Recent comments in /f/philadelphia
RustedRelics t1_jegm14b wrote
Reply to comment by sluman001 in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
I don’t think I’ve ever seen rents decrease due to increased housing supply/development — either here or in NYC before moving here. I’m all for more housing in Philly, but it’s not going to bring rents down.
scotto52 t1_jeglzfd wrote
Reply to comment by ChemicalCollection55 in Doing construction work without a permit by gut46
Maureen Ponderosa???
erdtirdmans t1_jeglrdi wrote
Reply to comment by UndercoverPhilly in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
People love saying "gentrification" like it's the boogeyman and leaving it at that 😪
Gentrify me, baby. I want that sweet sweet tax base and demand for more density and development so we can someday get back to having public transit where people aren't raped and sitting next to crackheads
UndercoverPhilly t1_jeglb0h wrote
Reply to comment by jmajek in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
When that Atlantic Building first renovated and opened a few years ago their 1 bedrooms were $1999. So they are now at $2795 for a 1 bedroom, just to show how they keep increasing. I'm not saying that anything in there should be under $2000, just that they will keep raising rent to keep up with new buildings starting at $2500.
People who lived in that 1500 Locust building were paying $1800 a year ago for a 1 bedroom and now they start at $2450. I've heard of people who had to move out of there and find somewhere cheaper.
OnionLegend t1_jegl7q7 wrote
Reply to comment by Slobotic in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
What do you like about the design? I think it’s kinda boring.
[deleted] t1_jegl2sm wrote
In_Search_Of_Gainz t1_jegl02e wrote
Reply to comment by UndercoverPhilly in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Pretty obvious they were just throwing out an random absurdly low rent figure to make a point. I guess not too too obvious tho…
Zweihander01 t1_jegkytl wrote
Reply to comment by avo_cado in Hot take: bus rapid transit on the boulevard would be better than a subway by avo_cado
better idea: bazookas
[deleted] t1_jegkwsy wrote
Reply to comment by rossdowdell in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
erdtirdmans t1_jegkuf7 wrote
Reply to comment by amor_fatty in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
The culture one is a legit complaint, but I'm okay with giving up Center City to the New Yorkers
[deleted] t1_jegktyr wrote
WhyNotKenGaburo t1_jegkoef wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
I can't speak for DC, but this stuff doesn't happen nearly as frequently in NYC. It's a city of nearly 9 million people, so obviously things are going to happen on occasion, but it isn't a daily or even monthly occurrence.
I never felt unsafe riding the subway in the 2+ decades I lived in NYC. And I rode it through the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens regularly at all hours of the day and night. Sure there were times when my radar went up a bit, but that was infrequently. I do feel unsafe here though, and won't take the subway after rush hour in the evening. I worry about my wife taking it alone in the middle of the day, which I never did in NYC.
As the saying goes: The first step to solving a problem is recognizing that there is one. Obviously Philly has problems that need to be addressed. Shrugging our collective shoulders and saying "mehp, it happens other places too" just diminishes the severity of the problems that Philly faces.
RoughRhinos t1_jegkmo4 wrote
Reply to comment by sexi_squidward in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Guessing trying to push you out so Drexel students move in :(
erdtirdmans t1_jegkm85 wrote
Reply to comment by this_shit in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
"We can order it, but the delivery guy hates coming here because we buried the loading dock at a terrible angle in the parking garage so sometimes our shit just doesn't get here"
erdtirdmans t1_jegkfff wrote
Reply to comment by In_Search_Of_Gainz in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
You two. I fucks with yous. 🤣
Dashists22 t1_jegke3u wrote
Reply to Analysis | Are Philadelphia and Boston really the most neighborly cities in America? by PhillyAccount
I know all of my Philly neighbors. For the 7 years I lived in the Doylestown area, I didn’t know any of our neighbors. And I would go as far as saying that our neighbors were actively hostile towards each other.
[deleted] t1_jegkdtd wrote
Reply to comment by kilometr in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
OnionLegend t1_jegkcrj wrote
Reply to comment by kilometr in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
If the cops look good, wouldn’t recruitment rates go up? Or is that not appealing to people anymore?
[deleted] t1_jegkb18 wrote
Reply to Ice cream truck by krizzqy
sexi_squidward t1_jegkak1 wrote
Reply to comment by RoughRhinos in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
You would think but I'm 36.
TheCardiganKing t1_jegk98a wrote
Reply to comment by Buddyschmuck in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
I lived on N. 49th for almost 10 years up until a few years ago and I always took 46th St. Station. 52nd is much, much better than the open air drug market that it used to be, way less crowds now, but it can still be sketchy at times.
OnionLegend t1_jegk4yl wrote
Reply to comment by mbash013 in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
Punching someone who might have a gun is risky. They’d rather shoot them first.
Georgiaonmymind2017 t1_jegjyv6 wrote
Reply to comment by feeked in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
OnionLegend t1_jegjxk6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
Hey, me too!
UndercoverPhilly t1_jegm1gw wrote
Reply to comment by erdtirdmans in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
The people who are going to pay $3000 a month to live in these apartments, or those buying one for 3 million plus on the square aren't ever going to take the MFL. If they don't have their own car, they will uber if they have to go somewhere they can't walk to. The city couldn't care less what those that have to take the MFL have to contend with otherwise it wouldn't be like that now. They pocket our tax money so it's just going to be more that doesn't go into city improvements and expenses.