Recent comments in /f/philadelphia

HistoricalSubject t1_jego2fv wrote

because of the cars you mean? i have to bike through the badlands of north philly almost everyday, twice a day. i'd say i feel more danger from cars than from some sort of random attack or shooting (and i have been doing this commute for 9 years). i would also be more trapped in an El car than on a bike if i was in the proximity of an emerging dangerous situation, and i don't think that would make me feel safer.


erdtirdmans t1_jego17x wrote

Aight that's fair enough but then we're just black pilled with no way to pull out of the tailspin without somehow divesting from municipal government, which almost never happens. I still have hope that if we get people into the city that care about government working and demand something from it, we can turn it around


Dashists22 t1_jegn7mh wrote

Reply to Ice cream truck by krizzqy

Dude used to post up outside my house for over an hour some nights, song playing away. I met the entire neighborhood that way. I miss it, my current block he never comes.


thefrozendivide t1_jegn6q8 wrote

Unbelievable to me. They're a detriment to the city, proven to be corrupt as fuck year-over-year, punish responsible people who need to leave their cars places when they're out drinking or something, take parking away from purely residential areas where they don't belong at all... they're scum. And the people deepthroating this abusive, backwards, harmful organization truly baffle me.