Recent comments in /f/philadelphia

internet_cousin t1_jegh0wi wrote

Yr getting down voted by ppl who i am sure consider it assault to be looked at by some who they think is poor, i can only assume.

Septa is in a sad state, lotta inequality and hopelessness and drug use in this city, too many guns, but i feel like there has been a serious uptick in paranoia fed by citizens app type shit in recent years and it is doing very serious damage to the social fabric....anyways, always happy to see people pointing that out. Cheers.


ITcurmudgeon t1_jegg9je wrote

She owns a triplex, lives in one and rents the other two out as a short term Airbnb rental.

Renting out your home when you're out on vacation or travelling for work? Not a business. Renting out something you own that you bought strictly to rent out and make money off of? Sure as shit sounds like a business to me.


calvinistgrindcore t1_jegfzd8 wrote

Totally agree, especially because congestion along City Ave is nightmarish, and there's just no reason for the number of single-occupant cars on that stretch. I'd also like it if lines like the G (or even the 10) had some stops on the suburban side of City Ave.


RagBalls t1_jegfdgj wrote

Something like that isn’t totally out of the picture but I agree that there should be more frequent service for neighborhoods outside center city in the regional rail in place of something like the BSL