Recent comments in /f/philadelphia

erdtirdmans t1_jegjtc2 wrote

> It's crazy how all the RCO is asking for is to do things the city government should be doing but won't. Trees? Can't have those, cost too much to maintain and you'd have to lose some parking if you want to fit them into CC... Loading zones? Can't have those, need to preserve the parking...

SO MUCH THIS. I'd be down with doing city planning and beautification this way. In fact, it's my preferred method. But I prefer it because it accomplishes wider development goals with the minimal impact on property rights and minimizes costs to the taxpayer... Which obviously isn't the case here since we already have god damn wage taxes, sugar taxes, sales taxes. Like damn you'd hope with all that money coming in you could plant s fucking tree!

I felt very seen in your second paragraph. Jesus Christ this city. Anyway, this building looks dope and I'm excited


MxEmDarcy t1_jegjbkw wrote

It depends on the zoning. You can air bnb with: A residential zone and limited lodging provided you still have the home registered as your primary. If it is not your primary, you need a visitor accommodations zoning and a rental licence.

Residential and rental is for long term rentals (over 30 days at a time)


MxEmDarcy t1_jegiywp wrote

This is correct. I am having some confusion around this as originally I lived in the unit, but I bought a new home after and got a rental licence for my unit, however EVEN after I asked, I was not told new zoning was needed. I had a limited lodging licence, then switched to a rental but the zoning wasn't changed as it wasn't mentioned when I asked L&I what was it they needed 🤦🏻‍♀️


jmajek t1_jeghy1r wrote

>Give wealthier people more places to live in CC West and they'll be in less of a rush to gentrify neighborhoods that are currently affordable.

Excited for the building but is this really true? I'm seeing $3-7k for luxury 2 bedroom rentals in the area.

I would def choose to buy then pay that price. Also, if someone has that kind of budget I doubt they are looking in Grays Ferry, Cobbs Creek and etc


UndercoverPhilly t1_jeghrzc wrote

Please. If you are going to argue that there is no gentrification in Philadelphia, then let's just stop here. It's not just inflation when it comes to real estate. I've been here since 2006 and it doesn't even look like the same city--that's a good thing but on the other hand one can't claim all that was inflation.


PhillyAccount t1_jeghdpg wrote

Reply to Ice cream truck by krizzqy

Last year at Porch Fest it was posted up right outside of one of the bigger "venues" blasting that cursed song while a poor band was trying to play