Submitted by hiding_in_the_corner t3_120tkke
Submitted by Crumb-Free t3_11iglr9
Submitted by utpxxx1960 t3_10onnxo
Submitted by PettyAndretti t3_11phpl5
Submitted by ColdJay64 t3_10q5g1e
Submitted by TTP8630 t3_10ol7rv
Submitted by FGoose t3_11wg7zn
Submitted by phillycheeez t3_126uoag
Submitted by derstherower t3_ybvavm
Submitted by WestPhillyFilly t3_127lbil
Submitted by GrandpaSquarepants t3_126ku6h
Submitted by malcolmfairmount t3_11xnkdj
Shoutout to Parkway Corner for being one of the last bastions of a quality Italian hoagie in my rotation
Submitted by sakamake t3_105dna1
Submitted by forgottentaco420 t3_11wjfy5
Submitted by Trev_Takes_Photos t3_ztj3og
Submitted by Sunset_Bleu t3_11zydr1
Submitted by meateatr t3_zw7y6o
Submitted by ModestAugustine t3_10jsaoj
Submitted by mburn14 t3_zhr2fr