Recent comments in /f/philadelphia
kevlarbaboon t1_jegoyfd wrote
Reply to comment by ajl009 in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
I don't see how that's possible? Plenty of houses in South Philly that would fit your range I'd assume but hey, everyone has different standards
[deleted] t1_jegoxeg wrote
Reply to comment by ParallelPeterParker in Jersey suburb recommendations? by you_stand_corrected
peteypete420 t1_jegorrc wrote
Reply to comment by Capkirk0923 in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Where you also a pharm tech for CVS? I've had very similar responses from people.
Don't get me wrong, ima be professional and do my job even if you act like a dick, but what a way to try to garner sympathy from someone at work. "bUT Ma moNiEs!"
UndercoverPhilly t1_jegom6y wrote
Reply to comment by erdtirdmans in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Ok. I'll accept that. Hopefully that would happen.
DelcoWolv OP t1_jegojug wrote
Reply to comment by apathetic_panda in two more SEPTA hot takes by DelcoWolv
The cynwyd line comes a few times a DAY, not a few times per hour.
[deleted] t1_jegoevg wrote
Reply to comment by JBizznass in Hot take: bus rapid transit on the boulevard would be better than a subway by avo_cado
MacMac105 t1_jego2l7 wrote
Reply to comment by illy-chan in Airbnb is alerting hosts about subpoenas from the City of Philadelphia by Meatfrom1stgrade
She may not be buying up all property to rent out, but AirBnB is, and she works for them.
HistoricalSubject t1_jego2fv wrote
Reply to comment by Shrewlord in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
because of the cars you mean? i have to bike through the badlands of north philly almost everyday, twice a day. i'd say i feel more danger from cars than from some sort of random attack or shooting (and i have been doing this commute for 9 years). i would also be more trapped in an El car than on a bike if i was in the proximity of an emerging dangerous situation, and i don't think that would make me feel safer.
erdtirdmans t1_jego17x wrote
Reply to comment by UndercoverPhilly in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Aight that's fair enough but then we're just black pilled with no way to pull out of the tailspin without somehow divesting from municipal government, which almost never happens. I still have hope that if we get people into the city that care about government working and demand something from it, we can turn it around
[deleted] t1_jegnv9a wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
ZacharyTaylorForPres t1_jegnnoe wrote
Reply to comment by dorkfall in Despite the King of Prussia Rail Line Jumping the Tracks, Schuylkill River Train Project Chugs On by RoughRhinos
As a resident of Phoenixville, I'd love to be able to hop on the train to some other towns without a drive.
h8itorloveit t1_jegnn67 wrote
Too many traffic lights.
RustedRelics t1_jegnm62 wrote
Reply to comment by xander_man in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
Precisely. And Philly is not one of those markets. (Neither are the other large coastal cities and Chicago)
joenottoast t1_jegndot wrote
Reply to Police: Thieves stealing ATVS, dirt bikes, more from SE Pa. homes after items listed for sale on social media by AbsentEmpire
no, no, these atv and dirtbike riding groups are incredibly friendly and they are just kids. who cares if they do incredibly dangerous things that could harm themselves or others? we were all kids once!
[deleted] t1_jegn97i wrote
Reply to comment by babywithahugedick in Person shot on SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line in West Philadelphia by WestPhillyFilly
Dashists22 t1_jegn7mh wrote
Reply to Ice cream truck by krizzqy
Dude used to post up outside my house for over an hour some nights, song playing away. I met the entire neighborhood that way. I miss it, my current block he never comes.
thefrozendivide t1_jegn6q8 wrote
Reply to comment by philthadelphia2458 in Idk what’s gotten into the PPA recently, but they’re kind of crushing it by RoverTheMonster
Unbelievable to me. They're a detriment to the city, proven to be corrupt as fuck year-over-year, punish responsible people who need to leave their cars places when they're out drinking or something, take parking away from purely residential areas where they don't belong at all... they're scum. And the people deepthroating this abusive, backwards, harmful organization truly baffle me.
UndercoverPhilly t1_jegn4pe wrote
Reply to comment by erdtirdmans in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
No, I've lived here for 15 years and the city government is corrupt. Everyone knows this. If it weren't then yes, increasing what the city collects would help. But the money won't go where it should to help.
[deleted] t1_jegn0dp wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in [Inquirer] Census data shows Philadelphia population drop in 2022 by _crapitalism
[deleted] t1_jegmsgx wrote
Reply to comment by EatUrHeart0ut in Analysis | Are Philadelphia and Boston really the most neighborly cities in America? by PhillyAccount
GreenAnder t1_jegmn6u wrote
Reply to comment by mynameisntjeffrey in Analysis | Are Philadelphia and Boston really the most neighborly cities in America? by PhillyAccount
Yeah the people here are just going to yell at someone being a prick. I feel like our rep is mostly from entitled jerks who aren’t used to being told to fuck off.
xander_man t1_jegmki7 wrote
Reply to comment by RustedRelics in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
If building would reduce rent they wouldn't do it. They're doing it because rents are going up anyway.
If they overbuild, they would end up staying the same or going down a little in some markets or segments.
erdtirdmans t1_jegmggm wrote
Reply to comment by UndercoverPhilly in 47-story apartment building is planned above CVS store at 19th and Chestnut by ColdJay64
It's almost like i mentioned a tax base and you just went with whatever you decided you read
derrtydiamond t1_jegmf9s wrote
Reply to comment by Thndrcougarfalcnbird in Ice cream truck by krizzqy
Fuckin right!
[deleted] t1_jegp3lm wrote
Reply to Idk what’s gotten into the PPA recently, but they’re kind of crushing it by RoverTheMonster