Submitted by HelloEverybody94 t3_10ukgrk
Submitted by RoverTheMonster t3_115irse
Submitted by z7q2 t3_10ua801
Submitted by LurkersWillLurk t3_zzz06n
Submitted by mrpeaceNunity t3_113yt7s
Submitted by Quake-And-Bake t3_ybis04
Submitted by phillybeardo t3_122isjn
Submitted by just_start_doing_it t3_108crpy
Submitted by ScottishCalvin t3_z90gz5
Submitted by Saint_2022 t3_1260wu2
Submitted by RumHam2024 t3_10cyhsc
Submitted by peetahvw t3_z7zdvb
Submitted by LP788 t3_116v73q
As I read random Shakespeare selections in Old English before sleep, the name of a familiar town caught mine eye
Submitted by K3R3G3 t3_zslrum
Submitted by worriedaboutlove t3_119phph
Submitted by TreeMac12 t3_zk41tx
Submitted by redeyeblink t3_10mk4e8
Submitted by g0blinslayer t3_z335sm
Submitted by thecw t3_123n6ts
Submitted by diatriose t3_104xfwe