Recent comments in /f/philadelphia

rossdowdell t1_jeg825s wrote

It is gonna be a crackpipe before too long.

One of the most terrifying conversations I had in the last few years was with a police recruiter a few months back. You have no idea how talentless the PPD is going to be when the next wave of pensioners retires.

So many in here love to take shots at the PPD. OK. Many they deserve it, but when you see what passes for a Philly cop in a few short years, you will move to Wyoming---and then vote the same way that caused you to leave Philly.

Fat, dumb, old cops are the future of this city. I hope I am wrong, but I ain't.


TheBSQ t1_jeg7tfv wrote

Personally, when I hear “lawlessness” I don’t take it to mean that it’s thunder dome all over.

I think if it more in the sense of “are laws being enforced?”

And, like, sure it’s not like no laws are being enforced but enforcement is pretty darn minimal.

I live here, I go about my day, and I’m not particularly concerned about my personal safety, but are the cops gonna do anything to help my friend whose car got stolen? Nope. How about anything about the blatant drug dealing that’s been happening on the corner for years? Also nope. The smoking and drug use on the El? Nope. Has the person who car jacked my neighbor been caught? Nope. Have they arrested anyone for a majority of the homicides? Nope.

So like, do I expect to get shot or robbed or whatever when I take my family out for dinner tonight on a patio?

No, not really. It’s not non-stop murder out there (although matching the homicide rate if Cartagena, Colombia isn’t really a source of civic pride either.)

But…we all know that a ton of laws are not being enforced, and I don’t think “lawlessness” is that terribly of a word choice to express this situation of widespread non-enforcement of laws, even if it’s not total chaos and mayhem out on the streets.


Nanis149 t1_jeg70db wrote

actually, wait, I can give a list of stops I'd like to see on a Philadelphia to Reading service:

30th St, North Philadelphia (if it gets rebuilt, maybe? otherwise, no), Manayunk, Norristown, King of Prussia, Valley Forge, Phoenixville, Royersford, Pottstown, Birdsboro, Reading. It'd also be nice if it continued past that to Pottsville via Temple, Leesport, Shoemakersville, Hamburg, Port Clinton, Auburn, Schuylkill Haven, and Pottsville. Though I think that would be a bit of an ask of it, to be honest


syndicatecomplex t1_jeg4qn0 wrote

Buses just get stuck in traffic all day and I feel like there's not enough political will to convert one of the many lanes to a BRT lane.

The subway won't really affect current drivers in any way other than construction and pedestrians, so imo it should be the priority. It won't even be that expensive to get up and running either especially since it would be an extension of the BSL.