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uqasa t1_j7l1x0r wrote

The only thing i dont like about stoicism os the brand itself.

When u have an " emperor" being one of the biggest examples, predicating good healthy lifestyles, and then said emperor, then decides to be fed and bathed by slaves, to me he is just a hypocrite. He could have changed the outcome, specially as a "loved and revered" emperor. But decided to act passively when he had control, he did not wanted to lose their standing and privileges, instead of pushing society forward like a good emperor,he was a weak willed douche, whose son rekt his legacy. So much for the stoics huh?

Choosing to be a lesser version of himself, Marcus a pussy.


Fishermans_Worf t1_j7lt5ct wrote

>When u have an " emperor" being one of the biggest examples,

The other biggest example? A slave.


uqasa t1_j7mco74 wrote

Yeah, and one having actual say in the matter, but choosing to do nothing about it seems weak.

Like half-assing buddhism.

What was the top comment again? Oh right, something along the lines of doing the best within control or capabilities idk?