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frnzprf t1_j99z8hk wrote

> The same works for the question of whether you do what you do due to your soul's desire or due to neurons firing - both are true, but work on different levels.

Even if someone knows nothing about neurons, they could argue that free will doesn't exist, because it determined either by randomness or by reasons. "I choose strawberry icecream because I like the flavor. I like the flavor because I'm born that way, or maybe because my mother fed them to me as a baby." (nature/nurture)

> Since the freedom worth talking about is the one that affects our lived experience, the only constraints that matter are those we actively feel, or know about.

This is a good idea that I haven't thought about before! We say that a glass is empty, even though there is air inside it. Language is practical. There is probably a practical distincion between some causes of will (or actions?) and others.