Lost since being auctioned off in the late 1920s..... I have been commissioned to handle this ORIGINAL Frank Hamilton Taylor, watercolor of Tun Tavern, along with more than 70 other lost Taylor originals!
Submitted by johnsinternetsales t3_z3kl9p
Submitted by MagnusUnda t3_10q3vax
Submitted by uptown_gargoyle t3_117aeoh
Submitted by tinsinpindelton t3_10wgrdl
Submitted by eggjacket t3_10omq0e
Submitted by Jolly-Cheek5779 t3_z1dnc5
Submitted by Fragrant_Joke_7115 t3_11315jc
Submitted by IvanaSeymourButts t3_10oxkqc
Submitted by CheeseburgerLover911 t3_10pkt40
Submitted by Loot_my_body t3_126qu31
Submitted by Nizzzlle t3_110rzlv
Submitted by jargito t3_zcgtm6
Submitted by XiDa1125 t3_100vi9t
I like to think that whoever makes the signage on the El is a fan of French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre
Submitted by justneedausernamepls t3_10p5kj2
Submitted by jengibredia t3_10btrux
Submitted by 0716718227 t3_11jw434