence if that happened. They weren't really understanding the concept, or even trying to tbh.
signedpants t1_jeg1zj5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Airbnb is alerting hosts about subpoenas from the City of Philadelphia by Meatfrom1stgrade
So enforce laws on citizens but Comcast is allowed to break an unlimited amount of laws?
UndercoverPhilly t1_jeg1s8x wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Because before the pandemic there were more affordable (I don't mean "projects" or low income) options in the area, apartments from $1000-1500. These have all but disappeared because rent increases have accelerated exponentially even in "old" buildings.
Kronos_1976 t1_jeg1mt6 wrote
This kind of love never would have happened under Joe Banner. So glad he’s gone.
[deleted] t1_jeg4oqq wrote
Reply to comment by EatUrHeart0ut in Analysis | Are Philadelphia and Boston really the most neighborly cities in America? by PhillyAccount