Recent comments in /f/philadelphia
AngryUncleTony t1_jegdxnd wrote
Reply to comment by karenmcgrane in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
I used to work at 21st and Market and it really is a sort of deadzone. There's the trolly station there but it's faster just to walk to city hall or 30th street
NotUnstoned t1_jegdvih wrote
Reply to comment by UndercoverPhilly in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
The price of everything has gone up since the pandemic. Not just housing. My last 4 rentals in the last 6 years were all within the range you specify, including the house I currently live in. If you don’t expect a new construction with a ton of amenities, you can find it.
HistoricalSubject t1_jegdroh wrote
Reply to Ice cream truck by krizzqy
about 10 years ago, there was one in my neighborhood whose jingle thing broke, so they had to replace it, and the one they got played "silent night". weird man. i guess those things are hard to find for old ice cream trucks. you just gotta make do with the jingles they have, you know?
In_Search_Of_Gainz t1_jegdl97 wrote
Reply to comment by NotUnstoned in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Thanks, it’s not often I get to be a voice of reason. Wanna picket outside of liberty2 with me about not being able to afford a penthouse?
DonovanMcLoughlin t1_jegdi1h wrote
Aren't cars typically parked/slowly driving in those lanes?
NotUnstoned t1_jegdgzr wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
The city needs to give developers an incentive to build there. Nobody is going to spend millions on a development that won’t turn a profit for the next 30 years.
RexxAppeal t1_jegdgjr wrote
BRT is a bait and switch. It promises rapid transit benefits at bus prices, but at best you spend just as much as light rail to get a system permanently hobbled by bus shortcomings, or you get "BRT creep" and nothing but a different paint job on some bendy buses.
It's a great solution in countries with low labor and land costs where all rail infra would be imported. But it's never lived up to promises in a wealthy nation. We already have the Boulevard Direct bus, its better than before, but it's not enough to transform the Northeast like a subway would.
Spelt666 t1_jegdcwe wrote
Reply to Idk what’s gotten into the PPA recently, but they’re kind of crushing it by RoverTheMonster
Just have to be very specific on the cross streets and then tell them what street and if north, south, east, or west on the block. If clear and direct they come out fast
NotUnstoned t1_jegd9gn wrote
Reply to comment by hguess_printing in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Do you know 1000 young people, period? I know plenty of couples and a few individuals (all mid 20s- early 30s) who could afford that rent.
The people that can afford it will, and they will leave the lower priced options available for others who can’t.
[deleted] t1_jegd0ed wrote
Reply to comment by TooManyDraculas in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
[deleted] t1_jegcvoh wrote
Reply to Idk what’s gotten into the PPA recently, but they’re kind of crushing it by RoverTheMonster
NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_jegcthf wrote
Counterpoint: a sweet ass monorail would be better than both even though it would be super expensive.
[deleted] t1_jegckok wrote
Reply to two more SEPTA hot takes by DelcoWolv
NotUnstoned t1_jegcdzq wrote
Reply to comment by In_Search_Of_Gainz in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Thanks for actually being rational and making sense. I see too many arguments made that housing should be affordable when it’s being built in high-demand areas of the city. If these developers were required to rent out units for $500 a month, they would simply not build it.
[deleted] t1_jegcbyh wrote
comicnerd93 t1_jegc95h wrote
While I agree with this I don't think it will happen. While I think the boulevard is over capacity and reducing a lane in either direction for a BRT lane would be great I doubt people who drive it every day (I dont) would most likely fight the road diet tooth and nail.
Dashists22 t1_jegc5bq wrote
Reply to comment by Edison_Ruggles in Idk what’s gotten into the PPA recently, but they’re kind of crushing it by RoverTheMonster
PA State Police.
syndicatecomplex t1_jegc3e5 wrote
Reply to comment by Nanis149 in Despite the King of Prussia Rail Line Jumping the Tracks, Schuylkill River Train Project Chugs On by RoughRhinos
I'd honestly prefer it if they gave certain places more than one stop. Pottstown could probably get two, and Reading alone could have 2-3 while the surrounding suburbs could get probably 2-3 more.
Past the Reading area not sure how worth it would be honestly.
karenmcgrane t1_jegbrxo wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Center City West needs more transit. MFL should stop at 19th or 22nd. I hope the Septa bus planning takes into account an influx of new residents to the area.
syndicatecomplex t1_jegbiyg wrote
Reply to comment by nalgene_wilder in Hot take: bus rapid transit on the boulevard would be better than a subway by avo_cado
For a city with a GDP of ~$500 billion, a project like this which would have returns basically immediately would be worth it I think.
[deleted] t1_jegbadq wrote
Reply to comment by double_oh_evan in Hot take: bus rapid transit on the boulevard would be better than a subway by avo_cado
[deleted] t1_jegazln wrote
TheAdamist t1_jegap96 wrote
Sandra bullock in speed on the boulevard no less than 100 to keep up with traffic.
Tuck and roll when you exit!
krizzqy OP t1_jegafax wrote
Reply to comment by typeytypetype in Ice cream truck by krizzqy
I honestly cannot take it! Can they limit it to once every 15 min?? Haha
zjheyyy88 OP t1_jege0e2 wrote
Reply to Transferring septa funds by zjheyyy88
Thank you everyone!