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grauskala t1_j7rv1nz wrote

So progressives in power are conservatives?


Sgt-Hartman t1_j7s8say wrote

There is such a thing as intolerance of the intolerant. I believe George Orwell talked about how that’s necessary.


grauskala t1_j7tv10r wrote

Is that a defining feature of contemporary progressives vis-a-vis conservatives though?


HoneydewInMyAss t1_j7v1gok wrote

Lol, you're circling around your own semantics.

Sorry, you're just wrong, no matter how often you repeat yourself. No matter how many buzzwords you throw in there.


HoneydewInMyAss t1_j7v1dgr wrote

Considering progressives seek to eliminate existing power structures, your comment fundamentally makes no sense
