Recent comments in /f/philadelphia

Jabroni_Guy t1_jega0fq wrote

I think it’s more likely the Fed’s told SEPTA they would support one but not both of these projects because it doesn’t make sense to do both. Who’s gonna take the KOP rail and transfer at 69th St when you could just take a one-seat ride into center city from Phoenixville or Valley Forge? Ideally they’d find a way to have this serve KOP properly, that’s the most sensible thing IMO.


DeltaNerd t1_jeg9te8 wrote

The cheaper part is a bit of a stretch. It's cheap sure but not by much. Good luck finding more bus operators. Metro skips all of those problems of traffic and waiting at traffic lights. The Boulevard will have buses on them regardless if the the subway is built. I very much disagree with this. A bus can move 60-80 people on a long bus while a metro can move 300+ plus.


this_shit t1_jeg9t3c wrote

By all means a great development. Even the RCO (CCRA) is on board:

>The agreement with CCRA included tweaks to the design, planting of mature street trees, and promises of planters around the new CVS entryway.

>CCRA also asked Goodman Properties to attempt to improve traffic flow. Currently, 19th Street is often congested by trucks delivering bulk goods to CVS. The developer has agreed to limit the size of trucks allowed to make deliveries on 19th and to provide a space in the underground parking garage for those deliveries.

It's crazy how all the RCO is asking for is to do things the city government should be doing but won't. Trees? Can't have those, cost too much to maintain and you'd have to lose some parking if you want to fit them into CC... Loading zones? Can't have those, need to preserve the parking...


215illmatic t1_jeg97og wrote

Nobody tell this guy the rental vacancy rate in the city is still ~2.6% even with the insane amount of rental development going on.

“Tons” of vacant units just isn’t the case. Your point about diminishing middle income housing is absolutely true but this is a luxury apartment building essentially in Rittenhouse so not sure what anyone thought would be going there.


rossdowdell t1_jeg918m wrote

It does not matter what the cause is, buses are too slow.

A great thing the city did was make Chestnut a bus-delivery avenue in CC. Traffic flowed. Buses were on time.

The fantasyland where one day cars will be smote from the Earth is never happening. You either make byways that are buses only, find a way to make light rail applicable in urban areas or drive a car.