Recent comments in /f/philadelphia

UndercoverPhilly t1_jegm1gw wrote

The people who are going to pay $3000 a month to live in these apartments, or those buying one for 3 million plus on the square aren't ever going to take the MFL. If they don't have their own car, they will uber if they have to go somewhere they can't walk to. The city couldn't care less what those that have to take the MFL have to contend with otherwise it wouldn't be like that now. They pocket our tax money so it's just going to be more that doesn't go into city improvements and expenses.


UndercoverPhilly t1_jeglb0h wrote

When that Atlantic Building first renovated and opened a few years ago their 1 bedrooms were $1999. So they are now at $2795 for a 1 bedroom, just to show how they keep increasing. I'm not saying that anything in there should be under $2000, just that they will keep raising rent to keep up with new buildings starting at $2500.

People who lived in that 1500 Locust building were paying $1800 a year ago for a 1 bedroom and now they start at $2450. I've heard of people who had to move out of there and find somewhere cheaper.


WhyNotKenGaburo t1_jegkoef wrote

I can't speak for DC, but this stuff doesn't happen nearly as frequently in NYC. It's a city of nearly 9 million people, so obviously things are going to happen on occasion, but it isn't a daily or even monthly occurrence.

I never felt unsafe riding the subway in the 2+ decades I lived in NYC. And I rode it through the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens regularly at all hours of the day and night. Sure there were times when my radar went up a bit, but that was infrequently. I do feel unsafe here though, and won't take the subway after rush hour in the evening. I worry about my wife taking it alone in the middle of the day, which I never did in NYC.

As the saying goes: The first step to solving a problem is recognizing that there is one. Obviously Philly has problems that need to be addressed. Shrugging our collective shoulders and saying "mehp, it happens other places too" just diminishes the severity of the problems that Philly faces.